::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Two regular patrons of the Mermaid arrive at the reception desk of the College, a red and gold clad woman in their arms obviously unconscious and smelling of whiskey.

    Here y'are Annika. One o' yours judgin that she offen sings and plays in the common room o' the Inn for no more'n a plate o' the Inn's stew. Thot we'd see her safe since she sings so pretty. 'sides the landlord says she brings in customers and is gonna give us a couple of ales apiece for the chore

    With a wink the men depart and Annika calls a couple of the staff to lift the woman and her gear and take her down to her room.

  • A newcomer at the inn is bending the ear of some fisherfolk who are more than happy to cover the young Chondathan man's tab as he tells them a tale…

    _"Strange country this. If it ain't raining it's snowing, you can't go for a walk in the Pass without getting near trampled by a troupe of elves in plate mail and if an orc isn't trying to sell you a baked potato then hobgoblins are acting like Sharressans.

    The gods' honest truth! I was down near Jiyyd, minding my own business just after some sort of orc attack… This was of course after the orc tried to sell me the potato. Anyway, there I was, minding my own business (And if anyone tells you otherwise don't listen to 'em) when up popped a hobgoblin out of the long grass. A big one. Bigger than most, all teeth and nostrils and slobber.

    Then it clicked. Hobs grow their women large, and this was one busty lass lemme tell ya. Burst forth out of the grass she did, arms wide and was on top of me before I could react. 'This is it', I thought 'A fine life tragically cut short'

    She bared her fangs, took a deep breath and leaned in for the kill... Then... planted a kiss square on my cheek. Up she leapt and ran away giggling.

    It's true! Look ye here, I still have the beard rash. I tell ye it's been keeping me awake at night.

    The horror...

    The horror..."_

    As the fisherfolk shocked mutters echo throughout the inn, the stranger gets up and leaves, whistling an old Valkuran sea chanty.

  • Drelan Ashire can be seen loitering outside the non senate apartments sometimes outside, sometimes inside.

  • A small group travelled to the North Kobold cave, and returned after having killed the Seahag. They were seen complementing each other about a job well done, without any casualties on their side, thanks to a heroic charge by one of them, a certain Hjoichi.

    //sorry if I mispelled the name. I had a blast, great teamwork, great rp'ing 😄

  • ::After returning from a trip south with Mirkali Vragnorich, Nate Wingates hears the many rumors of the white haired elf, and is startled, to say the least, upon finding out that he is (perhaps?) working against Rath Ashald in some sort of political senate business. Standing in the commons, with a hand on his hip, commenting to the commoner who was spreading the rumor, and asking him if it is in fact true. He then furrows a brow, and curls his lip, and hopes to have the chance to speak with Azilar again regarding his stance on the city::

  • _The city is buzzing with talk of elections being held. Some say that the delay in the elections is a bid by Rath Ashald to garner himself sole power of Peltarch. The people are demanding that some order be restored to the city and have marched on the civic district in large groups.

    Many are following a white haired elven male who calls himself Azilar. He leads large groups of people and speaks in front of them from the very doorsteps of the courthouse and City Hall itself. He talks about the failing political structure of the city and of how it is falling apart from the inside. Many times he compares it to other cities and speaks quite adamantly about how well the Senate structure works.

    He seems to be stirring up quite a bit of interest demanding the city be put back in proper order. He talks of how the city officals and employees are slacking under this lack of direction from the city in this time of lacking leadership. He seems to be gathering a lot of support from those around him who also demand that the city hold new elections immediatly and once again become the Jewell of the Icelace!_

  • A young paladin strolls back into town after a trip deep into the kobold infested caves. He packs with him a pack of what appears to be clothing and other belongings. He is seen heading to the Civic district in search of a one Evendur Mildsilver who's name is stitched into the waistband of the clothes. He assumes his mother put the name there so in case he is ever lost someone will know where to return him too…..

