::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::
Chaevre' Vaelen visits Foilir for the short time he is in Jail and congradulates him on curing the crazy man of whatever disease caused him to go crazy and forget that it ever happened
Nate Wingates is missing and presumed dead.
((Computer problems won't be fixed any time soon.
There are rumors going around that the fine upstanding dwarf Foilir was arrested a few days back and spent a tenday behind bars. A woman named Amelia was also tossed in with him. Appearantly he assaulted an old man right on the streets and was tossing him around like a ragdoll. Many people walk on the other side of the street when they see the dwarf coming now. Appearantly afraid he will likely go into a fit of anger and bind their hands and try to kidnap them.
Some say that the old man that was assaulted though was crazed and speaking of death and voices. Though afterwords he seemed just fine and appearantly denied all acquasations that he was crazed or bit by a rat as the dwarf claimed publically.
A dwarf is seen running quickly to the commons, then bolting westward towards the mountains yelling out "A BRINGINS ROLERTS BACKS!" For those that know this dwarf, he is none other then Ragrin of the Slaughtered Duergar Clan. And, for those that know a dwarf named Rolert, the Rolert Ragrin means as he yells it out is none other then Rolert of The Slaughtered Duergar Clan
Zyphlin's ears perk when he hears the rumors
Blade and strangulation?! I knew it…
Runs off to the morgue to check his suspicion
Several people have recently started talking about strange visions and voices they have experienced. Many think they are crazed, or perhaps still grieving their loved ones who have perished in the previous war. One man reportedly leaped from the rooftop of his apartment building though after appearantly going mad. Those who whitnessed it report that he seemed scared and in a panic. Some even say he claimed that his fiancee was one of the walking dead just before he jumped to his death.
Near the northern docks guards find a man and a woman, dressed in the garb of Bloodspiders slain. The man was sliced by a sword and the woman had a blade in her grasp. She was apparently slain by stranglation by the bruises on her throat and neck. It would seem some sort of lover's quarrel gone awry.
The bloated, bluff seawoman and Handmaiden of Umberlee has been seen swaggering about the Docks of late, patting her cutlass saltily, and preaching to the sailors in their own language - authentic sea gibberish…
_"Ahoy, cullies! Argh, I be Mercy, Maiden o' the Queen o' the Deeps. An' if ye have sense, wi' a wanion, ye'll be rollin' up right proper, says I! Too long, ye wretched gang o' haddock worriers, ye've been strollin' like farkin-lubberly-landsmen on the Waves wi' out appeasin' its Mistress, wi' a curse! Argh! Know well, ye mangy crew, yer tops'ls will nay stay the storms tae come if ye nay make yer tributes, wi' a wanion! Yer pieces o' price, yer coins an' yer gifts tae appease Umberlee. Fer she be a right harsh bosun, says I, damme fer Waukeen's right teat else!
Now, me an' me messmates be watchin' ye closely, cullies. We be watchin' an' so be the Queen. We hear the scuttlebut wi' a wanion, all old hands aloft an' below. Appease the Queen, or feel the judgement tae come! Boil yer bellies, dragged below, hulls, sloops, barges, frigates an' men-o'-war all be fair prizes, wi' a curse! So watch yer backs cully, an' watch below on the waves ye walk like Calimshite hoories. A lick o' the cat be nothin', 'pared tae a drownin', says I. There be a Queen below, cullies, an' she smells yer faithless, salt-stinking-fish-rearin'-bastardin'-trollopin'-farkin'-sharkin'- souls, damme fer a sea slug else!
The Icelake ain't a pond, cullies. It ha' teeth, wi' a curse, says I, an' that. 'Ware, lest it swallow ye up! ::cackles saltily::_
A familiar face in the commons seems to missing as of late. Last seen heading in a southwestern direction it has been weeks since the red head was last spotted. Guards at the main gate say they spotted her leaving with an over stuffed pack and a handsome man at her side while others report her leaving alone, stepping softly into the Nars Pass, completely enveloped by the shadows.
Attraced by the dying howl of lion, a few curious people went up the west wall from the market and peered out, wondering what a lion would do on this side of Peltarch. But none was to be seen. Only a few people sitting at the fire place and talking. Those who stuck around longer however witnessed the oddest of ogres. Barging through the outer gate running past the few people that were there and ripping out what they had roasted over the fire and taking off with it. Harming none.
Those around the docks may hear about Captain Nicholas having only recently been returned to the city. Rumor has it that his ship was attacked and he was left for dead until a small merchant ship picked him up. He has been missing for some time now it would seem.
Drelan was seen to be in a state of much confusion in the commons recemtly. Speaking of laughter and chanting, before attacking some folk. The dwarf Foilir, the halfling Merin and the young knight Mariston were seen trying to calm the distraught individual. After some time, where some say strange green rain fell from the sky, Drelan was seen being taken to the Temple of Tyr. Later, the dwarf Foilir left looking at his beard protectively soon followed by Drelan looking deeply concerned.
Rumors spread that darkness briefly engulfed the interior of the Mermaid, and when it cleared the bard, Penny Lane, was nowhere to be found. A few hours later, after a flood of bright light, she could be seen standing in the exact spot where she disappeared. Much commotion was said to follow, in which there was intense growling, people knocked to the ground, chairs smashed, and loud yelling. A few hours later, Penny calmed down, and could be seen whimpering at a table with her head in her hands to Merin and Pete, talking of demons, worry, and "being a freak". She was heard to repeatedly ask to see Mirkali.
Mog is seen installing a new door for one of the side rooms at the Mermaid. Rumor has is Mog suspected some trouble in the room so he bashed the door down just to be engulfed by a globe of darkness. By the time that the globe disipated, there was no intruder to be seen.
The young knight Mariston Thel was seen being lead to the temple by his betrothed Lady Anna. Both looked deeply concerned and the young knight eyes were said to have a haunted and pained look. Some time later Lady Anna left the temple, no sign of Mariston has been seen in some days.
Drelan Ashire has been seen wandering the city of Peltarch barefoot in the snow. No one seems to have an incling to why but upon speaking to him he refused all aid or sense as "get indoors" at best he allowed someone to wrap towels around his feet. All he would say is that he is preparing for his path.
People visiting the blades and bows in the commerce district have seen the duel between two men.One of them was the shopkeeper and skilled fencer Luc. After the end of the duel a young man with serious wounds inficted to him came out the shop holding a package and the gathered people were wondering the reason of his warm smile.
Captain Anakore of the Cerulean Knights is seldom seen on the streets of the city anymore. Rumor has it he is secluded in the Tower of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars, but even the Knights and those few with access to the Tower seldom catch him. If they do, he is friendly and offers advice and directions where needed, but seems largely disconnected from the events of the city and Narfell as a whole
Westran has followed Clandra on her trip, determined to help her in what ways he can.
Clandra has left the city for the time being. She tells she's going to a spiritual journey to find a way to become closer with Sharess' feline side.