::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Rumor has it there was a minor scuffle between two female bards. Likely one stole the others lover. You know how bards are. some twitter others mutter it was magical in nature. Either way the guards didn't seem overly interest in the argument between the two women involved.

  • _An elderly mage introducing himself as Lord Ryan recently displayed his magic at the commons, summoning what appeared to be a huge earth elemental. The quite amiable man later went on to explain the experimental nature of this spell, the aim of which appears to be to diplomacy. A red ring of summoning can still be seen in the grass of the commons, faintly glowing but waning as time passes.

    In unrelated gossip, Senator Eowiel Senella is said to have been spotted playing tag with her bodyguard._

  • It is said that a body was found just north of the West Gates in Peltarch, though the description of "body" is being kind. More like to pieces of a body, strewn about. With no hope of finding enough to raise this poor soul, the mess was cleaned up, and the identity of the slain would remain a bit of a mystery. Perhaps the armor scraps that were collected could provide a clue.. being dyed white, with copper sheens among it. It is said that strands of purple hair were also found.

  • It was a quiet night in Peltarch.. until ghosts appeared in the commons and attacked those in sight. Dentin seemed to be their first target, yet was able to dispatch the first three with some effort. Not long after, another ghostly creature appeared in the middle of the commons, which was quite a greater challenge. Even with the Gondar and several guards having the thing cornered, their blows had little effect, and it was only the arrival of a lady guard from the temple of Tyr that resulted in the demise of the incoporial foe.
    It is rumoured that the ghosts belong to those who died in the sewer flooding, some years ago. Apparantly the bodies of many who died there are still beyond the reach of retrieval.
    There are even whispers of the appearance of a ghostly child.

  • Word has it that one night recently the ghosts of the past came up from the sewers to have their revenge upon the still breathing.

  • A girl is seen running around from store to store aparently looking for a ring of some sort

  • word quietly spreads that those harrassed by a women known as Norn, may find refuge at the Temple of Tyr

  • _Word is spread troughout the city's merchants that Dentin is selling an "apple juice machine of own creation". Though built by Dentin, it is not his invention. The machine itself is nevertheless an interesting, yet simple, contraption. All a user needs to do is put number of apples into the machine, and turn a crank. They are then neatly squished into fresh apple juice.

    Some whisper that the design was originally designed as a torture implement.
    A very few others belief that the machine is actually a converted puppy-disposal machine. Though most are happy to accept the belief it is solely meant to make apple juice._

  • Deacon Sterr is found down the docks again, inquiring with several sea captains and crews if they might know about flint-rock quarries. He is notably interested in any that know the exact location to any nearby, he lets it be known there is money involved for any who sets him up with an reliable contact for flint-rock.

  • _Whispers from the guards tell of an attack that took place right before the lands near the watch tower. It seems the known noble, Lady Rose Hollowmoon and her escort, a white haired mage not equally as known, were attacked by several werewolves. They both made it to the city with only a few scratches, but their expressions were ones of extreme worry.

    Whether or not this has to do with the rumors of werewolves and winter wolves near Jiyyd is up for debate.._

  • Word around the docks say that the Costillas, Black Sails Admiral Deacon Sterr's ship, set sail recently. While that fact is not in itself remarkable, the number of prominent and well armed crewmembers accompanying the Admiral would suggest something other than a routine trading trip. Speculation might link the trip to the recent tensions with a man in red and black who's been exchanging less than cordial words with several of the crew more than once in the commons. Rumors aside, it can be noted that the Costillas returned to port a few days later, ship and crew all looking in good condition.

  • Tension reported in the Commons

    _The scuttlebut runs that there was a spat of mischief in the Commons in the last tenday, a squadron of Black Sails scallywags squaring off against a black and red raimented goon. Quite who the latter was is disputed, but the exchange of tetosterone fuelled banter from the dashing Captain Drelan Ashire and the squirting, fear-filled loitery of notorious lush and tart, Sabre Seesaw, seem to suggest that both parties meant business. No arms were raised, however, and the encounter passed off peacefully.

    Speculation, however, has not resolved the route cause of the apparent animosity. Much tenacious gabbery suggests that a Captain Brennan is somehow involved. Others maintain the dispute relates to some sort of butterknife. Both parties, however, may be inaccurately.

