::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • The so accused banite whore is seen packing for what appears to be a rather long trip. She is seen barking out orders for those traveling with her to gather the appropiate supplies for their journey. Along side of her are five men, all but one of them dressed in stylish black and gold clothing and armor.

  • _Something seems to have happened to Meril. The change is a quiet one, but is definately there.

    On the occasions he is in the city, rather that spending his time singing or rehersing, the elf has been seen spending long - and dedicated - hours in the, hitting arrow upon arrow into the archery targets there._

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    Something seems to be off with Sierra Ju'ent lately, more so than usual. Rumor has it that she was with Anna Siglerson and Kara Du'Mante on thier exploration beneath the sewers, and may have been one of the fallen that they brought back. While unconfirmed, Sierra seems to be only able to speak in rhyme lately…

  • _Earlier in the day, a group of five that had originally met in the commons, had been seen scouring the civic district in relation to the recent murder spree. The group had moved through the courthouse and across the civic district until they reached the sewage system on the other side of the district. The guard bore witness to the group climbing down into the depths with the intentions of inspecting the sewers below for any clues as to the reasons behind the murders.

    Two days later, two members of the group are seen dragging two of their number and another two bodies from the depths in the docks district, the paladin of the group was said to look paler than usual, with a troubled expression on her face. Anakore, Captain of the knights was not with them when they appeared above ground, rising up from the sewers shortly after the two made the surface. They were said to look grim and their mood set in a reclusive one.

    What actually happened below the city remains a mystery to all save those who went._

  • Zyphlin can be heard chuckling a bit and smirking when asked about it

    No wonder she's mad…He's carousing around with a evil backstabbing wench, a blood thirsty killer, and a banite whore that sleeps with every dumb man that she can make fall in love with her. Great role model for a kid.

  • There seems to be a disagreement between Captain Anakore of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars and Skyla Vea'Draeven, Magistrate Zyphlin's lover. Rumor has it it is concerning their son, Nickolai, and the love partners they both keep.

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    Word circulates of undead walking the streets of the city, more specifically the docks and terrorizing the citizens fo the district. The source of the undead is said to have been traced back to the creamatorium and morgue, where the mortician/undertaker or anyone else was discovered to be missing.

  • Zanetar and Arien went south to the Gypsy Camp. Arien returned. Zanetar did not.

  • _Rumor spreads that yet another person was slain in the Peltarch apartments. The people in the neighboring rooms said to have heard an explosion as if a lightning bolt had fallen from the heavens and struck the very building. The sound was followed by brief shouting and then a horrible scream. The patrons were too afraid to leave their rooms, suspecting yet another vile shadow attack.

    Soon after a woman's piercing scream was heard and then all was silent.

    The identity of who was in the room is being kept confidential, but people say they saw what remained of the two guards that were posted as sentries outside the person's door.

    One patron of the Dancing mermaid had this to say after a few cold ales:_

    "One was fried. No other way to put it, like if burned from the inside out. His skin was all black and his eyes had popped. The other, the other was worse somehow, the look on his face, by Helm, it's like he saw the devil rushing to greet him! I'll remember that face for the rest of my days so I will!"

  • the rumors of the Familiar without a master are livid after Anard gets chased from Peltarch by the guard… he didn't even protest that he was his own master and perfectly natural... maybe he was affraid of the big crossbow, if he'll be back or not, well we can only hope...

  • // Meh, been there, done that. I care less about leveling now though, seeing as every guard Deacon hires gets to level 9 sooner than him nowadays :roll:

  • _And yet more fun rumours about Nathen Wingates dying a second time in the same tenday! Some people say the cause was a lunatic wench in the sewers, others say he's cursed with a disease much like Mirkali's, and others comment that he in fact got hit by a giant stone falling from the heavens.

    Whichever the case, the bard hasn't been seen in days.

