::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • When word of the election reaches Keram's ears, in the Mermaid, a light chuckle can be heard.

    The kids are at it again are they….

    The old elf smiles and returns to sipping his wine.

  • Rumors fly of a dual that took place just outside the city limits, in the shadow of the tower. Some speak of a smug hin laying in the dirt while his former victim extracted revenge. The consenses is that it was a fair fight, but many feel the hin got off too easy.

  • Rumors spread that Rolan Benthur, the Ex-Banite has taken it upon himself to prove to all that he no longer follows Bane

    It was said that he entered the commons in Peltarch and placed upon the sundial a dagger that had the symbol of Bane engraved into it and after it was heated with spells by two who accompanied him, he smashed it with his gauntlet

    Is this for real or is this still just another elaborate plot by the banites to get a spy in the ranks of the other faiths?

  • Hearing the news over a pint in the Mermaid, Ogam grins broadly.

    "Badger-muffin party?'

    He chuckles, but scrathes his stubble thoughtfully as he does so.

    'Aye… well... that does sound just like what the city is needing these days."

    He shakes his head.

    "I just hope they don't go gobbling up too many of the little beasties…"

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    _Rumors spread that Sierra Ju'ent has retained a gnome known as Idym, or the Fool to some, to be her campaign manager. Word also flits about with talk of the newly named political party, to be something to the effect of the Badger/Muffin party. Anna Siglerson is said to be one of the first members.

    An odd meeting was held outside of Peltarch, involving Roland Brynmor, the Fool, Scutum Hedges, and Sierra Ju'ent involving hugging, and something about King Twinkletoes. Some can only speculate that this is code for something to do with the newly formed party._

  • Realizing the importance of gaining recognition and respect as early as possible in an election, Gailyn continues doing his best to ingratiate himself with both prominent individuals and common folk alike to keep himself memorable. After coming in late one evening covered with various blood stains he's overheard conversing with a civillian at a table in the inn

    "…two of them you say? well...glad someone's finally taking action!" the commoner offers a gap toothed smile

    "Yes, those dock rats were no match for me though and the other man helped...I also tried to talk some sense into a prostitute...no luck though..." Gailyn is heard remarking while apparently studying the contents of his wine decanter with much interest, before remarking on the incredible sum of gold they charge with a laugh

    After some idle chatter it is said he bought a round of ale for everyone in the inn before heading out to resume his patrol, checking to make sure his sword was clear in his scabbard and a determined expression evident on his face

  • Talk spreads about a discussion between a few of the prospecting senator elects in the commons, apparently soem were discussing things they intend to have done if they get elected, focussing on solving the homeless problem, the unemployment, the food shortange, and the orphan children, Chaevre' took the moment to question those proposals, apparently she bluntly stated that you dont need to be senator to solve those problems, She said that any citizen who truly wanted to fix those issues could do so themselves, by simply buying a plot of land outside the city limits and building a large house, they could them move the homeless or unemployed to live in the house and/or work on the land to grow food for themselves and the city, the children could help to tend livestock or work the fields if they were old enough and could attend school during the days, also could live in the house, this will solve the homeless, unemployment, orphans, and food shortage problems all in one shot..after a brief pause one person responded "Well then what should we do if were elected?" Chaevre's responce was simple "You are the one running you should answer your own question." after this the debate became more heated and more or less went nowhere, Chaevre' couldn't help but grin to herself.

  • A rumour spreads among the hin of Peltarch. At it's essence: "Sasha Lil'foot for Senator".

  • ((Not that they arn't great or anything, but isn't it a little ooc/out of place to have big election speeches in the rumours thread? ))

  • DM

    Magistrate Barrim goes up to remind Corana that senators do not lead security forces, that was rather the problem with the traitor Koreth before he was exposed. Promising to clean up all crime with your own private army is something similar to cries of "there will be order" - he remarks that such attitudes are the mark of a zealot.

    He welcomes her efforts to ridding the city of crime, and points out the loyal guards in uniform that are already doing well, and have suffered much under the recent troubles.

    He smiles, and then asks her if she is no interested in clearing up crime to submit any information to the office of the captain of the guard, where proper due process can take place. He also reminds her that there are always positions in the guard for the most trustworthy of individuals.

  • Rumors spread that the rat problem in the sewers is growing worse, and that these vermin are becoming braver, not hesitating to steal what they can from both wealthy and impoverished kitchens alike. Residents are encouraged to take what precautions they can against potential injury the spread of disease.