    A spokesman for the Sails declined to comment._

    P.S. Naturally, however, Mercy would sell the tale to any asking with pennies in paw.

  • ::An excited young girl, accomanied by a man and a women are seen leaving the temple of Tyr. The girl seemed to be in the care of the two as she ran towards the commerce district, tailed by the two, both seeming to be enjoying the company of the girl. They went to Hemrods, and after awhile they left again but the girl carrying an orange dolly. They looked into the docks and at there reflections in the water before heading back to the temple as night started to come in.::

  • ::An excited young girl, accomanied by a man and a women are seen leaving the temple of Tyr. The girl seemed to be in the care of the two as she ran towards the commerce district, tailed by the two, both seeming to be enjoying the company of the girl. They went to Hemrods, and after awhile they left again but the girl carrying an orange dolly. They looked into the docks and at there reflections in the water before heading back to the temple as night started to come in.::

  • Rumours have begun to circulate in the bars around Peltarch that the respected Defender Talonguard Company is once again preparing for battle and war. The men of the Talonguard are seen less frequently in the Mermaid with their captain Talgrath and more frequently seem to be going to Defender headquarters for training; the question many ask is who exactly are the Talonguard preparing to fight?

  • Rumour has it that a fight broke out in the Nars pass, which, according to some, resulted in a man being hunted into Peltarch territory and slain by the banned wizard some might know as Ezachiel. What is more certain however, due to the large number of witnesses, is that the wizard was shortly after escorted to the jail by some guards, with his hands tied behind his back, and a vague smile on his face, only to be released some hours later.

    Some even whisper that the slain man was a priest of Talona, who was trying to poison a river. Maybe, just maybe, the wizard did something not-bad for once? Of course, most would then probably point out that he was, is, and always will be a rotten, good-for-nothing Banite.

  • A bloodied Z approaches town from the east.

    Be careful in the huntin' area just east of town; there be somethin' strange goin' on out there. I was huntin' out there for tannin' hides and fletchin' feathers for me an' my apprentices when I was attacked by 3 ferocious badgers.

    Heh, aye, badgers. Ye may laugh, and I would too 'cept for the gaping hole in me belly. 'Cause these farkin' badgers, oh…'scuse me language, were tougher than them tigers in the Mintas Woods...much tougher ((AB 22, 17, 12 - and doing a lot of damage with each hit - Yikes!)). I was barely able to escape 'em.

    I was able to lose two of 'em by runnin, but one was relentless. I din want ta lead it back to town, so I turned and fought it. Ye can see the results.

    Grimaces as he tucks a bit of intestine back into his abdominal cavity.

    Anyway, I alerted the guards an' I'll gather some folks to get the other two when I'm healed up. We don't want them things breedin' out there.

    All you hunters, just be careful...

    Limps off to rest.


    ///Reminded me of the Monty Python and the Holy Grail (a classic!) when the fluffy, white, bunny decapitates Bors. - Yikes! :lol:

  • _Perhaps buoyed by her recent tale-telling trip to Norwick, this week, Mercy has installed herself in the Mermaid, lecturing passing locals on the vampire threat presently stalking the night.

    She describes - in pretty horrific detail - some of the deaths the guards have already discovered, but are hushing up to hide the truth from the common folks. In particular, she mentions an old man discovered with his throat dripping, and a bag of coin beside his - almost - corpse. While the craggy git revived, he had no memory of what happened. Still, the throat-bites speak for themselves.

    Waukeenar vampires, she spins the yarn._

  • There is a new skip to the step of one of the cities more prominent people, it seems that Miss Ocean, so often seen playing in the commons and famed for her work running the five houses of the Peltarch Orphanage has become Headmaster of the College following Zyphlin's departure to other lands. It seems she now looks for new talent to fill the so recently silent apprentice rooms of the bardic College.

  • Rumors abound that two bards were found to be helping a couple of ladies of nobility to help thwart some plotting and machinations. After the thwarting or at least the slight postponement of the problem the bards were seen to be going different directions. With one a woman following the senator Eowiel into her personal quarters in the college. You know how bards are people twitter…