::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • _Zanetar's defense – when Natanya's false rumors reach his ears -- is that the headstrong (and foolish) paladin twice challenged him and twice failed to set a time or place.

    He also (for reference) makes a point about the separation between fear and foolishness. He will not fear a dragon, but he'd be fool to try to slay it._

  • Through the crowds stories filters, some says that when Zanetar the priest of Bane, first arrived to Peltarch, he fled from to Lady Natanya and Senator Roland when met in the wilderness, bartering that if they spared his life he would take citizenship elsewhere and he returned only once he had gained company of his cronies.

    Tales of how the young Paladin has twice challenged the Banite priest to honorable duals -to the death- circulates with heated excitement, and how the Banite priest either chose to flee, or not attend at the appointed time.

    Those that question these rumors questions how a Tyrrian can lie, and some question if this is true, how Zanetar can "Fear none but Bane".

  • There was a period when Natanya was seldom seen in public, but times has changed.

    The tall charismatic blond has taken to do rounds about the city, almost moving in a militant and erect manner with her polished golden temple plate and "bless" cast upon her enchanted blade, glowing white at her hip.

    The Paladin persuades the crowd to listen where she can, reminding them that "patience" and "justice" often are united, and if they have concerns or fears the temple of Tyr provide guidance and aid both for spirit and mind, something the High priestess Daisy in her greatness has shown repeatedly during the cities most difficult times.

    "I was once like you, I too felt alone, depressed, abounded and frightened -but not anymore- I have felt no fear since I turned to mylord Tyr, and you too may join in his compassion as has I and the high priestess."

    She lecture those uncertain, that they whom turn to darker faiths are usually insane or weak minded individuals drawn by the cheap promises of simple solutions and supposed power, where evil gods corrupts people for their own selfish gains.

    She adds that Tyr is a father figure with open arms there to teach, aid and shelter all who turns to him, and much like a parent he will punish those who wrongs his people, citizen or cities.

    After giving the location of the temple, she finishes the speech by shouting out in an almost fanatical tone as if there is no doubt in her heart

    "There will be Justice!" and "Evil will one day vanquish and a new greener Toril will one day arise!"

  • While sharpening her axe in the commons, Corana catches wind of the growing women's movement in Peltarch. She is said to be heard commenting:

    "I must find this Sierra. This is far too good an opportunity to pass up."

  • _Nicahh hears Sierra's idea to form a political party and is seen talking to a variety of women throughout Peltarch. Rumor has it she wishes to see a uniting of women for the up coming election and perhaps the creation of a party thats main platform consist of women and children's affairs. She suggest that all women who love and truly respect the future of Peltarch will come together and nominate an individual to represent their voices. She tells them she has a few ladies in mind who she believes would benifit the city the most. It appears she has grown tired of tyrant men controlling everything.

    On a side note, Nicahh is seen sitting in the commons less and less with her known lover Zanetar. When she is seen with him she appears to have grown even quieter when he is around than before._

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    _Sierra Ju'ent stands in the commons, leaning against her post near the Dancing Mermaid as is her usual wont and inclination, whistling the popular song "Kissin' Cousin's".

    She is bored.

    She has been out of trouble for far too long.

    But then she remembers a conversation she had the night before in the Peltarch Commons about equality between men and women, and which side had taken the pros and the cons.

    She gets an idea.

    Running into the Mermaid, she cups her hands over her mouth, and shouts from the top of her lungs:_

    "Hey ya'll! Whadya'll think 'bout me runnin' for the Pel-tarch Sen-ate?!"

    Shortly there after, Sierra can be seen running around Peltarch with the intent to seek out Idym with the idea of forming a political party, in which the Badger would be the symbol set against the shape of a mushroom…

    Trouble is afoot.

  • (( ehh… probably shouldn't post this here ))

  • _The troll and umber hulk rumored to have been ravaging the Eastlanders to the south of Peltarch seem to have reappeared, or so rumors would have it. They appear to have redoubled the intensity of their attacks against the bandits, taking no prisoners and showing no mercy whatsoever.

