::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • _Captain Anakore of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars seems to be in pretty high spirits. Even though he has not partaken in the main assault on the city he had been ever present, assisting the healers and motivating the men in the refugee camp.

    Now the city has been retaken, he speaks very highly of his two newest Knights, the merchant lady Chaevre Vaelen and the Mystran devotee Kia Velarii, commending them for their initiative and resolve during the war. Rumor has it he has given Chaevre an instantaneous promotion, and has taken a particular interest in the training of Kia, assisting her where he can to develop her magical powers as well as her fighting skills. He is quoted saying "The simplest things are often the hardest to learn."_

  • The Beshaban b|+<# seems to not have stayed dead, but return from the grave after a month. The most obvious change is that the former white of her eyes are now glowing red. Though she missed the civil war, she seems to have taken a great interest in it, going through the streets and chatting with people, offering them a bit of ale or spirits, mostly trying to give them a little bit of help. Sometimes, when they listen to her way of avoiding further bad luck, she even blesses a man or two with supernatural strength. She can also be found offering counsel to families that have lost members, trying to teach them how to hold together and get through the difficult times ahead, always focussing on the worship to Beshaba being the only true way to avoid further grieveous misfrotunes.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumours circulate of a hin being pursued and attacked by a dwarf nights ago throughout peltarch. Some say the hin found out a dark secret of the dwarf, others pass off that the hin attempted to lift the dwarf's purse, but most confirmed that the dwarf had flung a series of magical energies at the hin. The hin was not seen after that. Some believed the hin had been killed, although his corpse is nowhere to be seen. Other say he had gave the dwarf the slip and is hiding within one of the shady inns in the docks district.

  • Seems a Drelan Ashire is looking for a ship to take him to Damara. He is asking all interested to leave a notice for him at charters.

  • someone had taken up residence in the mermaid, for an extended period ftime. Some have noted he appears to leave occasionally only to promptly return some time later without speaking to anyone. Some have noted, a large crate of wine being taken up to one of the rooms now and again.

  • The convict that escaped from the prison, Elor, dissapeared shortly before the final attack, and hasn't been seen since. Although he has been briefly spotted in Jiyyd and Norwick, asking around for a girl named "Eille", he never stayed anywhere very long, and hasn't been seen in Peltarch so far. Although most people think he just avoids the city so he wouldn't be locked up again, one has to consider the fact that he is still in Narfell, and has had ample opportunities to leave…

  • Rando can be seen in Peltarch covered in blood, his armour dented in all manner of places with a large bags of what looks to be filled with heads. He asks one of the guards "you seen Magistrate Barrim"

  • Surviving rebels and their commanders fled into the GIantspire mountains.

  • Word spreads around the camp and then the city quickly


    A frontal attack was lead by General Lavindo and Commander Talgrath, taking the civic districts and commerce district as a covert elite group took the sewers out from under them and pincered in, killing Captain Sent and his men and turning the tide in the docks, winning the final location and the city as a whole.

    Construction began right away at restoring the city and in no time Peltarch ahd returned to its illustrious glory, though thoughts and whispers still linger of what will happen next.

  • Ocean spent the battle in telling the children stories, keeping them busy and making sure they slept despite their fears. Her only distraction from this the return of Drelan and of Lilly, both seeming wounded and exhausted. Heving ensured neither would die she returned to the children, her eyes occassionally scanning the north as if waiting for one more to return.

  • After returning from the last attack, Drelan Ashire could be seen standing by the tents, looking quite pale and weak, bleeding from several wounds that seem as if they came from arrows, though he stood far enough away not to give them fright. Evidentally he had denied the priest's tendings, his reasons why unknown. He just stared at two people telling stories to the children observing the sight until one looked up at him. He then turned went to one of the tents and collapsed inside of it with a nasty clank not even bothering to disarmor. He has not been seen moving from the tent for some time.

  • Richal Benders can be seen wandering through the camp with a neverending task or so it seems.. He's writing down everyone's name on a list, so families can be reunited and friends won't have to worry.. Not everyone seems to give out their name though..