  • The past few days Zyph has been seen less in the commons and far more in the dock districts. Rumors don't spread about pointless speeches months before elections take place, speeches people won't even remember by the time it starts. Instead it is said that he has been seen moving through the docks more often, hoping that at least his presence may keep some of the recent troubles from happening as much and hoping for a chance to stop what he can. He has said to be trying to speak with some of the working women of the street, attempting to get them to try and make a better life for themselves, but as of now it seems to no avail. Still, the bard seems to not let it kill his spirit as he continues to try to travel and speak to those in the district.

  • Sipping on a glass of Chateaux du Rose 1345 in the inn trying to unwind after hearing all the long winded and scathing speeches while trying hard to ingratiate himself with the the prominent organizations and people, Gailyn overhears the two women talking with regret at the misfortune befalling the docks district and anger at the lack of action.
    This is it…Gailyn realizes If I'm to gain prestige enough to be considered a worthy candidate, this is my oppurtunity…
    With that Gailyn stands atop his chair, wineglass in hand and pronounces loudly with a smile

    Citizens of Peltarch…I will not trouble and bore your already bleeding ears with another speech filled with empty words and promises. You have seen me risk my life to defend yours time and again. Repelling kobolds, bandits, and fighting for your liberation in the civil war that cost me dearly, but the wounds I suffered I am proud to bear because I earned them doing the right thing, for you all. Proclaiming past heroics won't help you NOW though, it is past time for words and time for fulfilment. I will let my actions speak for me and do what I can to help right NOW, so just remember the name Gailyn of house Daedrus when you hear how the streets of Peltarch have become safer…cheers

    with that he raises his wineglass to the crowd and finishes off the remnants of the wine, then descends throwing his cloak about his shoulders, checking to see that his sword is clear in its scabbard, striding with determination towards the Docks District as dusk falls

  • _All across Peltarch people gather in its busy pubs and inns chatting over pints of ale and fine wine, while sharing the latest gossip. "did you hear about the murder.." one would start, just to have a neighbor reply "..the one in the docks?" and rarely would they be talking about the same one.

    Tales goes about an innocent girl working for the seafarers guild, being forced up against a wall and robed as she left the building after hours.

    Another tale speaks of a woman coming home to find her house burgled and her husband dead in the lounge.

    There is the tale of the man who flung himself off the roof.

    The prostitute that hung herself.

    The Paladin girl who was assaulted on the way and left dead and robbed in the street.

    The prostitute that was strangled and about to be dumped in the sea.

    And numerous of assaults of hooded men, attacking swiftly and suddenly from the narrow and dark streets of the docks.

    Meanwhile the senator candidates talk._

  • ::The orange haired bard, in a pure black and obsidian vest and outfit, once again gathers his things and stands among a tiny crowd::

    ''Fellow Peltarchians, …''

    ::He addresses them in a familiar tone, his face calm and impassive, clear blue eyes acknowledging the people restecfully. He steps up on a soap box yet again::

    ''My name is Nathen Wingates, most of you know me as Nest. I'm representing and speaking for Sierra Ju'ent – a woman with a vision. A vision not only restore Peltarch to it's former glory, but make it better, more able, and productive then before.''

    ::The bard in black takes a breath before continuing::

    ''What matters must the city be considering for this betterment? We've a lack of food, education, able men in the guard and the defenders – not to mention the traitor Koreth and his followers who've fled west.''

    ::He clears his throat before beginning with his first combined argument::

    …Let's take a look at the lack of nutrition as well as the traitors. Sierra Ju'ent believes Koreth should be brought into custody, Sierra Ju'ent believes he should be judged by the city and the senate, aye, many people do. The question still remains; what of his men? His followers, simply followers, most of whom most likely wanting to return to the city. Most of whom have wives and children here, in Peltarch.

    Treason comes at a cost, and it's not just one's honor. Sierra Ju'ent believes the followers of the betrayer Koreth are to work in the fields, work in the plains, the farm lands close to your east. They would farm, as prisoners, under guard, every day; a fair price for betraying the city. They would help rebuild what they destroyed. Much more productive then simply sentancing them all to death. If you vote Sierra Ju'ent for senate, you can bet she'll be pushing and fighting for this to happen.''

    ::The orange haired man takes a small breath, exhales quietly and closes his eyes a moment, before continuing and moving on to his next argument::

    ''Now we move on to the problems of Education. Our future, fellow Peltarchians, lies within our education. Where will our next generation be if our children cannot read, or write? How will a guard write a letter to the senate, how will files he stored? Thousands of children, our next generation, do not have the resources available for a decent education.