    One night not long ago, someone looking out from the city walls might have noticed against the setting sun the silhouette of a huge humanoid creature holding aloft a human head as if in triumph… or warning..._

  • Rumors trickle down about a possible senate election and that the Cerulean Knight and Merchant Chaevre' Vaelen intends to have a run at it, when asked about her current status in the knights and the possible conflict of interest she would state that she will continue to faithfully serve the knights until the election and will remain a knight if she does not get elected

  • _The Nars pass just outside of Peltarch is littered with the bodies of at least 50 dead bandits, all in a large clusters, as if they charged a single foe in groups.

    Zanetar's shield looks slightly dented._

  • Rumour has it the Playwright Eowiel Senella is sequestered in the Bardic College working on another play, after the hugely successful production she and the infamous bard Meril starred in, "Antonia", word has it her new play will utilise more of the College's talent and abilities than the previous work did, and won't even feature any Senators!

  • Zanetar is overtly pleased at news of the Kelemvorite's arrest.

  • Anna Sigerlson can be seen with Alice Marrian, Mariston Thel, and a Littel bLonde haired boy around the city. Seems she has adopted the little orphan boy.

    She can also be seen visiting General Lavindo and the various other defenders spreading the doctrine of Red Knight and serving as a de facto chaplain of the defenders.

    She has also expressed her intent to seek election to one of the empty senate seats. She promises logic and pragmatism is city policy.

  • Peltarch Far Scouts


    Senator Nico’s popularity seems greatly enhanced, tales that he personally snuck into the city to rescue his lover circulate, others claim it was his plan that lead to victory. He’s greeted with smiles and cheers wherever he goes.

    Sierra spreads the word that Nico was not only her savior, but also the savior of another miss by the name of Julia, who had also been trapped within the city.

  • Skyla Vea'Draeven pauses to speak to the citizens in various parts of the city of the reprocussions following the war

    "During the war, I donated four thousand gold to healing supplies for the effort to regain Peltarch, and collected almost three thousand in donations from others also to purchase healing supplies. I cannot possibly express to those who donated thier hard earned gold, how much this meant to so many of those who were fighting.

    In a time of war, it was bolstering to see citizens who normally never converse pull together. And I only hope we should continue to do so.

    For those of you have room in your household and in your hear for a child, I beg of you, please consider taking in one of the many of those who were left orphans by our fight for our city.

    For those of you who have more than enough gold for yourself, I beg of you, please donate some small portion of it to the Temple of Tyr, who is still helping to heal those who were wounded.

    And to those who are able bodied, I beg of you, please pick up a hammer, use your hands, and do what you can to take this opportunity to reshape our city into one which will be an even more vibrantly shining jewel of the Icelace than before."

  • Strange sensations pulsed across the land of Narfell. Feelings of deja vu and time coming to brief stand stills. As abruptly as it came, the phenomenon passed.

  • _The rogue/arcanist Valen Revera hasn't been seen in the city for days.

    Some say he was kidnapped by orcs. Some say he wondered what a Phantasmal Killer scroll felt like and decided to try it out for himself – such a stunt wouldn't be a surprise. Some say he cut himself a bit too deep while shaving. Perhaps he moved away, or perhaps the slow-witted rogue might of tripped on a rock near a cliff and fell to his ultimate doom?

    Whichever the case, Most commoners are more then happy thanks to the cocky, loud-mouthed swashbuckler's absence._

  • Rath also remained within the walls, some say leading a small group of guards still loyal to the Senate and protecting those civilians and children unable to escape in the chaos following the start of the fighting. Rath himself is unusually reticent about events inside the occupied city. He visits the temple more frequently than was his wont.

  • _To those who wonder where Natanya was during the civil war, Daisy will tell that she never left the city.

    The young Paladin stayed within the walls during the duration of the war, fighting and living with the defenders still loyal to Peltarch. She arrived at the temple looking worn, exhausted, starved and filthy, her armor rusty, her young face hard, and a hint of her innocence lost in her eyes.

    She is mostly locked in her room, she goes outside, but has become quite anti-social._

  • Rumors spread quickly that Nicahh was seen escorting a dark clad, hooded elf into the civic hall, where they stayed a short time, before the two left the city heading south… Most of the rumors center around who the elf could have been, but many recognize the quiet form as Sy'wyn.