::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::
The youthful Bard Anderian Blackwood can be seen performing and promoting his upcoming play often in the streets of Peltarch to the citizens and Adventurers alike. When not performing however he is seen often within the various libraries in the Bardic College and the Peltarch City Hall. It seems as if he is looking for information, or perhaps even clues to something that may have been documented, When asked if he needs any help he just mentions that he is looking for any documentation on Sune, and stories and information of these lands during the Times of Trouble.
_A rather unnatural and large storm was seen over Peltarch. Where it came from or why it was there is anyone's guess. Though, when the storm suddenly stopped, four weary adventurers came through the west gate from the foothills: One a dark clad and hooded elf with a sword seered into his arm, one a female paladin who seemed disenclined to enter the city fully, another was a fully armored Gondar who seemed to have a suspicious look of two in the group, and the last was the most handsome of them all, the white haired mage.
They all, except the female paladin, went to the temple to have their wounds looked at and to perhaps get a few answers.._
Silverbolt, the young knight who has been camping outside the city gates, seems to have pulled himself together again, and he is now up and wandering around outside the city gates, offering a song to those who arrive, and taking the time to hear of any tales they might have to tell, should they be inclined to tell.
Rumor has it that the shrieking that precedes the visions of the past happened again in the commons. Though reports are varied it seems these once thought to be harmless visions attacked the occupants of the circle. No one really seems to know or understand why. Some other say there was no attack at all rather that the dwarven woman got so startled she farted and nearly killed those near her with its potency.
A rather cute and perky red headed bard woman seems to be telling a new tale in the commons. The tale speaks to ogres in the kobold caves going hunting for food, human, kobold or whatever will fit in their pots. At the end she smiles at those listening and warns them off going out to the caves alone.
There has been an increased guard presence throughout the commons lately. The patrols are sparing with their information, but they often mutter warily about "angry ghosts from the past."
It seems that one evening, in the commons, after hearing a Paladin of Milil's efforts at a performance and discussing College membership with him, that Lady Ocean left in rather a hurry, grimacing occassionally, and leaving the white marble of her bench stained with pinkish waters. Lacey was summoned to the College to oversee, and Lilly paced the halls for many hours as the College's headmistress was delivered of a beautiful baby girl that she is calling Leanna.
Maybe unrelated, maybe though to spite the announcement of the play, a self-proclaimed black knight came riding in on a human mount. The worst part, though, began when the mount tried to sing, and it became very, very clear to those present why the man was just the mount for the black knight. In a further, desperate effort to battle boredom, a dance began that managed to be even worse than the singing, a dwarven woman in heavy armor almost crushing a blondish man. All the while the mount kept bawling, yelling and screeching the praise of the black knight. But it was not until a pixie stepped in, that the scene struck it's most comical turn yet, dwarf and pixie yelling insults as each other. The pixie literally blown away by the dwarf's odorful breath. In the end, the pixie teased the dwarf, making it chase after her. The dwarf only giving up as the chance for some proper mining turned up.
A few play posters are put up in various places around Peltarch, they read as followed
"The duty of Love"
A play by Anderian Blackwood
there is a picture depicting a Beautiful women flanked on one side by what looks like a Knight and on the other side by what appears to be an evil looking mage
Coming soon to the Bardic Theatre
_The erratic cavalcade of mysterious apparitions in the Peltarch commons continued recently. This time onlookers saw an image of the great hero and founder of Peltarch known as Tidus, the Fisher King, lying in state before a solemn crowd of mourners. Immediately after the scene vanished, a peculiar raven flew into the commons, but its connection to this phenomenon, if any, is unknown.
Meanwhile, residents of the city are whispering about a recent rare public appearance of the elusive and dangerous archmage Enenan Snydders. Word has it that he stole a group of people (including a Senator!) right out of the commons, but that they eventually returned unharmed._
Along the main towns in the nars, all bards sing in the main inns, the tale of three adventurers that go about by the mighty warrior KULL, and the druids Sald and Belia for defending norwick from a possible undead attack. The bards sing about the bravery shown by both Sald and Belia for fighting dozens of undead minions and last but not least their chieftain, they sing about the epic will to resist all the temptions and offers of unlimited power offered by the very master of the undead
KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”
Cyrian of Norwick was seen looking for some information, apparently he is interested in purchasing a plot of land, he asks that someone contact him as soon as possible for a discussion.
((if a pelt dm could pm me so i can get info and some other things))
Senator Rath Ashald was seen speaking discreetly with Wavebreaker Captain Hardin in the commons. What could that be about?
A halfling was released from Prison this day, as he excited he boasted about how he was a powerful wizard, later on in front of many on lookers he was able to conjure a mighty image to manifest itself in the commons, some of the onlookers doubted the halflings power, others perhaps intrigued.
_More dockworkers have talked about seeing a man dressed in purple and gold in the docks at night - though no fights have broken out in some time.
The Pissing Goat seems to be quiet - eerily so - of late._
A handsome young man has returned to Peltarch after a long absence, he is seen often in the commons performing on his Yarting, singing to lisa and is also often in the Mermaid playing for patrons. Some people recognize the young man as a writer who had been writing a play for the bardic college before his mysterious disapearance
Despite all these visions of the past revisiting the city, some new posters turn up at corners, announcing a
Highharvestide Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))
((If there's fees to be paid for the posters, please contact me, so I can pay them. Thanks
Yet another vision occured; this time of the civil war. This time, it showed a group of Black Dragon Knights, talking at the outset of the war when the loyalists had been routed to the south. They were speaking of something, and in particular, one elf named Aramuil Holimion was interested in the name Tylea that one of the Black Dragon Knights spoke.
Maya wanders through, her first lengthy visit in some time. Word has it she was speaking to several in the commons, including Roland.
"Tylea. I know name. I think was wizard woman who work for Koreth. Have big mirror could see things in. She and Koreth often whisper together much"
Yet another vision occured; this time of the civil war. This time, it showed a group of Black Dragon Knights, talking at the outset of the war when the loyalists had been routed to the south. They were speaking of something, and in particular, one elf named Aramuil Holimion was interested in the name Tylea that one of the Black Dragon Knights spoke.
_Those in the commons this morning were treated to the sight of Roland Brynmor giving a speech - as a ghost. The apparition, a ghostly younger version of the Senator, delivered a full speech to a crowd of ghostly supporters. Apparently, the speech even made reference to the legendary bard Adam Bromley, who, by all accounts, has been quite dead for close to twenty years.
Senator Brynmor himself, the real one, was heard to say that he had delivered that same speech many years ago during his election campaign.
Rumours abound of yet more ghosts and evil magic in the city._