::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Arien seems of late to have taken and interest in visiting her cousin Rath and engaging Sierra in hours of screaming matches and witty reparte. It seems the ladies are amenable to each other though their distaste is obvious.

  • _A whistling and grinning dwarf is seen talking to the regulars at the Mermaid, asking round where an honest dwarf can find suitable living quarters.

    He takes note of all their suggestions by scrawling some markings on a rock.

    He then inquires where one can get his proper citizenship papers.

    Grinning he buys a few rounds for all in the Mermaid.

    Whistling and greeting all he sees, he walks out of the tavern towards the open aired market._

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    _It's being said on the streets that Sierra Ju'ent was released from jail, and will be allowed to walk free after a rather public display of the Senator Rath Ashald marching to the Peltarch Jails and demanding that Dunderstone "Walease Her!". The Senator Ashald escorted Sierra Ju'ent from the jails, his gleeming armor blinding onlookers.

    It is still a question of who was behind this assassination attempt on Senator Black, and is still under investigation. Sierra Ju'ent will be left under the responsibility of Senator Ashald, and has been asked not to make any plans in the immediate future for leaving the city.

    Rath Ashald was said to be overjoyed at the Lady Natanya's apparent disposition of being impressed with the Senator's uncharacteristic act of kindness to one of Peltarch's common citizens._

  • Lieutenant Eowiel can likewise often be seen leading small contingents of Cerulean Knights into the Nars Pass to bring battle to the Eastlander Mauraders, her sentiments echoing her Captain's ones.

  • _Captain Anakore of the Cerulean Knights is less often seen in the city lately, mostly he is abroad, either fighting the kobolds or the Eastlanders, about whom he is often heard talking along the lines of …

    "There can be no peace with murderers who've terrorized the Pass for untold years and who had no compunction about selling citizens and guards of the Peltarch into slavery and devourment."

    When he is in the city his armor is mostly bloody or soot or acid covered from recent struggles._

  • _Another song is found written on parchment, tied to arrows and shot into doors, wagons and other wooden structures on the docks;

    Dangerous Reverie

    Last night I had a dream
    In my dream
    I fell from sky to sea

    A voice to me would say-
    You are just a drop of rain
    Just one of many
    A drop of water
    In an endless sea

    Dancing a careful waltz
    Singing my dangerous Reverie

    I walked through a city
    Seeing that some
    Will seek to be everything
    Sometimes even me
    Taking part in the masquerade
    Wondering who I will be

    Threatening hands reach
    Wishing to drain away
    All of the drops in the sea
    Black hands tighten
    A mockingbird deciding
    Resisting the urge to flee

    To myself I say-
    I am just a drop of rain
    Just one of many
    A drop of water
    In an endless sea

    Dancing a careful waltz
    Singing my dangerous Reverie

    As I make my way
    I float beneath
    The surface of faces
    And I find that many
    Are not what they seem
    Truth and fiction I see

    Dozens of faces
    Watching behind
    Shadowed masks
    Other deadly drops of water
    All swimming together
    With us in an endless sea

    To you I say-
    I am just a wanderer
    Just one of many
    Apart of this great journey
    Of what is and what will be

    Dancing a careful waltz
    Singing my dangerous Reverie

    But yet lost
    And alone
    Praying you'll listen to my song
    And heed the warning within

    Last night I had a dream
    In my dream
    I fell from sky to sea

    A Mockingbird flew overhead
    In the morning it flew away
    and is free

    … Vick is said to be displeased with vandalism._

  • Nico can be seen around town following the attack. He seems to be keeping close to guards and has ordered guards around his home at all times. Although there is a suspect behind bars Nico still isn't convinced and is looking for everyone else involved. Rumors circulate that he is personally holding a few responsible though and is getting the proof he needs to have them tried.

  • Chaevre' Vaelen walks into Peltarch looking very aggrivated, apparently Rando of norwick visited Peltarch and requested her audience in Norwick, Chaevre' makes the treck through the nars risking the eastlanders wrath only to be told once she reached Norwick that unless she forks over 5000 gold to Rando she will not longer have Norwicks "protection", and to top it off he has innuended that he would be happy to hand her over to the eastlanders the very moment at the prospect of trading her head for a bit of time in the eastlanders Iron mine, when Chae asked about the consequences of his actions and the resulting effect it would have on relations with Peltarch he simply said "pelt who?"

