::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Despite all the excitement and choas lately, it's strange that the bard Meril is rarely seen about the city. Instead, it is reported that he is sighted more and more often in the southern part of the lands of Narfell.

  • Rumours expand on the dissappearance of children from the College, apparantly the children were attending Mistress Senella's Elven lessons, the elven bard being conspicuously absent from public eyes not helping quell wild guesses at all.

  • News of the young candidate Gailyn, a Nars man and a Beshaban priestess carrying the body of the undertaker towards the temple spread quickly through the town. Wild speculations about the dead becoming animated and attacking the the four run rampant, others say Igor most likely fell on his own scalpel in a clumsy accident, while still others say the three killed Igor and brought him to the temple to seem innocent. All agree on one thing though and that is that there are dark forces at work in Peltarch.

  • _Rumors begin to spread that two outraged families are demanding to know the whereabouts of their children, two boys and a girl, who were last seen in the care and protection of Nate Wingates who was taking the children to their regular classes at the Bardic College.

    It seems the Guard may be sent to investigate._

  • Strange runic marks have been spotted in the lands near the city. Some have been freshly carved into the rock, others seems to have been their for ages, yet only recently surfaced. Some claim that the marks glow softly in the night, and yet others claim that they have heard angry whispers, speaking in a strange language, when passing near these marks. A few have even claimed to have seen ghosts fading in and out near the runestones. As soon as someone is sent out to investigate one of these marks, there is no longer any trace of them. Yet, new sightings continue to happen.

  • During the incident, rumour speaks of Hanadros, the high priest of Kelemvor, taking part in the battle, using his godly powers to help slay the creatures and afterwords healing the combatants who struck against the foul abominations.

  • _Talk is rife in the common room about the incident in the Commons and folk huddle close to the light of the fire as they talk. They say that just a few hours after dawn strange creatures, seemingly living shadows, appeared and attacked those nearby.

    The defence was carried out by a number of guards and concerned citizens of the city, fighting with blade, spell and bow. The attack eventually coming to an end as the overcast sky cleared. Rumours abound that the shadow creatures arrival was accompanied by a fervoured chanting, the source of which was unknown.

    For some hours after the incident the man called Crowe, who was seen in the thick of the battle, stood guard watching the commons. He was heard to voice the opinion on more than one occasion that for all the bluster of the attack it seemed to have accomplished absolutely nothing. No one was seriously injured, the beasts having just arrived for their own slaughter. No doubt some darker deed is afoot somewhere nearby._

  • Another night in the docks: An already deserted house, broken still from the war, catches fire for some reason and burns for a good while before the flames can be put out.

  • Rumors spread that an old man attacked and beat up a young woman in the commons yesterday. Roland Brynmor is said to have defended the woman beater and not having the law persecute him as should have been done. Those there express outrage at the injustice done there that day.

  • _According to rumor two elves, one male one female, and a human with glowing red eyes searched for a whole day through the docks district looking for a domestic cat. If they found it and returned it home eventually is unknown.

    In related whipsers people wonder what a cleric of Beshaba would want from a normal domestic cat. It seems that Elissa asks people about their little worries and supposedly takes care of them, as does a quiet elven monk._

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    Bards and urchins through out Peltarch can be see running around the city singing the latest of songs featuring one of it's most famous, if not craziest of citizens.

    A Fool in Peltarch, Narfell

    (Sung to the tune of "Margaritaville" by Jimmy Buffett)

    Nibblin' on a muffin cake
    Watchin' the ground quake
    All of the citizens scramble and scream
    Realaxin' with my badger-friend
    On the Pel-tarch commons bench end
    I think my muffin’s dry- maybe I should get some cream

    Just putterin' away again in Peltarch, Narfell
    Searchin’ for something tasty to drink
    Some people claim that I’m a Fool and insane
    But I don’t care, what the people think

    I don't know the reason
    I stay here through the season
    Nothin' to show but my flashy robe
    But it's a real beauty
    I look like a gnomish cutie
    Am I wearing underwear - I haven't a clue

