::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Those who frequent the Peltarch fighter's academy notice one of the combat dummies has finally broken down from heavy use

  • Rumor also has it that the battered, bleeding (And oddly enough, chuckling) bunch of adventurers were then bandaged later on in the commons, and followed up with a meal at the Mermaid Inn. Many folks claim they spotted the group of four working one various maps, or perhaps documents of some kind while they ate their meal in the private room of the Mermaid Inn. Some say they overheard the dark haired rogue grin to his companions, saying something along the lines of

    "Giving it another try."

  • _A strange sight indeed; at high noon beside the western gates four horribly battered and bloodied individuals were seen beside the fountain. A slightly vexed red-haired lass looked on as her three companions bled merrily. Two of them, a human and a half-elf sat with their backs to the fountain whilst the fourth knelt with his head under the water, burbling quietly.

    A little farther west, just inside the outer gates lay a score of kobold corpses._

  • The young paladin Mariston Thel, is seen speaking with the masons, carpenters and others of skilled trade within the city. Work begins west of the city.
    Teams of builders clearing and reconstructing the ruined tower that stands upon the western hill. Often seen with the workers Mariston speaks words of encouragement and seeks to aid in guarding and healing the workers. The young knight seeming very happy with the work.
    After a time the tower takes shape and its presence can be seen upon the western sky line, its outline silhouetted by the setting sun.
    The work continues..

  • After being missing for nigh on two tendays, Ocean finally emerges from the Bardic College, still looking pale and drawn from whatever it is she has been recovering from. When asked she dismisses the question in a quiet voice and turns back to reading her songbook. She seems to be paying special attention to on of the earlier songs and eventually takes quill and ink and moves to write on the first blank page of the book.

    She spends her time for several more days going no further than the benches outside the College. Lilly is constantly in attendance to begin with, bringing beef broth and occassionally more solid food to her.

  • Cray Vincint has been in town again for the past weeks. Rumour has it that Cray has been asking a few people about a certain human fello. Who they will not say. When you see Cray, it is apparent that he seems preoccupied.

  • _There are murmurs that something hideous had ocurred at the Dancing Mermaid. Tenants of one level tell of how they were awakened early in the morning to answer to inquiries made by two members of the Guard, and that one of the rooms on the level has been sealed off.

    The rumor goes that the room had belonged to a bard who gave regular singing performances in the Mermaid and that it was found wrecked, with bloodstains, nail marks and a barely distinguishable "Mrele…" scrawled in blood on the floor, all leading to a charred patch in a corner. A cleaner was seen removing several articles, one of which was a broken lute, from the room.

    The proprietors answer evasively when queried about the affair, stating that "every night there is bound to be a drunken tenant or two" in their inn, and "disturbances were not uncommon"._

  • there seems to be someone in town with chalk and the love of the letter K as it is being seen scrawled across more and more of peltarchs landmarks

  • DM

    The Magistrate Barrim, noting that a young man is doing very similar things to his route both in the past and present checking on the guards. Around the city and in the foothills, he notes this with a smile and watches discretely at times just to see what sort of stuff this man is made of.

  • Richard Luis can usually be seen in the commmons. Talking to other fellow Order of the Devine Sheild members or talking to any peltarch citizen that will listen. If not involved in a conversation or checking that the gaurds have not left their post by the outside gate.

    ((His first day in the city he was ambushed by kobolds and barelly survived due to the gaurds where not present he feels that it is his responcibility that this does not happen to another poor soul.))

    He is sometimes also polishing his helmet, sheild or armor and does it with pride.

  • Cray Vincint has been seen in the city of Peltarch once again. After an absense of over a year. Cray is often studying many a book in the commons or socializing in the taverns. Rumour has it, that he has been summoned all the way from Oscura. Aparently he is in Peltarch to appraise and give the history of a rare item for someone.

  • Drelan seems to have made an appearance in Peltarch once again, for far more than minor business. He can be seen outside the college asking if someone will allow him to use their library. He seems to be making a several days go of it.

  • Rumors of a strange illness that starts out nothing but a normal cold circle around and that three cses have found of it in Peltarch. A poor family of a mother and her two daughters. High Priestess of the Tyrran Temple treated them herself with the aid of several cnerned citizens. Stories persist of previous cases found in Jiyyd, previously hoped to merely be isoilated incidents.

    Daisy lets it be known that from a letter she received from Jiyyd iand talking to the family whle they recuperated that they are definitely related. All cases the sufferers reported having nightmares which others around them claim to have manifested near or around the strikcen. So far theonly known treatment for advanaced stages are Clarity whih removes the fear andnightmarish elements of the dreams manifested and Restoration or better to keep all the symptoms retarded temporarily. Unless fennberries administered in additiion to the divine blessings it canot be cured .

    Daisy puts a call for more fenberries from the old spider pass of the old gypsy camp if anyone can. She only had enough berries to help the two litle girls. She stil neds more for the mother. Preferrbally collecting them at nighttime, since all cases treated effectively thus far have been cured with fenberries picked in the nighttime from that spider pass. It maybe unnecssary but unless they whihc to also ry and pick sets of berries from the pass bothin the daytime and nighttime, it's not an experiment she's ready to do.

    She would suggest quarantine but witht he early signs indistingushable from a simple cold, that wold prove ineffectual and wasteful of prescious time and manpower.

  • _A large crowd gathered to watch Jerr, Eluriel, Amith, Jirka, Aghila and Meril as they stumbled around as if blind, casting spells and speaking to each other to try and end their malady.

    At the end of the scene, their sight apparently restored, Meril informed the audience he hoped they had been entertained, implying a rather strange street performance of some sort had just taken place, and let them know that fine acting skills were taught in the Bardic College._

  • _In the recent cold weather, people who hunt in the hills might notice that some of the slain animals have a broken limb and a crudely marked snowflake in their flesh.

    Despite their injuries, it's obvious that exposure was the cause of death_

  • "There is nothing to be proven by winning and nothing to be lost by losing. Do try to understand that, if it may be challenging."

  • "Always the excuse, always the liar, always the coward" Natanya chuckles.

  • "I was challenged but twice and on both counts Natanya failed to set a time. I can hardly be blamed.

    "It is a moot point, anyways. I've no reason to fight. If anyone has reason to wish me ill, let them stick a knife in my back. Keep only Peltarch's law in mind when doing so…"

  • Natanya is rarely seen these days but at the news of Roland requesting a dual she speaks up. She says that Zanetar is a known coward, as she has challenged the banite no less then three times to a dual to the death and each time, he has refused. Any rumor of it being due to Roland's position she says should be ignored, as she is hardly a Senator.

  • News spreads of Yuan Ti activity in the western foothills. Word has it that some sort of dinosaur was led there by the lizards, perhaps in preparation for an attack. Meril, Sy'wyn and Roland felled the creature before it could harm anyone.