::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Meanwhile Asha seems to have taken a keen interest in Gond's teachings. At least, she has taken to spend large amounts of time near the little shrine of Gond, reading the books Dentin offered her to read through. Her eyes still are red-rimmed, but her expression is getting more and more firm. Apparently she has made up her mind and set about to find something new to do.

  • In the snowclad commons of Peltarch, an impromptu street performance was recently held by a pretty, whitehaired bard and a tall, muscular man with several facial piercings. The man, though otherwise warrior-like in appearance, was dressed in the most awful and garish green and pink costume, while the bard sported a much more appealing pink and white creation as she stood on the benches to exclaim in a mournful and dramatic tone "The Tragic Lament of The Narsman in Green", alternatively named "The Woeful Fate of the Man without a Fashion Sense". Though the crowd was sparse on this cold and snowy day, the performance is reputed to have been quite enthusiastic.

  • Mid-day a woman easily recognized for her blazing red hair and fair skin was seen boarding a boat heading north. Joining her is a man recognized as her nephew Aelthas, his pink armor shining in the mid day sun, while just above knee level, a pint size woman, whose name speaks loudly for her character, Peppy, ran beside them. The only stranger seemed to be an older white haired elf with an intense solemn look. Weeks have passed and the ship they had left on seems to have made its way back to port, though the four passangers mentioned above did not seem to make it home with the ship.

  • Word spreads of a man called Setarim offering a large reward in gold for information about a sword or a gem called he Heart of Winter. Folks say he has gold enough to pay for reliable information.
    Where he can be found though is another matter

  • _A loud ringing noise was heard south of Peltarch, at the watchtower. Bright lights were seen, and then soon after, the shouts of men doing battle and the chantings of a caster. The battle did not last long, and no guards were killed..

    …after the event at the watchtower, a heavily enchanted handsome and white-haired mage walked quick paced toward town hall. He soon came out of town hall looking rather dissapointed and maybe a little concerned._

  • Asha seems to scrape a living by hunting the animals east of Peltarch for food and selling that at the market. She's bought a couple of pots and keeps buying various spices apparently most curious about how they smell. When she feels watched, she sets her jaw extra firmly and goes about her business methodically, her eyes fixed on whatever task she's doing at the time. Despite her fierce statement she'd be better off, her eyes still bear the tell-tale traces of tears and crying, red-rimmed and swollen. But she now seems also willing to smile to people on rare occasions and cannot be caught actually crying in front of anyone.

  • Dentin for his part seems to have taken to keeping an eye on Asha, though leave her plenty of freedom to roam the city undisturbed. The two can be seen conversing here and there, and snide tongues have begun whispering that Dentin is nothing but an uncaring machinepriest, who sees Asha as little more than a potential convert and minion. Yet others point out that it is not the first time Dentin has taken to provide shelter and security for wayward youngsters, and that there is a kindness to him that many do not, or refuse to, see. Whatever the truth of the matter, most agree that they have not seen the last of the Aelthas - Lycka - Asha - Dentin confrontations.

  • It seems the bickering wasn't even over, for Commander Ael of the gypsy guards and Lycka had come once more to look for Asha. Asha trying to ignore them and getting more and more angry as they kept calling her a child. Eventually it escalated into a cat-fight between the two former sisters and Ael and Lycka left again, leaving Asha alone. Apparently, though it wasn't just the young women who fought in words but also Dentin and Ael. Asha even taking shelter behind Dentin, which finally seemed to make the gypsies leave the town.

  • A pale and stunned-looking Lycka could soon after be spotted at a corner table in the Mermaid, drinking together with a gruff and rugged-looking older man in Norwick militia colours. The young woman stumbled out of the inn hours later with the same man accompanying her south, signs of fresh tears streaking her cheeks.

  • Ragnhild's adopted daughter Asha seems to have made a new home in the city. Though she herself seems not entirely happy about it, her eyes often red-rimmed or swollen, she displays a fierce spirit of independence. That got so far that when a group of people from the south caught up with her, the insults she tossed at Ragnhild's trueborn daughter drove the pretty apprentice at the bard college to tears. Various people tried to comfort either of the sisters, the bickering from Asha carrying on from the commons out before the gates where the sisterly fight reached a final, and horrible peak. Asha backhanding her - former? - sister Lycka with a thunderous slap that even seemed to linger in the air. Small Asha then stomping off to loose herself in the crowds of Peltarch, and beautiful Lycka…

  • _Rumor spreads of a massive battle staged at the city's south gate, pitting protectors of Peltarch against the vile Eastlanders.

    The only problem is that this same battle is thought to have taken place decades ago…_

  • _Another "vision" appeared in the commons the other day. Though it was much different than the others.

    Several witnessed the image. Though, what was odd is the fact the image displayed a copy of one of the onlookers: The young white haired mage. The image of the mage spoke a few words, then began to attack the gathered guards there. The citizens watched as one guard was killed right in the commons by the illusionary copy of the white haired mage. Eventually, the illusion was destroyed by the real person and the onlookers.

    The spectators and defenders looked worried, and then most of them went off toward the west gate for some reason. The guards seem to get reinforcements as they drag off their fallen comrade.._

  • Telli can be seen wobbling about the commons lately practicing her best death scene possible. If approached she simple replies.

    "I'ms in a play…YAY!"

  • Word at the docks speaks of a bunch of Paladins being involved in the theft of a ships Cargo and the assassination of the Dockhands somehow, though no-one seems to have witnessed any acts going on personally.

  • The youthful Bard Anderian Blackwood can be seen performing and promoting his upcoming play often in the streets of Peltarch to the citizens and Adventurers alike. When not performing however he is seen often within the various libraries in the Bardic College and the Peltarch City Hall. It seems as if he is looking for information, or perhaps even clues to something that may have been documented, When asked if he needs any help he just mentions that he is looking for any documentation on Sune, and stories and information of these lands during the Times of Trouble.

  • _A rather unnatural and large storm was seen over Peltarch. Where it came from or why it was there is anyone's guess. Though, when the storm suddenly stopped, four weary adventurers came through the west gate from the foothills: One a dark clad and hooded elf with a sword seered into his arm, one a female paladin who seemed disenclined to enter the city fully, another was a fully armored Gondar who seemed to have a suspicious look of two in the group, and the last was the most handsome of them all, the white haired mage.

    They all, except the female paladin, went to the temple to have their wounds looked at and to perhaps get a few answers.._

  • Silverbolt, the young knight who has been camping outside the city gates, seems to have pulled himself together again, and he is now up and wandering around outside the city gates, offering a song to those who arrive, and taking the time to hear of any tales they might have to tell, should they be inclined to tell.

  • Rumor has it that the shrieking that precedes the visions of the past happened again in the commons. Though reports are varied it seems these once thought to be harmless visions attacked the occupants of the circle. No one really seems to know or understand why. Some other say there was no attack at all rather that the dwarven woman got so startled she farted and nearly killed those near her with its potency.

  • A rather cute and perky red headed bard woman seems to be telling a new tale in the commons. The tale speaks to ogres in the kobold caves going hunting for food, human, kobold or whatever will fit in their pots. At the end she smiles at those listening and warns them off going out to the caves alone.

  • There has been an increased guard presence throughout the commons lately. The patrols are sparing with their information, but they often mutter warily about "angry ghosts from the past."