  • Eowiel openly castigates the Guards as a "Disfunctional and inadequate" organisation who have "brought shame to their reputation as upholders of the Law". Apparantly the recent clobbering of Folir Dolvak, without even saying a single word to the dwarf prior to their attack as well as the seemingly reasonless arrest of Sierra Ju'ent, not to mention her rumoured personal grievance with the Guards in relation to their utter failure to make restitution for what she claimed "unlawful fining" of one of her Knights, these matters seem to have indeed all added up in the elven girl's head and she simply has decided the Guard are no longer worthy of her respect. Unfortunately for them, this seems to entail her own very vocal and very prominent denouncement of them at every concievable public occasion.

  • DM

    Magistrate Barrim hears of the arrest, and goes to look in the arrest records, and then to Senator Nico to learn more of this.

    He then makes a point of asking nate about this woman he calls "his assistant".

  • Nate makes a point to speak to senator black about Sierra's arrest.

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    It is said that Sierra sits at the back of her cell, switching between periods of crying and yelling "I didn't do anything!", and simply quietly huddling herself in the corner. She seems to be taking no food or drink while she is staying in the jail, and it's up for chance whether she'll die first by execution or starving to death.

  • In response to the tensions down the docks Deacon can be heard saying:

    "Been sayin' ya lot this fer ever"..
    "Now it finally comin' ta 'n burst"

    He snickers

    "Dey even try ta kill me fer walkin' about, idjits. If'n de law cinnae handle this ah will."

  • Word spreads that citizens picknicking in the nars saw Magistrate Zyphlin running through the nars at top speed, routinely saying "BAD KITTY" and "No, keep your claws to yourself" and a few "Down Pussy! DOWN" as ran, while being persuded by a rather large black and red panther. Once arriving in the city he turned on it, using his blades to keep its mouth and paws from him and having the guards attack. However it seemed the only things truly doing significant damage to the beast was his small golden dagger, rumored to be blessed by Tymora and that was the only reason. Either way the magistrate with the guards help turned the cat away as it fled back down the nars. The magistrate was then seen running straight through the city into Daisy's temple, not emerging for a few hours afterwards

  • An assassin attempted to kill Senator Black in full public view it the Mermaid Inn. Although badly wounded he survived and slew his assailent with the aid of Lt. Azrael. The guard have arrested Sierra in relation to the attack.

  • Attacks on people walking through the docks continue the thugs demanding to knwo who the Mockingbird is. Tensions in the city begin to rise as people speculate on who ordered them.

  • Zanetar scoffs upon hearing the rumor.

    "They have to be tried first. No one's proven them guilty."

  • Zyphlin announces and spreads the following information through the guards and commons

    The man known as Arthro, cleric of Malar, is to be arrested and brought in for questioning upon sight within Peltarch lands for attempted Assassination of the Magistrate. This man is to be considered extremely dangerous so please proceed with caution.

    The following people are also to be brought into the city and arrested immedietly for conspiring to murder the magistrate:


    Quick sketches of each are given including descpritions of their armor

    Let it be known that these three banitse have worked with this man Arthro to attempt to deliver myself to him but thier attempt was thrawted. Let it also be known that in return for this aid they had arranged that this man, Arhtro, would aid the entire banite church, led by the man Zanetar, of peltarch with a favor. However, since it is only these three that were present at the conspiriter meeting, it is only they who are arrested. However, I urge all citizens to be vigilent around the others, lest this conspiracy go deeper within thier church.

  • Upon hearing about this Defender incident, Talgrath is heard to be outraged, even more then usual. He's been heard angrily remarking that the senate needs to stop "wasting time" and elect a new general of the Defenders.

  • It's pretty common knowledge that Captain Anakore of the Cerulean Knights is no longer engaged to the girl Kaona of the Gypsy Camp. He seems pretty happy about the current state of affairs, spending a lot of time tutoring his five year old son, Nickolai. When not in the company of the Knights or of his son he is most often seen alongside the Warrioress Shemaright, the bard Evelyth or the recently accepted Cerulean Knight and merchant, Chaevre. Whatever the nature of his relationship with these women is is anyone's guess.