::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • @85d7b640ee=Flomuxed:

    One blank-faced Nate Wingates can be seen wandering the commons, arms hanging at his sides, eyes staring off and through the commoners and buildings.

    Nathen is quickly picked up by a large half orc and carried away to an unknown location.

  • One blank-faced Nate Wingates can be seen wandering the commons, arms hanging at his sides, eyes staring off and through the commoners and buildings.

  • Damien was released from prison after paying his fine. He doesn't seemed to pleased with the matter and anyone who asks him about it he quickly changes the subject and tells them about a guy he met from Teth named Gailyn that actually washed a kobold leather in the river before putting it on cause he said it smelled bad. It seems to cheer him up a bit and he laughs a little before going back to his ale

  • There are rumours a woman is being held for attempted murder after being seen stabbing a needle into the mute gypsy girl in broad daylight in the commons

  • The locals of the civic district have seen a group of Eastlanders, pushing a cart, delivering a statue to the guardsman at the gate there. The statue seemed to be in the exact shape of Captain Anakore of the Cerulean Knights.

  • Those along the street seeing Zyphlin take the dog to the jail saw the poor creature seeming to weeze and cough. A druid was said to have been fetched but was to late, finding the dog dead from internal injuries the report say. Word spread that it as a bard dog that he had lost some time ago and had been keeping an eye out for. A rather lax sentence was said to have given to Damien, only 300 gold…much less then the 5 years jail time and large fines that could've been given...and the offer to be kicked in the stomach by mirkali that was declined, but he turned it down sightening it as false and stating there was no proof of anything. He was taken to jail for resisting sentencing while the infuriated dogs owner was said to be restrainingly livid at the way the man was talking about his now dead dog.

  • Rumors spread that a dog was kicked by a man after it pissed on his leg. Zephlyn was heard to have said that the man kicking the dog would be charged with destruction of property, how ever to all on lookers the dog looked uninjuered after the encounter. The dog was also accused of being vagrant and taken to jail pending investigation into its ownership

  • One morning Drelan Ashire can be seen leaving the meraid, clean and perfectly kempt for a change, not a look of dirt or grease about him, even his armor his ashine and polished. A fine white linen is draped over his now glistening armor, and a red string hangs from his right ear. A black curly haired hin is chasing after him as he strides out the city gates going south.

  • Arien Ashald can be seen frequently in the city library and speaking with hemrod. She seems to be researching components for unique spells and such. She seems driven to find all manner of knowledge

  • Of late when Nico is seen in public a large half orc is seen trailing close to the senator. The same half orc has also often been seen at odd hours hanging around the Nico's house

  • _Deacon can be seen and heard asking the identity of the man, or what was written on the walls, also, whenever he gets the chance he can be heard talking to commoners: "The guards don' do shite! They jus' clean except fer prevent! What good be it when the lad be dead, 'n dey go clean? The next one cin be ye!"

    Also, he surrounds himself with his men lately, getting more, and more paranoid_

  • Rumor quickly gets around about another murder in the docks. Not that anyone would usually take the time to talk about a simple murder, and especially not one in the docks district, but some say this was different. According to rumors someone was attacked on the bridge near the morgue. The victem was dragged back into a dockhouse where they were killed very violetly. Some say that there was even writing left on the walls, but no one is quite sure what it said.

  • In recent days, a young woman has been seen strolling the streets of Peltarch with increased frequency. She has the appearance of a weathered sailor, hair white as the foam of the sea with a distinctive salty smell eminating from it. Her face is covered in ocean-blue paint, the design encircling her eyes and extending over her brow and cheeks in the shape of the wings of a sea bird. When not in the presence of one Drelan Ashire, whom she calls "lieutenant", she has been seen calling for all citizens to pay their proper respects to the Sea Queen, Umberlee, and has told of a temple to come where seafarers may prepare appropriate offerings to the Queen for safe passage through her domain. Continued failure to fear the Queen's power, she has been heard to say, will lead to Peltarch's end in the watery depths of the sea.

  • _Rumors quickly spread of an another assassination attempt, this time on Senator Evendur Mildsilver. The attempt was ultimately unsuccessful, as the assassin was slain prior to carrying out her mission, whatever it may have been. The Senator is said to be quite irritated over the threat to his well-being.


    In unrelated rumors, Evendur has apparently been spending about half his time in Peltarch and half at Spellweaver Keep, of which he recently became Keeper. People in some circles suggest that he might have split loyalties between Peltarch and Norwick (where the Keep is located), but apparently when confronted, Evendur doesn't even dignify these accusations with a response._

  • Word quickly spreads around Peltarch of an odd thing, the Magistrate seems to be walking around in a glowing blue tunic of the finest silk this side of silverymoon. Some of the newer residents seem rather curious with the sudden change, but the older people of the city seem to smile upon seeing it. Its said the Magistrate looks more youthful then ever, looking as if he's not even out of his mid twenties even though he's been in the city for nearing a decade and a half. Rumors naturally swirl that during the bards abscence years ago he found a fountain of youth, others spectulate wizardy of some sorts, while others swear he's of celestial blood with that golden hair and glowing about him….(those of a more nefarious nature swear its more likely infernal, and all this is a rouse for him to merely cause chaos). While rumors are generally just that, rumors and nothing more, it can be said for certain that the Blue Bard of Peltarch seems to be once again at top form, smiling, flirting, and having an adventerous good time in and around the city once more

  • Is curious why the bards in the city, the majority of which to his understanding are part of the college, are disrespectful enough to mock him considering that through his time in the theater it could be mentioned once more without a laugh or sly smirk accompanied with it. For the most part however, he chuckles, even singing the song a bit himself

    You know, whoever wrote it isnt' the most talented man, but its got a good tune and is a bit humerous.

  • Zanetar only rolls his eyes at the songs. He seems to busy with his own affairs to fret over such juvenile nonsense.

  • In the various inns and taverns a new song is making the rounds. Mostly sung in the later evening the singers change and always claim that it was requested by someone whom they cannot point out now.

    It is a pointed lampoon against both Zyphlin and Zanetar comparing them, in various verses, to 'squabbling teenage girls' 'sneaks and tightwads' and, a fan favorite 'the princesses of pout, darkly looking whenever they go out'

    Zyphlins verses often lean towards the accusations of paranoia while Zanetars prefers to make it look like he purposely runs up a body count of his own people so he might stay the strongest by dint of being the only survivor of his little expeditions.

    When questioned the bards singing the song will describe a hooded figure in flowing green robes who taught them the song (and sang quite well himself). They never got a good look at his face but they were all fairly sure he was elven or half elven.


  • Apparently the troll preying on Eastlanders stationed in Peltarch territory is no longer a threat, but it seems to have been replaced simultaneously with a rampaging umber hulk that glows heavily with magical enchantments. The creature relentlessly destroys anything wearing bandit colors, but flees as fast as its substantial girth will take it when approached by anyone else.

  • Kobolds assaulted the western gates of Peltarch. In thanks to the heroic efforts of many people, including Defenders and noticeably, Talgrath himself, the kobolds were repelled. Word has it that one of the kobolds' leaders came to the gate, and that Talgrath spoke to him. The gates were destroyed in the course of the attack, and are currently being replaced. In the meantime, Defenders stand guard.

    Curiously, Talgrath has been seen chopping down all the trees just outside the walls, over the course of several days. When asked about it, he says "The kobolds got in through these, and other folks apparently don't understand the orders regarding the Tree of Azuth. I'm just dealing with a problem when nobody else will…not that that is a surprise."