::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • _It is said that the funeral of reclusive nobleman Mikhail von Ulgath was held at the temple of Tyr recently, the eulogy lead by his son, the young and reportedly handsome Johnathan von Ulgath. Despite the deceased solitary habits, the turnout was quite good, the crowd consisting mainly of other nobles and a sizable number of assorted adventurers. Standing out in particular was perhaps the small contingent of Rashemi tribal warriors, come to pay their respect to the once great fighter.

    Derisive and sneering comments were reportedly made by certain of the noble families present after Johnathan von Ulgath's short but moving speech, while the manager of the Lucky Ferret Inn, ms Sabre Seesaw, spoke far more favourably of the fallen. A funeral parade was then held from the temple to the mortuary, where Mikhail von Ulgath's remains were to be cremated, according to his last wishes.


    In other news, hobgoblin forces recently launched an attack on the city, only to be swiftly and forcefully repelled by the combined might of Peltarch defenders and adventurers. It is said that a hobgoblin leader was later slain by a group who ventured into their lair._

  • Micah, the holy man of Isis has been seen asking as to the whereabouts of Thazar the Red Wizard, with something he wants to discuss with the wizard.

  • Rumors quickly spread that the red wizard known as Thazar is asking many questions about the senate, and noble houses located in the city. More than any other his questions are focused around house Borodin, and how established the noble house is within the area.

  • Caric Snowgriffin laughs and comfirms the rumors about the giant then order an other botle of fine wine.

  • A Frost Giant is seen being escorted through the pass by a squad of Peltarch defenders and some worn looking travelers. The giant it seems has come to live somewhere south. Man those drunks in the bars really need to stop getting so sauced and making up wild rumors…

  • It seems the College has enough hides and wood now and with the expertise of local instrument maker Renaldo and the tribal types hanging about the College it is said that a pair of great spirit drums have been constructed and moved into the hills nearby, overlooking the camp where Hedia and Kerrith live. Kerrith's presence deters most of the idly curious, and her temper seems if anything shorter than usual.

    A few of the apprentices of the College exchange excited whispers amongst which can be picked out the phrases "Spirit Quest" and "Rescuing Jerr".

    The few times the tribal folk visiting the College are seem their mutterings are far darker, the words Disrespect, Skald and Suitable Punishment, featuring most often.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The ground in peltarch shook earlier with fire breaking out at the Peltarch Theatre. A group of adventurers with a dedicated water brigade team manages to contain and put out the fire quickly however, so no real harm was done.

  • Gossip mongerers and those with an interest in city politics might have noticed a recent incident at the commons between two members of the Black Sails and a large posse of Seafarers lead by none other than Senator Torin Bravickius, with Herald Thril in tow. It is said the Senator called for an immediate inspection of all Black Sails property within the city, and while this met with no outright refusal by the Sails Lt, the blatant lack of enthusiasm and hurry to meet the demand made the already sourfaced Senator none too pleased. In the end, an urgent whispered message from a woman in Wavebreaker colours caused many a frown and huff from the senatorial party, before they left with their errand unfinished.

  • It seems the bustle and business of the Bardic College continues. Ocean has been seen talking to various artisans, especially Renaldo, seemingly seeking someone skilled enough to make the shells for two great drums. Several apprentices accompanied by Kerrith or Ragnhild or sometimes other tribal warriors are seem heading out to all points of the compass and returning with animal skins. The daily beating of drums from within the College itself has not diminished either and nor has Oceans easy smnile yet returned. Whatever has brought all these different tribal types together under the college roof seems to as yet be unresolved.

  • Dentin has lately apparantly begun to slide into a bout of lethargy. Little aside from his family seems to interest him anymore. Issues that once were guarenteed to draw his attention are met with a sideways glance at most, and the many things that used to agitate him greatly, are now given little more than a shrug. It would seem the priest has burned out.

  • Coinciding with these visits, the tall and trim figure of tribal spear-woman Ragnhild can also be observed visiting the College. While this is in itself nothing too unusual, the blonde warrioress' purposeful stride suggests something more than a social call.

  • Over the last few days there has been an intriguing sight for the urban populace of the Dock and Commerce Districts. Three times ships have docks and amidst much to-ing and fro-ing by College porters three elderly gentlemen, wearing animal skins and each with a warrior in similar garb carrying a tribal totem has disembarked and then been escorted directly to the Bardic College. None of the city dwellers who witnessed the events seem to know exactly what is going on, but Ocean was seen escorting at least one of the men and her usual pleasant grin was replaced by a more serious expression.

    Similarly odd, the beligerent figure of the axe-woman and shaman Kerrith of the Heyokarr was seen entering the city she professes to loathe and visiting the college on several occassions.

  • A swirling gust of wind blows up and seems to cyclone a moment startling everyone there before a voice speaks out from the wind..

    Greetings and salutations. Feel free to join the festivites celebrating the marriage of Parsley Tealeaf and Peppy Twiddlefingers this week ((Monday 10pm Eastern)) at the Sisterhood in Jiyyd.

    almost immediately the wind dies down and quiets out, leaving people with a surprised and confused look to their face.

  • A small explosion burst thrust through the Commerce District last night as an apparent lunatic elven sorcerous blew open a side of one of the apartment complexes in the district and took a man hostage. Guard units were deployed and attempts were made to talk down the woman; however upon a magical threat to the guards shots were fired in conjunction from a hold spell from a citizen on scene.

    Seafarer construction crews are seen at the location the next day, quickly moving to put up a temporary wall on the appartment complex's hole before furthering work on a full repair.

  • The young man most known for simple boot shining around Peltarch is seen at the temple on occasion, offering a prayer and letting those inside the temple know he is willing to help if they have any small jobs that need doing.

  • _Word spreads that members of the Von Ulgath estate had members of the clergy in the city come to examine the fallen patron, but upon conclussion that the death was of natural causes it was made apparent that there would be no return for the aged adventurer. Funeral preceedings are expected to happen within the next few tendays with his Son, the oft unseen Johnathan Von Ulgath, set to give the eulogy, grieving for his departed father but wishing to pay his final respects.

    The death of the man has been a great conversation piece within the civic district, ranging from awe that he was actually still alive at this point to slight humerous jokings of how fitting that the "barbarian noble" perished in the midst of mindless dock drawl._

  • _A tenement building in the dock quarter, the Gasthaus Avati, has burned to the ground killing upwards of 20 residents. The city fire brigade responded with some speed and extinguished the flames, but not before the building was left a gutted shell.

    The only ones to escape were several Norwick redcloaks, a hin woman, a young boy, and two elven mages.

    It is unclear why they were in a Peltarch slum building.

    Rumors of arson are many, as well as the name 'Hillen Kreuzflur'._

  • _Rumors that he reclusive noble, Mikhail Von Ulgath, made a very rare appearance at the "Axe Night" in the Ferret. It was during this that its believed a seizure shock his body and stopped his heart, resulting in the elderly man's death. His estate's guard were on sight and heard the commotion, finding their fallen patron and taking him back to their estate.

    Word has it a break in to the estate was attempted some time after, and extra guards have been posted to watch. A funeral is planned for some time in the short future._

  • Sabre looks to the boot cleaner with a crooked little grin, shaking her head at the offer while her hand discreetly covers her coin pouch, just in case:

    "Ye ain't comin' near me boots, let's just say I got some bad experience wi' some folks an' their unhealthy fascination wi' leather..

    If yer lookin' fer real work though, come talk ta me at tha Lucky Ferret, p'raps we might have somethin' more profitable fer ye, if yer skills extend past shinin' shoes that is."

  • Regardless, the man continues cleaning shoes.