::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Gailyn is seen wearing worn, but well made fullplate and an elegant looking scabbard holding a very fine looking blade. Passersby notice him humming and smiling, decidedly in a much better mood since the rumored run in with the Beshaban priestess. Some have even said that it's actually her sword he now wields and that his smile is one of irony. Others suggest he bedded a rich man's wife and used her to purchase both his fullplate and the sword.

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    _Footsteps cease to pitter patter across rooftops, and thugs have ceased thier search for the Mockingbird.

    Sierra Ju'ent seems to have vanished from Peltarch.

    And Priestess Daisy is now the not so proud owner of a worn and beaten leather hat._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Admist the shadows of the moonlight, a small dark figure sneaks near to the corpse of the Basheban, his face leans closer to eye her face.
    "Damn! Wretch died too soon for the good for me plans!"

  • those watching the sky the other day may have seen an unusual sight approaching the city from the Ice Lake. At first it appeared simply two birds, but as it approached they took on the shape of humans, apparently flying. Rumors abound as to who it was or why they were coming, though most rumors speculate that they figures landed on bard street, perhaps assassins after the Headmaster's life.

  • Keira tracks down the resting place of the Beshaban and chants softly under her breath before burning some spirits in tribute. As always, she's quiet, composed and focussed on her task.

  • Rumours spread quickly that the Cerulean Lieutenant Eowiel Senella actually attacked the personal guard around Defender Captain Varid, naturally she was quickly subdued and taken into custody, where there was much wild speculation as to what was happening to her or if she were even alive after what certainally seemed like an unprovoked attack of treacherous nature to most onlookers. She was seen later that evening, however, being lead to the Jails where she was apparantly Court Marshalled. Her exact sentence is a matter of speculation.

    ((EDIT BY LINAH. Remember folks, you can not decide the reaction of NPC´s unless asked to do so by a DM. great postings otherwise. keep it up =))

  • Gildor isn't hiding her joy about the news regarding the Beshaban b!+<#

  • Said Beshaban b!+<# was carried into the city by Captain Anakore of the Cerulean Knights, and taken to the temple of Tyr for last rites and burial.

  • Amist the upheaval with the unaligned Defenders forming up in the streets rumors of a duel between Nars folk and one of Peltarch's own esteemed citizens. The victor, identified as Gailyn, challenged the Nars merchant because the Nars man was harassing an unarmed and unarmored elven woman. The nerve of those savages! Perhaps we've finally had enough of those barbarians and that's what all the fuss is about! When asked about it Gailyn waves dismissively with a grim demeanor mumbling about a Beshaban b!+<# interfering!

  • (this poem was inspired by an annonymously authored Holocaust poem, which I think is titled "I Said Nothing".)

    Tacked to the doors and walls of the city, the following poem is scattered throughout all districts of Peltarch and the Town of Jiyyd.

    _The Price of Nothing

    They arrived in the city and gathered disciples together to pray
    A cathedral of domination and standing just inside the lines
    Their hearts black we knew it only boded things of evil
    Suspecting their plots and plans they made from cover of shadows

    But we said nothing

    They sought and acted to create dissention amongst ourselves
    The city heart filling with growing doubt along the lake shores
    And infighting arose and we knew where the roots of it lay
    The source of the black poison that filled the hearts of the foundation

    But still we said nothing

    Then they began to seek out the attackers of our chosen leaders
    In strange curiosity and growing interest in the violent actions
    Wishing maybe to aid and remove our lawmakers and protectors
    Exchanging them for a chosen of their pack of abusive hands

    And yet still we said nothing

    They gather power through disciples
    They create dissention amongst us
    They act to replace what is ours with theirs

    They do this from the shadows
    We know the truth
    But have no proof of it

    Are our hands truly bound from action?

    All we do is wait

    And still we say nothing

    They will force us
    To serve
    To fear
    To submit

    With their wills in mind and not our own
    For this is what we wait

    The price of nothing

    Soon we will be unable to say anything at all

    The Raven of the Menagerie_

  • Rumor has it that a man was brought to the commons stark naked after trying to rob and forcefully bed a woman. Seems a Deacon Sterr, and Drelan Ashire were able to contain the man and keep him from fleeing until a proper guard could be roused. Whether or not the man ever made it to the prision considering the restricted access currently, is unknown. The woman seemed was shaken, but was tended to and should be fine.

  • A giant, clawed burrowing creature has been causing havoc in the commerce district, it's hideous appearance causing panic in the common folk. The guard were unable to catch the creature as it fled off. Rumors that the creature was actually an insane, transformed wizard who is currently wanted by the city are yet to be confirmed.

  • At least one person, Drelan Ashire, seems evidentally not afraid of the defenders that have so kindly placed themselves in almost corner of the city and ran everyone out of their areas and sometimes homes. Whether he's just stupid, or wishes to die is yet to be seen, though he seems very intent on reaching the docks for some ceremony that he complains he has been unable to do the past days in honor of the lady of the lance board due to the disrespectful unworthy as he calls them. He has asked to speak to their commanding officers multiple times since most as he says, do not have enough pride or courage to even give their names but so far he has been refused audience.

  • D_Damien has recently been telling a story of a Kobold that sings hangiing around the western gates. He claims he heard it and tried to speak with it but understably it ran off. He has offered a drink to anyone that can provide him with further information on the kobold._

  • @c18bfa2f4c=Shaggy311:

    Rumors are that two succubuses appeared in the center of the commerce district. Lookin' like two naked women, they came and attacked two men. Both men were overwhelmed, but some of the women in the Mermaid were not too convinced they put up a decent fight.

    And somewhere in the great gaming hall in the sky Bromely looks for Kanen.

  • _A heavily armored dwarf is see walking up to the bar and banging his hand on the table. He places an order for ale and mutter to keep them coming.

    As he drinks he keeps looking around, and jumps anytime he hears a word that sounds like "awaken".

    He continues to down the ales and glance about the tavern, as if making sure nothing sneaks up on him._

  • The paladin Mariston Thel is seen around the city a shield never from his arm, the shield is covered in a cloth with Torms holy symbol emblazoned upon it. The young paladin looks rather preoccupied. Also for a time a strange light encompassed the paladin.

  • Corpses line Bard Street in the Commerce District, and soldiers in green armor keep a silent vigil over the bloody cobblestones as night falls. Rumours spread of a wounded Senator being carried off by his wife to a quiet home; little more is said but some note that Daisy appears to have left the temple.

  • Rumors are that two succubuses appeared in the center of the commerce district. Lookin' like two naked women, they came and attacked two men. Both men were overwhelmed, but some of the women in the Mermaid were not too convinced they put up a decent fight.

  • Deacon smirks

    Seems de nosy bards getting it soon..

    Glad ah became a sailor instead of 'n bard..

    He then adresses a passerby

    Ah cin sing ye know.. Wan' te hear?..