::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Rumors say that the Senate has checked the lawbooks for what has been done in the past on such an occasion, where Senators are slain so soon after an election. Apparently, some hundred years ago, there was a case of three Senators dying suddenly to plague almost immediately after being elected. The same procedure used then will apparently be used now, though there are tales of heated, angry debates between the Senators concerning this issue.

  • DM

    When commoners speak to magistrate barrim and mention the election, he usually says, "leave it as it is, the chaos of the last election i dont want to see repeated in the streets of this city for a while yet"

    He doesn't appear to be at all interested in the positions of senator himself anymore, as he is often seen somewhat in a better mood of late perhaps he is enjoying his position as Magistrate a great deal, or perhaps it is the various friendly female company he has been seen with in the city, in norwick and at the Trademeet. Eowien of Tempus as usual or Desdirata a noblewoman.

    He is often seen patting Tagnar on the shoulder too, often daily reminding him of his fine victory at the Trademeet Archery competition with a relieved chuckle to Desdirata if she is close by.

  • rumors run rife of a lizard girl runing around with a big double axe slaughtering people in the northern stretches of the nars. Seems undetermined whom is being attacked whether it be peltarch guards, bandits, or merchants.

  • DM

    Barrim notices the Blonde halfling staring at the guarhouse on occassion and asks the guard present constantly there to remind the halfling on the laws on loitering.. "A -single- reminder.." he adds with a stern expression

  • Anakore and Robyn Jähnsdotter are often spotted together lately. They both seem relaxed and happy, often making walks with Nickolai, the son of Anakore and Skyla, or just traveling together. They seem close, and all those who know them notice that something seems to be going on between them.

  • Apparently, Talgrath is out and about again. Though oddly, his love, Merydian hasn't been seen around lately. According to some people, they saw Merydian storm out one evening after hearing shouting, but who knows.

  • According to rumour, Talgrath has been granted a temporary leave from duty by Captain Telan. He seems to be spending much of his time lately away from the public, either shut up in his room at the inn or in his office at the Consortium.

  • Eowiel can be seen in the commons holding an elegantly carved torch in her hands, the flames flickering with a faintly blue tinge. After a time she stands and heads to the City Hall resolutely.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A blonde halfling is frequently seen staring at the Peltarch jailhouse, a look of concentration on his face.

    ((If you know Gears, you recognize it as him))

  • ::rumors and whispers go flying through the commons and bars of every district, carried by the words of silver tongued folk that seem to stir the pot and then let it build on its own while leaving, that a call for a month long campaign and then immediete election should be held:::

  • Rumors begin to fly about what will happen to the Senate, with two members slain so recently after an election. Some say things should simply continue with the reduced number. Some call for new elections to fill the two vacant positions. However, it is also whispered that perhaps the next two candidates with the most votes would be ushered into service as Senators, at least until proper elections could place them there some time in the future…

  • _Nico Black is rumored to be very bothered by the recent deaths of Adam and Ayanie.

    Some say that he is gathering together an elite group of companions for a dangerous mission. Their destination and members are not known though._

  • A complaint was made by a few of the Mermaid tenents about the constant, disturbing laughter that could be heard eminating from within the room occupied by the former inquisitor. Some weren't sure if he was there with someone or was just laughing at different tempos.

  • Deacon can be seen reacting on the news, with a sigh and a heavy face

    Ah actually liked Ayanie, never helt much love fer 'at bromley, but it be a waste o' the lass..

  • Bromley too.

  • Rumors spread that Senator Ayanie died in the Lost City while trying to find an artifact that could aid the city in the battle against the blackguard. Apparently her death is final.

  • Snickers when he hears the rumors

    All lies mate, Juno jus' dropped by, 'an when dey wen' ta git him, he followed nicely..

  • Rumors spread of the known criminal Juno up to his old tricks. He locked several officials in the ferret and fled the city somehow managing to get past all the guards. He was later scene being taken into custody by server Black Dragon Knights

  • A mysterious, veiled woman frequents to library of Peltarch, often studying books about the history of Narfell for hours. The rather small woman seems to have taken a strong interest particularly in Jiyyd's past. When spoken to she never answers in words, merely in gestures. People that insist on questioning where she's from receive after a while a sheet of paper with a hastily scribbled: "From Jiyyd."

  • Senator Bromley is heard considering the banning of all legion members after their action led to the death of 20 Peltarch defenders and knights. He is said that a full restitution made to the families of the dead might abide this action but he is not sure.