::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • _Rumor has it that the Temple has been full lately with families trying to have their children blessed and warded against the darkness that is swallowing up the sons and daughters of Peltarch.

    Children have also been brought to Daisy to be exorcised, the familes claiming that they became suddenly violent, brandishing weapons and attacking anyone around them. Once subdued none of the children seem to understand or remember what happened.

    Although this seems dark malady only seems to be affecting the poor, the wealthy are afraid for their children's saftey and have also been seen flocking to the Temple.

    Priestess Daisy has not said whether or not the items brought to her by the families have given results, but hope seems thin. With reports and rumors coming from all sides of the city, the priestess, it seems, has been in constant sleepless motion for days on end.

    Rumors of sinister, childish giggling heard in dark corners begin to flow like festival wine.

    The common folk are becoming ever suspicious around the city's poor children and orphans.

    "The Damned" and "Cursed" are becoming common terms for them._

  • _Merydian has been seen somewhat regularly without her trademark grin, often found muttering to herself. When asked, she stutters, then replies about how worried she is about the missing orphans.

    One has to wonder why they get the same response when the name Nate or Maya is mentioned._

  • Word spreads. Between the cobbles of Peltarch and the gate into the foothills the vegetation is blackened with no trace of life anywhere in a sizable area. Huge claw marks have raked the scorched earth and in every direction blood has soaked into the ground. A closer inspection reveals many fragments of white scales as well as the occasional red one.

  • ::Nate Wingates is seen bending down, squinting, stepping slowly, and searching around the Ashald park. Followed by a similar search Outside the temple of tyr. Some say he was also seen poking around a cobblestone street in the civic district, and the bath house::

  • Chaevre' packs her things and leaves the city, she seems to have been ready to take a long journey and judging by the provisions she bought in the shops it would prove to be exceptionally dangerous, she doesnt tell anyone she is leaving or when she will return or where she is going

  • _Meril has returned to being seen about the city, and for the first time in quite some years, seems to have recovered the spring about his step that he used to possess.

    Whatever has happened in the south of the region has obviously infused him with a new burst of energy, and his roguish grin and various songs, tunes and entertaining humour seem to leave the good hearted folk in the city unable to keep from smiling when he crosses their paths, while those of darker hearts just frown at the bard.

    Amongst the many things he has been doing, he has been actively letting it known that he seeks a particular sort of magic arrow - one that has the power to seriously harm undead, or preferably destroy them outright.

    Even those as powerful as vampires or, he adds with a grin and a mysteriously brave look in his green eyes, a lich of great power._

  • _Rumors spread through peltarch about an Ice memphit seen just hanging about in town without a master…

    Anard hears of this and imeadietly tells whoever is next to him that its not him since he is his own master... he just needs help coming to this plane..._

  • Devath talks about how he met a frost giant in the pass, and followed it past Peltarch and to the icelace, where he finally lost track of it. The giant didn't hurt anybody, as far as Dev seems to know.

  • _There was disturbance and consternation in the docks as a huge wave swept in from the Icelace, enveloping one of the piers. Once the wave receded there was miraculously no damage to the moored ships.

    Apparently unrelatedly, travellers from a fishing village to the west of Peltarch report a man washed ashore later that day. Unusually for bodies in the Icelace, he was still alive._

  • The usually cheery playwrite is seen in a much more serious, grim mood lately. Despite being politely to almost a fault, he seems more interested in books he carries around, often thumbing through them on a seat in the commons.

  • _Nightfall in the Commerce District heralds the arrival through the western gates of a fair-haired male half-elf and a petite and attractive hin lady. The travellers stick close to one another as they negotiate the unfamiliar cobbled paths of Peltarch.

    With their sighting of the local grey market dealer, Fenz, their destination has been found and they move to speak with him. Fenz appears to have more than a passing interest in his fellow hin but the feisty, brown-haired object of his affection displays not the slightest return of interest.

    On enquiring about the scorch marks on the pair’s twinned cloaks, Fenz is told of a family having been ambushed by a powerful kobold mage and of the family’s long pursuit and eventual slaying of the creature. The trim and sprightly female tersely negotiates business with the infatuated businesshin and then strides away from both him and the city with quite amazing grace.