    ((OOC, dying twice in two OOC days due to events, albiet one of the times had less repercussions then the first, has got me a bit grim about playing my main character. So.. yeah.. retiring the bard for a bit, or just going to play him less.))_

  • The dead body of young Cerulean Knight Nathen Wingates was seen being carried into the temple of Tyr along with a few other dead folks after a disturbance in the nars. Some say winged beasts from beyond caused the deaths, others say they fell down a cliff, and others comment that they accidentally walked into a lamp-post, dying instantly. Whichever the case, the bard and the other diceased were spotted leaving the temple alive and walking.

  • Nicahh is seen sitting on a bench outside the temple of Tyr. Wearing a long silken gown, her hair pulled back out of her face allowing soft curls to rest upon her shoulders, she sits conversing with a variety of community members that enter and exit the temple. She is seen sitting for hours asking questions curious to the doctrine of Tyr, her primary questions being about law and war. Occasionally she is ran off by ruder members of the faith when she questions why people believe such. She is not heard preaching the way of Bane or any other diety for that matter. She simply seems curious.

  • _Two men were found dead this afternoon in the dock's district when the smell of their rotting corpses finally attracted the attention of their neighbors.

    The two men, dock workers by trade, seemingly killed each other in a heated battle while in their quarters. The weapon found on one of the men suggests that he was working for some kind of sinister organization or church.

    Further investigation into this matter will soon follow._

  • Her Ladyship Aspera Chillwind, by this point, clearly returned to the land of the living, voices her complete horror at the incompotence of the city authorities that a fellow elven woman, not just some stinking peasant, now falls victim to the host of lawlessness that swamps Peltarch's fair streets. The ex-Magistrate is to be heard, vocally suggesting hangings, floggings and executions, claiming that it is these, and not the stumbling, tired investigations of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars and the like which will result in the continuance in law and order, and better, more humane conditions for Peltatchian Citizens, from high to low.

  • @095e03b14b=Wykith:

    _… was found this morning on the rooftops of the Peltarch apartments....

    ...She was lying in the cold waters of the tree fountain ...


    ((was it the rooftops or the fountain?))

    Wykith: Both. Go up there and check it out. ;)_

  • _The body of Kiana De'lind, esteemed elven noble of our fair city, was found this morning on the rooftops of the Peltarch apartments.

    Kiana was well known for her monetary contributions to the Peltarch Guard and Defenders after the civil war. She was an ardent advocate of justice and had was known to give generous donations to the Temple of Tyr. She was often seen in City Hall speaking feverently about policies to reform the city's religious freedom.

    Rumor says there was not a mark on her when they found her body. She was lying in the cold waters of the tree fountain with not a single discernable mark and a very awkward look of peace on her face.

    Investigations on her demise have begun._

  • A sudden darkness enveloped the common room of the Dancing Mermaid inn last night. Common folks fled in terror fearing another shadow attack to take children and innocents, yet it turned out to be the Jester Roubanes Ejadis Heartwell. Captain Anakore of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars has been heard to comment that the man is on final warning, for his troubles in the city are most unwelcome at these dire times.

  • _Rumor has it that the Temple has been full lately with families trying to have their children blessed and warded against the darkness that is swallowing up the sons and daughters of Peltarch.

    Children have also been brought to Daisy to be exorcised, the familes claiming that they became suddenly violent, brandishing weapons and attacking anyone around them. Once subdued none of the children seem to understand or remember what happened.

    Although this seems dark malady only seems to be affecting the poor, the wealthy are afraid for their children's saftey and have also been seen flocking to the Temple.

    Priestess Daisy has not said whether or not the items brought to her by the families have given results, but hope seems thin. With reports and rumors coming from all sides of the city, the priestess, it seems, has been in constant sleepless motion for days on end.

    Rumors of sinister, childish giggling heard in dark corners begin to flow like festival wine.

    The common folk are becoming ever suspicious around the city's poor children and orphans.

    "The Damned" and "Cursed" are becoming common terms for them._