::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::
Word spreads through the city that Magistrate Re'cual has left with former Knight of the Cerulean Star Skyla Vea'Draeven out of the western gates of the city, heading to Cormyr for a vacation during the winter solstice.
((gone for christmas
be back on the third))
Rumours abound of fighting to the south. The guards on the walls to the south and the west have been increased and some whisper that the South Tower is abandoned. According to rumours, Talgrath, Nico Black, and Zyphlin Re'cual were with a group that broke through powerful enemies to the south to reach Peltarch. A notice put out by the city states that the roads to the south have become more dangerous and that travelers should take caution.
_Rumor has it, started by a group of rebels in the Mermaid that the body of one 'Dang' has been dug up and stolen from his tomb. Many of his possessions were left within the coffin though his body is missing.
Later - rumors pass that the body's head was reattached and ressurected near Norwick_
The city is bustling with rumours after the loud noise coming from the south was heard. Many ask what could have made such a sound. Many think it has something to do with the Eastlanders as they no longer appear to be in the pass. Some rumours say the entrance to the Eastlander's Cave has collapsed.
According to rumour, Captain Telan (of the Defenders) hasn't been seen around recently. Some say that they last saw him leave by the west gate. Several hours later, a Defender, a Black Dragon Knight, and a man in full plate whom some identify as Senator Brynmor left by that same gate. Some say that when they returned they looked rather distressed, especially the Defender. Some say they came back with a corpse between them. Others say armor and weapons. Who knows what is the truth, an official statement by the Defenders say that Captain Telan is "on vacation".
_Word flies through the streets of Peltarch that Senator Nico Black is to be wed soon finalizing his long relationship with Yolande. Some of the citizens of the Commerce district report hearing the Senator proclaiming his love for her during the early hours of the morning. The following day Nico wasn't seen much as he only left his and Yolande's room for some food and drink which he promptly returned back to the room.
Word gets out after a few short days that a grand party is scheduled to officially announce and celebrate the engagement. News is spread quickly to the Bardic College, any other local entertainers, as well as Nico and Yolande's friends and acquaintences that a celebration is in the works._
((ooc:: I will try to get everyone that's on together IG for a celebration this coming Saturday that Nico and Yolande knows.))
Rumours say a badly scorched Eowiel crawled up out of the sewers a recent night, stumbled into the commons and had to be brought to the Temple of Tyr. Visitors at the temple watched as she was treated for a massive amount of poison there and taken home to the Bardic College. She has not been seen outside since.
Maya can be seen packing her gear on a caravan headed for Damara. Particular attention is being paid to two large kegs, each with their own separate wagon.
((Maya will be gone one real life week to represent the trip))
Talgrath has been searching the city for his daughter (or stepdaughter, the rumours are unclear) Abiie. People say he seemed to be both concerned and angry.
Eowiel is a great deal paler and quieter as of late and goes out less often. When she does it is very rarely without Meril and when without him she is usually seeking him. She looks tired most of the time and is rumoured to be perhaps suffering from some illness, though she can occassionally be seen in the foothills with Apprentice Knights of the Cerulean Star, drilling them extensively so perhaps these rumours are unfounded.
Anna Sigerlson seems busier than usual and less than warm. She's seen often in the Mermaid and the Commons reading. She's been seen asking for information on the Fighter's Academy and reading city documents on zoning and deeds.
When approached, she smiles as warmly as ever. It seems she's just keeping busy to keep her mind off of things.
Talgrath has been in a foul mood as of late, and he seems to be getting into an even more foul mood. When asked about the Defiler, Talgrath simply states he's dead and it's too good for him.
In contrast to Anakore's wanderings, Meril has been spending large amounts of time in the city - almost exclusively spent with Eowiel. Indeed, it is almost becoming a rarity to see them apart.
_After the defeat of the Defiler an uplifting mood seems to have taken hold of the cityfolks. Captain Anakore of the Cerulean Knights, however, seems not to share this emotion, walking around darkly, often failing to greet friends or salute his Knights, and he has been seen leaving the city on long wandering trips on more than one occasion.
Rumors spread that the captain is grieving over the death of a woman, yet few seem to understand why the death of one woman should affect him so much._
_Meril is seen stumbling back into Peltarch, a pair of longbows now carried. One appears to be his usual one, the other looks almost identical to the type Robyn carried…
He is heard to be asking for Anakore insistently._
Rumors spread that Evendur has stated publically that the threat to the city known as the Defiler has been exterminated. He has apparently acknowledged that a number of citizens of Peltarch contributed to the effort, among them himself, his Chief Advisor Anna Sigerlson, Sergeant Talgrath of the Defenders, Lieutenant Uthger of the Black Dragon Knights, Tyrran Servant Natanya, Private Tagnar Baldforge of the Guard, and renowned bard Meril. He has issued a call for unity of pride in the valor and strength of the city in the face of such overwhelming adversity.
((If I forgot your char, sorry, it's late and my mind is mush.))
Talgrath has appeared to be a bit more agitated then usual lately.
Nico hears the rumors of Abiie's leaving and remembers seeing her a few days past carrying a heavy pack and looking very panicked. He makes a note to return to find her to see what's wrong.
Rumors spread among the children of the city (which leaks further) that the young Abiie Uramesyy has run away from the city.
"She went south"
"She's living with the lizards!"
"She was a kobold, I swear it!"
though many of the rumors are… far out there.
tagnar and eowien are seen sitting at the southern tower looking out onto the nars quite regularly, keeping the guards spirits up, whilst looking for any signs of the lizard womans harassment.