    Any who follow these two to the hills will see the warm greeting they receive from several other folk who are each clad in these cloaks whose shoulders are adorned with leaves. The old elf who is cloaked in bark rather than fabric bids a fold farewell to the group he calls_ "The Wolves" then heads south followed by a huge hound.

  • _Hjoichi Olsen has been seen of late in the town again, selling off kobold junk and buying more arrows and oil for his campfire and so forth. Most likely cursing and muttering the entire way. Though he tends to see who's about first. And says m'lady and m'lord a bit more frequently (i.e. Farkin Kobold Menace m'lady).

    He's also stopped tipping bards and singers. In fact, he tends to leave and head out to the hills cursing when someone starts up a tune; usually mumbling something like "Farkin Menacer in the College, what'd Lady Jorinsen say to tha eh?"

    Lately he's been raving a bit on "Them Demon Menacers what pop out of that sunclock" or "sneaker bashards what cursed the sunclock" and so forth. Apparently he had a rather close encounter._

  • ::Nate Wingates was seen leaning down near the courthouse for an hour or so, eyes squinted, locked on the ground as he walks around. His lip curled, he was walking around in slow circles, never faring far from the courthouse. Some say he lost a coin or quill-pen, others say he lost his mind::

  • _Zyphlin can be seen in the commons for the next few days, a perplexed and almost worried look on his face, his eyes seeming off and distant. His journal in his hand, his fine magical writing pen in his hand, constantly tapping the page slowly as he thinks. On the page, in the middle, is but a single letter


    When asked what is wrong he looks up, seeming to chuckle a bit as he comes out of a daze, and closes his journal casually smiling and saying its nothing, just thinking on a possible play._

  • A lesson on "being stealthy" today in the commons was the cause of many a travellers amusement today as Sierra was trying to teach an awfully unskilled woman how to move quieter and less noticeable, the student more or less didnt know what she was doing and aside from making as much noise as a knight in armor, or fumbling over things as she try to watch her step so not to splash around in puddles, she did put up an effort to learn the skill. Even more odd was that the woman was none other then our very own merchant and Cerulean Knight Chaevre' , whom now is trying to find Sierra to give her a payment for the lesson as Sierra seemed to leave suddenly, likely due to the comments and boasts coming from the bardic peanut gallery.

  • Drelan Ashire could be seen staggering past with vommit on his uniform in early morning/late night towards the uniform looking quite disheveled. He spoke to no one seeming quite focused on just reaching the door.

  • Zyph hears the rumors and laughs

    HA! I knew this was coming, and hell i'm not even sure i'm running this time. Gotta love it. But hey, at least assassination means I can thwart the person easily cause I'll still be free and walking around instead of just being locked up in a jail for the entire thing. You gotta think though, why is it that everytime elections comes around I'm the one everyone tries to get out of the way first with such underhanded tactics.

    smiles and just shakes his head pulling out a piece of paper

    Lets see, ooo…i may reach assassination attempt 20 before the end of this thing...five more and i get a "frequent target" discount card to all the underhanded places in the city. Excellent

  • Peltarch has chittered and drawn their cloaks tight of late as the snow falls down in bitter showers, delaying trade routes and hampering tramps in their quest for a bit of heat. Unusual, and unseasonal. So too, as if by coincidence, is seen a slender, strikingly aristocratic elven lady. Her bearing is noble, but without warmth, and her manner and form speaking of wealth. Among the commoners and the rich alike, a familiar name returns to lips. That of the missing or departed ex-magistrate of the City, Lady Aspera Chillwind, returned…

  • Oreth makes it clear in loud tones whenever these rumors pass him by that he sure would hate to have to organize a group to tear out some poor sap's more crucial organs and eat them in front of him while he dies, but with all the assassination attempts on his friends…. well, you gotta do what you gotta do, and humanoid liver can be tasty if you're in the right mood....

  • Talk has been spreading on a new run of assasination attemps that are soon to go underway. Rumors spread of the bartender over hearing a masked short person murmering "Zyphlin is my first name on my hit list… i know its crazy, its a Z. My list is like backwards alphabetical." and with the upcoming elections people are talking about who is making this power play and if running for senate is worth one's life...