  • _Senator Evendur Mildsilver appears to have returned to the city at last, although he was last seen by most as a lifeless corpse being carried toward the Temple of Tyr from the west. Rumors have it that he was not the only fallen, Merydian having joined him in his demise.

    Since his return, Evendur has become significantly more devout in his pursuit of Azuthan dogma, which may well have led to his death – he was heard vocally denouncing the corrupt arcanists of the yuan-ti prior to pursuing them into the caves of the western foothills._

  • As the sun rises over the commons and citizens of Peltarch are heading for the days activities a beacon of light can spotted in the sky followed by an earthquake felt in most part of the city. The location of the beacon is thought to be near the southern watchtower.

    The following day rumors start spreading in the city that the watchtower had been attacked by an unknown force. Later that day Mariston, Knight of the Order, and Eowien, member of the Defenders, was seen amongst a group of people heading for the Temple carrying with them the bodies of fallen.

  • Yuan ti attack!
    A yuan-ti mage was causing trouble west of the City, making people believe their comrades were kobolds. Fearless defenders of the city set out to destroy the threat and met with limited success.

  • _Those walking the streets of Peltarch become slowly aware of something. Empty, dirty blankets lie in the alleyways, tin buckets that once burned constantly now lie covered in snow. Corners in which little hands stretched out in supplication for a spare coin or loaf of bread now lie vacant.

    Like a cool wind that passes just before the rains, the orphaned street urchins of Peltarch are gone._

  • Merydian can be seen scouring the docks for new helpers with Ocean's orphanage, as well as looking for Ocean with new donations from herself, Justain, and Hjoichi.

  • A blonde apprentice can be seen delivering letters to various dignitaries throughout the city. Needless to say this marks the announcement of something rather important.

  • A small hin in beggar's rags is seen to be following Deacon around.

  • Lieutenant Senella and a couple of her Knights can be seen investigating the scenes of the various murders and incidents of darkness, their blue and silver cloaks billowing in the chill morning gusts as they strive against what seems an almost insurmountable and increasingly lethal mystery.

  • A frightened shop keeper in the Bait and Tackle was heard to have discovered a lion, hacked dead in his shop. It would appear, the creature was dragged there and dumped. A fine source of food, your scavenger spirit might tell you, but as the chap approached the carcass, he dropped his dagger to the floor with a clatter. Twin Breakers, the Mark of the Sea Fury was written on the animals flesh. It would only be a warning.

  • Arien Ashald can be seen visiting with her family and others in the Civic district. Rumor has it they have been celebrating her appointment as Spellweaver's Envoy to Peltarch and her burgeoning career as Professor of Evocation.

  • Upon hearing of the planned improvements to the crafting hall, Dwin appears to be happy.

    About time they caught up to Norwick. I hope they are smart enough to add an anvil and a forge….

  • Rumors fly of a recent, gruesome slaying near the Docks district. The entire west wall post was found dead. All three guards were laying in heaps, lifeless and without a single wound, as if the very life had been sucked out of them.

    One of them, in a frightening act of bravery, cut his own arm and drew two letters on the floor beside him in his own blood.


    After a combing of the area, another guard was found by the South Gate of the Commerce District, his throat slit open from ear to ear.

    One woman reports to have seen a large group of children suddenly becoming visible in the middle of the street and rushing out towards the gates near the docks. A moment later darkness fell on the walls and she panicked and fled.

  • Word spreads that Zyphlin apparently delivered a Very large bag of gold to the Peltarchan Crafting Hall earlier in the day, explaining to the crafters within that the money is to go to getting better equipment and renovations to the crafting hall to make it even more worthy of Peltarch's name. After seeing the large number of coins in the bag the crafters inquired with Zyphlin as to where it came from. He chuckled a bit and smiled before replying

    Half of a fine of a prominent Union member. Half is in the city coffers, and I thought the other half should go to a worthy Peltarchan ran facility.