    The people of Sierra Ju'ent 's campaign are to volunteer themselves to help educate these children, as well as hire several teachers, be they bards or wizards. We know many more then willing to help. Orphans will be recieving this education for free, fellow Peltarchians. Better they be schooled, and fed, and housed properly within the orphanage then end up stealing or begging, wouln't you agree, fellow Peltarchians?''

    ::The bard clears his throat, smoothens his pure black outfit out, and moves on to his third argument::

    ''The guards in the docks are at a lack. The city needs better security, which means more guards, which means more salaries, and more equpment for said guards. Fullplate armor and swords do not come cheap.''

    ::He states, rubbing his finger against his thumb in a money motion::

    ''Luckily, we of Sierra Ju'ent 's campaign have a solution. Seen as our traitors in the west will be stopped, captured and properly sentanced, they will have no more need for weapons or armor. This equipment can be given to the newer guards in the docks, solving and putting aside one obstacle stopping us from saving our docks from crime.''

    ::Takes a small breath::

    ''These ideas come from a brilliant woman: Sierra Ju'ent. Some say ambition clouds reason, but I assure you, fellow Peltarchians, this is not the case. Sierra Ju'ent is resourcefull, quick thinking and has a sound, humble mind. She is fighting for you, fellow Peltarchians. She wants to better this city, for you. She is perfect for the senate, fellow Peltarchians. But these ideas, suggestions, – these solutions to our problems can only be faught for if you elect Sierra Ju'ent, for senate.''

    ::And the dark clothed bard steps down from his soap box, gathers his papers and things, before smiling politely and conversing with a few citizens.

  • Chaevre hears yet another winded speach and smirks

    Obviously someone doesnt quite know how things are done in the government, you can snap your fingers and make things happen, being senator gives you a vote it doesnt make you a god.

  • Dressed in her Umberlant ceremonial robes, Corana stands in the center of the commons, addressing the usual crowd of commoners, merchants, and adventurers.

    "In recent days, you have been hearing nobles, politicians, and the like speaking of high ideals and theoreticals for the upcoming election. I say to you this: what have you heard of plans to restore this city to its former glory? What have you heard of solutions to the crime problems in the docks? Citizens, theory and philosophy do not restore order where there is none; they do not stop crime; they do not prevent murder.

    I, Corana Lyonsen, as high priestess of her majesty, Umberlee, can offer you two promises in which you may place your trust if I am voted into the Peltarch Senate. First, I offer you a security force to aid overworked and outnumbered soldiers in rooting out those responsible for the anarchy in the docks, a group of capable individuals whom you may trust so that you will no longer need to fear for your lives when you walk the streets at night. Second, I offer you the favor of the Sea Queen, that we might, as a city, rebuild our commerce and wealth through safe trade on the waters of the Icelace and beyond. Just as any woman revels in attention paid to her, so too does the Sea Queen. Her favor can be earned through simple offerings given with appropriate humility. I, citizens of Peltarch, can lead you in gaining this favor and thus secure our trade routes and bolster our economy.

    These two points, together, are key to our city returning to glory. When you vote, keep these issues in mind, and consider me for election."

    After addressing the crowd, Corana returns to her usual seat on a bench to converse with any who wish to speak with her.

    ((OOC: anyone with details on money, etc. that would be required to actually run, please PM me. I'd love to get Corana in on this process, but I want to make sure I can actually afford it first… :oops: ))

  • Ting casually mentions to the merchants in the docks and commerce district with whom she is friends

    Well hey, if everyone else is running to become senator I might as well give it a shot.

    she laughs with a bright grin

    And I don't have to kiss babies in the docks to make people think I care, they've probably already seen me around enough for the last few years to know I'm not just toying with them.

  • DM

    Magistrate Barrim voices his approval of Anna Sigerlsons speech and her highly suitable and intelligent assignment to the senate. "Wisdom without intolerance, and Leadership and Intelligence without the stain of the opportunist, criminal or mercenary upon her"

    "If she doesn't get to the senate, the Defenders is a perfect place for her" her is heard to mention to the new General Lavondo, and his second in command Varid whom both he speaks to having got to know them well and is said to respect them both highly during the re-taking of Peltarch.

  • Chuckles listening to it all

    Bloody hell, starting already. Well, guess I got enough gold to run another campaign, if you know…no hugely threatening forces outside my control want me to not be voted in yet again.