  • Drelan Ashire can be seen hauling large amounts of food into the camp. Enough to feed some families for a few days. Nothing compared to the 10,000 thats there, but perhaps every little bit will help.

  • Another attack was led against teh refuge camp tonight. Many brave men and women stood strong along the ridge; from the tiny mallis to the brave paladins Kara and Mariston to the former Norwick Militia Captain Rando onto the Holy woman Call, who bravely fought holding the line while other prepared, along with many others. Zyphlin was said to be at the front, heavily weighed down with supplies to be handed out to others, using the balista's to surprisingly deadly results.

    In a surprising moment that was said to be amazingly cunning, or completely insane, but either way started the tide turning the opposite direction the Magistrate placed a pair of amazingly stinky blue socks upon the tip of the balista and fired it into the tower of the front gates. Upon impact the socks exploded out in a wide plume of odorous smoke, sending enemy fights fleeing desperately from the walls in need of air or anything to clear thier noses from the pungent odor. The magistrate apparently was laughing heartily, stating "Thank Tonks"…though if this "tonks" is some unknown god or a dead friend or possibly just a man with very, very, smelly feet is speculated about.

  • Ocean can be seen at all hours of day and night playing, hugging, singing and joking with the children, comforting those that wake in the night that have no adults with them and cooking for them at each meal at a separate fire away from the grownups. No-one has actually seen her sleep in many nights, though she does vanish occassionally for an hour or so, so perhaps she's sleeping then.

  • Drelan Ashire some several hours later was seen returning, a slight tear in his eye though otherwise emotionless, being followed by Corana, his hand resting tightly on his sword hilt. He then went to one of the empty tents and rested, though observers noticed he never seemed to find sleep, the lights outside revealing someone that just kept starring at the cieling.

  • Drelan Ashire could be seen shoving past the guards of the tower, going into the very back where the priest once stood and collapsing placing his sword hilt to the ground and muttering words barely inaudible very quickly, though they never ceased for pause. Finally when he ran out of whatever he was saying he leaned his head against the cold stone wall, and has been there for hours total oblivious to any around him, even the dying that litter the floor of the place, and not moving a single muscle. So far no one has attempted to move him from his spot.

  • The Bard and merchant known as Ting is seen by the water washing countless layers of blood soot and mud off of herself. She is never seen leaving or entering the camp, she just appears throwing back her cloak some time after she has crossed the line of defenders. For long hours or even days she is gone from the camp, None know exactly what she does in the city to get so dirty, but it is clear she isn't using the cleanest means of travel.

    Some tell rumors that she's been retrieving treasures left behind in the city for her own personal collection, others say she's playing spy for both sides to earn money, It's even been mentioned that she was drafted into the defenders as an assasin and has racked up a kill count as high as any other soldier, but she has never been hit by the mercenaries. Is she looking for someone she left behind? Someone? She doesn't speak about why she goes back into the city much, but does come back constantly with news of enemy troop movements, talking of them like they were old news and not really on top of her mind.

  • Corana can be seen strolling around the refugee camp idly when not accompanied by Drelan, Ocean, or Deacon, or when not preaching to those who will listen. What is occuring around them, she states plainly, is what happens when the inhabitants of a port city fail in their respects to Umberlee- sheer chaos. She suggests that everyone take a good look at the destruction, and know that it could have been avoided if respect for the Sea Queen were placed before the greed of corrupt men.

    Rumors also begin to circulate that Corana, at the request of magistrate Zyphlin, offered a sacrifice to Umberlee that she might make the waters of the Icelace hostile for the enemy. Details are few, but mention is made of deer being drowned outside the walls of Norwick.

  • _In the hussle and bussle of the camp, where every known face of Peltarch has settled, and rumors of heroic deeds is whispered around the fires - Anah standing near the kegs casually asks a passers by about her "boss" once, while pouring herself a glass, then return to see if she can make some coins somewhere.

    Gildor was last seen leaving the pub the morning before the meeting, and neither her or her son has since been sighted. If the elf is dead or alive, within the city or has long escaped - is unknown, but who would really notice the missing barwench?_