::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • _The usually confident Ronan is seen leaving the temple, after carrying a dead child inside, with a disturbed look on his face.

    Other than that, the citizens seem to be impressed with the four who fought off the wraiths, when the guards were no where to be seen. The four being: Sabre, Ronan, Amywen, and Storn. It is whispered they fought impossible odds and came out alive in the end.

    The dead children were given a proper burial after they were brought into the temple…_

  • rumors spread of four individuals who were heckling each other as was supposedly the norm for them in the commons.. it's told a ghost appeared before them and led them away from the commons to the docks where screams and cires of anguish could be heard through out. The four battled thier way to a house near the ferret and many hours later emerged unto streets covered with fog and eirily quiet considering the night before; in the arms of three of the companions where the bodies of children with not a mark on them but their faces showing frieght as if scared to death. The four, now friends by battle, walked solemly and sadly to speak with daisy in the temple, the dead children in thier arms.

  • _Blood still stains the cobblestones at the marketplace after an incident in which a woman's head was crushed by a dwarf weilding a warhammer. Calling himself Aragar Cloutfist, Hunter of Eggs, this dwarf seems to possess some extraordinary persuasive talents, as he sent the guards away from the scene with a simple suggestion. A stunned looking Goil could be spotted carrying the woman's dead body off for a proper burial, while a young gnomish mage emptied her stomach noisily after witnessing the gruesome murder.

    Black Sails Lt Seesaw left the scene of the crime with a tired, jaded look in her eyes, carrying the corpse of a male hin slung over her shoulder._

  • Word has it that a humourous stirr was caused at a recent dinner party in the Seafarers Guildhall, Lord Vaster Ashald unveiled a rather detailed painting he was recently gifted depicting the founder of the Black Sails Trading Coster wearing little but a skimpy red miniskirt. Many more noble friends of the Ashald family visit the Guildhall to see if the rumours are true and go home still chuckling. While the fuss is unlikely to financially damage the Black Sails, some express new doubts about the professionalism of the Coster as rumours about Mister Sterr spiral out of control in noble gossip circles. Fortunately most of the dock workers who actually deal with the Black Sails either do not hear the rumours in the Civic District or don't care for the chin wagging of nobles.

  • A guard lead Dentin and a calimshani woman to the guardhouse one morning, followed by a second guard carrying a badly injured orc. After some time, the woman was once again seen leaving the guardhouse, as was the orc, who seems to remain confined to the city for now, denied exit trough the gates. Dentin was not among those who left the guardhouse, however.

  • _Word spreads rapidly of a most unusual prisoner in the city's jail, taken into custody immediately after his arrival at the city's southern gate. As he was taken in chains to the prison, he was stopped briefly in the commons by Senator Evendur Mildsilver. Although their conversation was difficult to hear amidst the jeers and catcalls of the growing crowd, rumor has it that there was talk of pixies, civil war, and the preservation of Order.

    Angry whispers call the prisoner by many names, each more foreboding than the last: traitor to Peltarch, betrayer of its citizens, follower of Koreth… Black Dragon Knight..._

  • I small argument between a red haired bard and a gray haired half elf occurred recently. Some say she said he stole something. Others say she started casting spells and annoyed Senator Evendur. Either way the matter wasn't worth much notice beyond the initial twitter of a shouting match.

  • A new citizen has graced Peltarch with her presence as of late. With dark brown skin and a strong Alzhedo accent, she more than stands out amongst the locals. This Calishite woman has been heard making a number of inquiries into the city's commercial aspects; claiming to be a prospective merchant seeking to setup trade within the city.

  • _The newly-reinstated Senator Evendur Mildsilver has been seen roaming the city more prominently of late. His company is mixed, at times an assortment of clerks bearing stacks of papers, at times hired laborers ferrying unlabeled crates from the Mermaid toward the civic district.

    His demeanor is businesslike and cordial as usual, although he has still yet to be observed to smile._

  • Talk around the commons was that the Norwick Chancellor's Advisor was recently wandering around Peltarch apparently looking for someone. He seemed rather well dressed which caused many of the local girls to giggle and gossip quite frequently about it. Other rumours indicate people having seen him carrying a rather messy corpse into the City from the West and head towards the Temple of Tyr. Some say it may have been the body of the missing bard Melidian.

  • Rumor has it there was a minor scuffle between two female bards. Likely one stole the others lover. You know how bards are. some twitter others mutter it was magical in nature. Either way the guards didn't seem overly interest in the argument between the two women involved.

  • _An elderly mage introducing himself as Lord Ryan recently displayed his magic at the commons, summoning what appeared to be a huge earth elemental. The quite amiable man later went on to explain the experimental nature of this spell, the aim of which appears to be to diplomacy. A red ring of summoning can still be seen in the grass of the commons, faintly glowing but waning as time passes.

    In unrelated gossip, Senator Eowiel Senella is said to have been spotted playing tag with her bodyguard._

  • It is said that a body was found just north of the West Gates in Peltarch, though the description of "body" is being kind. More like to pieces of a body, strewn about. With no hope of finding enough to raise this poor soul, the mess was cleaned up, and the identity of the slain would remain a bit of a mystery. Perhaps the armor scraps that were collected could provide a clue.. being dyed white, with copper sheens among it. It is said that strands of purple hair were also found.

  • It was a quiet night in Peltarch.. until ghosts appeared in the commons and attacked those in sight. Dentin seemed to be their first target, yet was able to dispatch the first three with some effort. Not long after, another ghostly creature appeared in the middle of the commons, which was quite a greater challenge. Even with the Gondar and several guards having the thing cornered, their blows had little effect, and it was only the arrival of a lady guard from the temple of Tyr that resulted in the demise of the incoporial foe.
    It is rumoured that the ghosts belong to those who died in the sewer flooding, some years ago. Apparantly the bodies of many who died there are still beyond the reach of retrieval.
    There are even whispers of the appearance of a ghostly child.

  • Word has it that one night recently the ghosts of the past came up from the sewers to have their revenge upon the still breathing.

  • A girl is seen running around from store to store aparently looking for a ring of some sort

  • word quietly spreads that those harrassed by a women known as Norn, may find refuge at the Temple of Tyr

  • _Word is spread troughout the city's merchants that Dentin is selling an "apple juice machine of own creation". Though built by Dentin, it is not his invention. The machine itself is nevertheless an interesting, yet simple, contraption. All a user needs to do is put number of apples into the machine, and turn a crank. They are then neatly squished into fresh apple juice.

    Some whisper that the design was originally designed as a torture implement.
    A very few others belief that the machine is actually a converted puppy-disposal machine. Though most are happy to accept the belief it is solely meant to make apple juice._

  • Deacon Sterr is found down the docks again, inquiring with several sea captains and crews if they might know about flint-rock quarries. He is notably interested in any that know the exact location to any nearby, he lets it be known there is money involved for any who sets him up with an reliable contact for flint-rock.

  • _Whispers from the guards tell of an attack that took place right before the lands near the watch tower. It seems the known noble, Lady Rose Hollowmoon and her escort, a white haired mage not equally as known, were attacked by several werewolves. They both made it to the city with only a few scratches, but their expressions were ones of extreme worry.

    Whether or not this has to do with the rumors of werewolves and winter wolves near Jiyyd is up for debate.._