    Just putterin’ away again in Peltarch, Narfell
    Searchin' for something tasty to drink
    Some people claim that I’m a Fool and insane
    Now I think
    You know, I’m bet I’d look good in Pink

    I found a tasty mush-room
    Roasting it on a wooden-broom
    Got three kids waitin’ back home
    I got my badger songs to whistle
    And about ten magic missiles
    I’m a brilliant and fun lovin’ gnome

    Just putterin' away again in Peltarch, Narfell
    Searchin’ for something tasty to drink
    Some people claim that I’m a Fool and insane
    But I don’t care, what the people think
    Yes and some people claim I’m a Fool and crazy insane
    But I know, I look fabulous in pink

  • Two of the narsman shamas, Devath and Dawn, and Chaevre Vaelen, arrived one afternoon, covered in kobold guts, with Devath carrying a chunk of stone, which held a runic mark. The exact meaning of the rune, and why the Narsmen were hunting it, remains unclear at this time.

  • A woman with flame-red hair has been seen visiting Peltarch with some frequency. Besides her hair, the silvery robe she wears is quite striking. It appears to shimmer even at night and it's material is unlike any that has ever been seen. The Seven Stars of Mystra are sewn onto the sleeves and front, suggesting her to be a holy person to Our Lady of Mysteries. Whenever she visits, she is seen stopping at the tower belonging to the Knights of Cerulean Stars.

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    Sheets of parchment are pinned up through Peltarch by arrow. Attached is a most unusual looking poem.

    _Thin Line










    Bird Brain_

  • When word of the election reaches Keram's ears, in the Mermaid, a light chuckle can be heard.

    The kids are at it again are they….

    The old elf smiles and returns to sipping his wine.

  • Rumors fly of a dual that took place just outside the city limits, in the shadow of the tower. Some speak of a smug hin laying in the dirt while his former victim extracted revenge. The consenses is that it was a fair fight, but many feel the hin got off too easy.

  • Rumors spread that Rolan Benthur, the Ex-Banite has taken it upon himself to prove to all that he no longer follows Bane

    It was said that he entered the commons in Peltarch and placed upon the sundial a dagger that had the symbol of Bane engraved into it and after it was heated with spells by two who accompanied him, he smashed it with his gauntlet

    Is this for real or is this still just another elaborate plot by the banites to get a spy in the ranks of the other faiths?

  • Hearing the news over a pint in the Mermaid, Ogam grins broadly.

    "Badger-muffin party?'

    He chuckles, but scrathes his stubble thoughtfully as he does so.

    'Aye… well... that does sound just like what the city is needing these days."

    He shakes his head.

    "I just hope they don't go gobbling up too many of the little beasties…"

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    _Rumors spread that Sierra Ju'ent has retained a gnome known as Idym, or the Fool to some, to be her campaign manager. Word also flits about with talk of the newly named political party, to be something to the effect of the Badger/Muffin party. Anna Siglerson is said to be one of the first members.

    An odd meeting was held outside of Peltarch, involving Roland Brynmor, the Fool, Scutum Hedges, and Sierra Ju'ent involving hugging, and something about King Twinkletoes. Some can only speculate that this is code for something to do with the newly formed party._

  • Realizing the importance of gaining recognition and respect as early as possible in an election, Gailyn continues doing his best to ingratiate himself with both prominent individuals and common folk alike to keep himself memorable. After coming in late one evening covered with various blood stains he's overheard conversing with a civillian at a table in the inn

    "…two of them you say? well...glad someone's finally taking action!" the commoner offers a gap toothed smile

    "Yes, those dock rats were no match for me though and the other man helped...I also tried to talk some sense into a prostitute...no luck though..." Gailyn is heard remarking while apparently studying the contents of his wine decanter with much interest, before remarking on the incredible sum of gold they charge with a laugh

    After some idle chatter it is said he bought a round of ale for everyone in the inn before heading out to resume his patrol, checking to make sure his sword was clear in his scabbard and a determined expression evident on his face