::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • _In the recent cold weather, people who hunt in the hills might notice that some of the slain animals have a broken limb and a crudely marked snowflake in their flesh.

    Despite their injuries, it's obvious that exposure was the cause of death_

  • "There is nothing to be proven by winning and nothing to be lost by losing. Do try to understand that, if it may be challenging."

  • "Always the excuse, always the liar, always the coward" Natanya chuckles.

  • "I was challenged but twice and on both counts Natanya failed to set a time. I can hardly be blamed.

    "It is a moot point, anyways. I've no reason to fight. If anyone has reason to wish me ill, let them stick a knife in my back. Keep only Peltarch's law in mind when doing so…"

  • Natanya is rarely seen these days but at the news of Roland requesting a dual she speaks up. She says that Zanetar is a known coward, as she has challenged the banite no less then three times to a dual to the death and each time, he has refused. Any rumor of it being due to Roland's position she says should be ignored, as she is hardly a Senator.

  • News spreads of Yuan Ti activity in the western foothills. Word has it that some sort of dinosaur was led there by the lizards, perhaps in preparation for an attack. Meril, Sy'wyn and Roland felled the creature before it could harm anyone.

  • rando laughs on hearing the news about the duel

    might have to buy Brynmor a few ales

  • Chuckles and writes a bit with his glowing blue finger from prestidigitation

    "Yep. Those Senator folk. They don't speak for peltarch at all. I mean, they don't get voted in by the people of peltarch and then sit upon the senate as representitives for the people of peltarch"

    Lets out a bit of a chuckle, continuing as he wipes that one away

    "Last I checked, almost every person I've talked to that is a citizen, or thought about being a citizen but chose other wise…generally for this reason...frankly dislike the Banites. Law says we have to tolerate them, and sure...we do tolerate them. Doesn't mean anyone actually LIKES them or think they're worth a damn"

  • Zanetar makes no secret of his refusal to fight, claiming that he would not fight on the behalf of the gods as Brynmor demanded, nor would he be made to fight against a man who seems to think himself solely representative of Peltarch: Zanetar has no reason to fight Peltarch.

  • Apparently returned to the city after a lengthy absence, Senator Brynmor is seen in the commons challenging the Banite Zanetar to a duel. Evidently the offer was refused, whereupon Roland denounced the man as a coward and departed.

  • Rumor has it that a half orc named in Legion officer plate is seen going about town asking about an odd necklace he found. Seems he is offering a reward for more information about the necklace. He seems to be questioning people near Daisy's and the bardic college.

  • A man looking something like an old bear is seen entering through the main gates. His dark hair and beard are dishevelled but the faint gleam of armor is visible under his torn cloak. He exchanges a few brief words with the guards and is later seen speaking for a short while with Magistrate Asbravn in the commons.

  • DM

    Regarding a recent rumour of someone attesting to be one of Barrim's scribes, barrim goes to saerch for just who this was. Determined to seek out the truth of the matter, he goes to the Peltarch Herald to determine if any of his aides have acted in such a manner or whether this was mistaken identity

  • this letter is written hastily and is written as though intended to be directed at anyone who is involved with Chaevre' or her affiliations

    To Whom it May concern,

    I have pressing matters to attend and as such will not be available for some months, i will have someone deliver messages to me where I go so i will not be completely out of contact, if you need something from me or of me please write a letter and have it delivered to me in Oscura where it will be relayed to me appropriately.

    Chaevre' Vaelen.

  • Anyone that watches the streets often, or would normally be on the look out for Drelan would notice he's been growing more and more ellusive in the city, every passing day being seen less in public.

    His daily patrols through the docks seem to have ceased, the rather shiny guard that often looked after the prostitutes no longer stands over them. When he is seen he seems to only be speaking to one or two individuals usually a man with an eye patch and a black and gold uniform, and he always seems to disapear as quietly as he came, hardly even armed or armored as well.

  • Rumor has it one of Barrim's advisors or scribes got himself into a bit of trouble as evidentally most of the commons took his comments as rather insulting, two evidentally decided to do something about it, one of those being very drunk. The guard arrived to see a rather strong woman pinning the scribe to the ground as he cried for help. The man didn't seem harmed rather than perhaps his pride and all involved were told to leave the commons. The rather drunk man seeming to collect a following as he staggered away.

  • _The Bait and Tackle, a shop down the Peltarch docks apparantly has been wrecked apart. The owner, A man named "Master Ginfer" apparantly knocked of his socks with a vase.

    When questioned about the proceedings the shop keeper most likely won't say much, other than that it is dock-side business.

    Several more reports have been coming in of shopkeepers being harassed by reputed mobsters, what is true of this is left to be seen.

    Also, symbols of a twin-wave were seen painted on the walls_

  • A new face is being seen around Peltarch's theatre, a flame-haired woman who wears a shimmering robe with Mystra's symbol sewn onto the chest and sleeves. The young woman can be heard exclaiming how impressed she is with the renovasions the theatre has had.

  • Jerr, the skald, sat by the sundial and told this tale to all around, he called it a cautionary tale . . .
    " I spoke with a sailor who told me of the open sea he described it so vividly I was sick for three days
    One day, in open water, the lookout spotted a single 'head' sticking up and watching them "
    -Zyphlin - ::listens quietly::
    Jerr continued . . .
    "Then there were more, all aorund the ship the sailors crowded the rails to see these odd heads . . .
    No eyes
    No mouth
    Just round domes of flesh
    But then the heads moved a bit closer and raised up on fleshy necks longer the necks grew.
    Till the sailors realized their mistake . . .
    Twas not a group,
    Twas a Kraken "
    Richard Luis, a young squire, spoke up " kraken? whats that?"
    Jerr explained "The seperate heads all connected to one great body beneath "
    Richard Luis: " o "
    "A giant squid of great girth "
    -Zyphlin Re'cual-: ::nods a bit, smiling to Jerr, his mind connecting things::
    Richard Luis: " o "
    Jerr returned to the tale . . .
    "The tentacles grabbed the ship and tried to drag it under. At first the sailors fought the tentacles, and were losing.
    But the capytain was an old man of the sea.
    He ignored the tentacles and dropped kegs of blasting over the side, striking at the hidden body "
    "One man is always needed to see what is happening and to make the right call "
    Richard Luis: " i see "
    "Dozens of men may fight the battles, that may never be won "
    Nars Skald: looks to Zyph
    " . . . the body . . . "
    -Zyphlin Re'cual-: ::nods to the skald::
    Nars Skald starts to walk
    "Ever tell you, Richard,
    that if a skald hits the right note . . ."
    -Zyphlin Re'cual- ::chuckles::
    "He can shatter a crystal goblet?"
    Richard Luis replied, amazed, "you dont say"
    Jerr laughed . . . "with his axe, of course"
    Their laughter echoed out into the kobold lands


  • Rumors quickly spread that strange events happened in Norwick some days ago. The crystals around the nars seemed to grow in noise and lights were seen coming from norwick. The barbarian guard uthgor was pushing and threatening and event striking people away from a ritural that seemed to be happening in the middle of the city near the well. Crystals that have been occuring in the nars came up from the ground all around and many people such as Kara of the Phoenix, Hedia the sharessian, Moe of the Legion, and others were knelt before the well performing some kind of ritural. The ground and earth shook and more of the crystals appeared as more strange things happened. By this point many began to fled the city as the guards struck down people that attempted to disrupt the happenings. Whispers spread that somehow norwick has been overrun by those controlled by these "crystals"