::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Rumour spreads trough city's blacksmiths and those with an interest in weapons and history, that Kelemnvorite hypocrisy caused the destruction of a 1000-year old Netherese sword. A considerable loss for those who would study that era, not to mention the masters of steel. After all, a sword that survives more than 1000 years of service could have provided many improvements to metallurgical knowledge. Alas, it seems the Kelemnvorans are fully empowered to hold back the progress of knowledge.

  • _Those who have travelled to the east of the city lately have almost unfailingly come across a strange cowled man seated by the outermost gate. Attempts to communicate with him are met with failure, as his attention seems focused on a particular member of the local ecosystem.

    Some of the more intuitive might sense that the stranger's very soul is exhausted beyond belief. The reason for his presence, however, remains a mystery…_

  • Some people notice a rather localized tremor near the watchtower to the south. While the reason for this remains unclear, a small group of Sails reportedly enters Peltarch from there, looking rather stabbed and cut up. Their main topic of conversation seems to circle around some extraplanar creatures - commonly only known from nightmares - that they supposedly fought. The Sails mainly appear too tired to talk much, though, and proceed with only little delay towards the docks. Where they supposedly trade their new cock-and-bull story for other, equally horrifying tall tales from other sea faring people.

  • _Several days ago, an unusual cloaked figure was seen purposefully wandering the streets of the city. Naturally this isn't to say that cowled travelers are that uncommon, but rather that this one seemed more suspicious than most.

    He was last seen leaving town to the south, and has not been spotted since._

  • Curiouser and Curiouser…

    _Quite by surprise, your local stinky priestess of Umberlee, Mercy, has had an impromptu bath - five years ahead of the usual 18 year rotation. Her hair has been scrubbed out - freeing all but the barnacle-iest barnacles from her mop. She's also dabbled a new coat of blue hair dye onto the pile, so her locks - now knotted with new finds and acquisitions from the seashore - is the most vivid blue it has been while in Narfell…

    Speaking of vivid, intrepid Peltarchian watchers will undoubtedly notice - though they try not to - that Mercy's plate has disappeared, and in its place she wears a suit entirely fashioned from sea-shells of every colour and hue. The effect is, to say the least, surprising, as is the hardness of her new shell-coat. It is clearly enchanted, and heavy in the Queen's blessing._

  • A group of Black Sails return from the foothills looking bloodied and battered, large bite- and clawmarks torn here and there into flesh, leather and metal. In spite of looking like they just took quite the licking, spirits are high; in fact so high that onlookers might be led to speculate that some grand treasure was found, if not for the darkly irritable grumblings of the dwarven priestess Mercy. Whatever happened on the outing seems to be of much amusement to all the Sails save Mercy, who for once seems to be the butt of the joke.

  • Aside from rumors about a woman who ended up with a child and an uninterested father, some people mention encountering a patrol of Peltarch forces in the foothills. The patrol there apparently encountered heavy resistance from kobolds, leaving a heap of kobold corpses littered on some hill. The leader of the patrol is said to have claimed that they were ambushed by the kobolds. The group of adventurers returning from there, seem to look battered and beaten and whether they're happy the kobolds were taken care off, or even if they returned in that state from ogres, and bears, and were all the more happy not to have to fight that kobold force, remains without definite answers from those involved. Speculation has the kobolds targetting the group of adventurer's suspecting that they were trafficking illegal, or at least expensive goods.

  • That same man has also been seen spending unnaturally long times in the local library, mostly studying Peltarch history.

  • @363a4703de=Katebush:

    Ocean is more than happy to accept new entertainment for the children, though her usual reserve means that she keeps an eye on the man for a while until she knows and trusts him better.

    Pleased at the news, the man can often be found reading to the children from now on, he just smiles warmly at their reactions to his storytelling.

  • Ocean is more than happy to accept new entertainment for the children, though her usual reserve means that she keeps an eye on the man for a while until she knows and trusts him better.

  • A simple looking man with a staff and wearing a deep purple cloak has inquired at the local orphanage, asking if they need anyone to read the children stories.

  • When word of the "former" Banite wizard spreads, Dentin is heard remarking..
    "That explains that child that ran from the pass, across the bridge and into the city. What is it with Banites taking on the form of children?"

  • Rumour has it that a former Banite wizard was heard by the Senate during their meeting, but that he left the building after a short time, in a foul mood, somehow changed into an eagle, and flew away to the south.

  • In various corners all over the city a couple of posters turn up, announcing a


    Feast of the Moon Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

    ((Saturday, May 19th - 7 pm GMT))

  • With the war in the south finally ended, Dentin is once again seen frequently troughout the docks, and around the shrine in the commons area.
    Though he has lately been somewhat distracted, especially during morning, he has once again begun hiring stonemasons, miners and carpenters for a construction project, that will apparantly be taking place in the Ridge area.

  • _Rumors spread from dockworkers and sailors that a Peltarch mining outpost on the other side of th Icelace has been completely exterminated by raiders.

    Supposedly a retalitory expedition set sail from the docks and returned victorious, but it is unclear if the threat has been eliminated or merely handed a setback.

    Some people say that the raiders were a renegade unit of Defenders. Others say that they were local tribesmen. Some point the finger towards the Blood Spiders. The truth remains clouded._


  • Word spreads of an unusual discovery in the commons. It is said that some builders dug up a grave, and when opened a ghost or something came out. Apparently there was some heated words between some of the senators and a magistrate with several irate bystanders adding their own thoughts. It seems however that two of the senators destroyed the undead creature, and ordered the area blessed and a foul weapon destroyed. Those peeking from the Mermaid speak of seeing Torin being upset with this last decree, made by Sir Roland and confirmed by Sir Mariston. It is said an emergency meeting will be called…already many are making there way to the senate building papers in hand hoping that they can have their business dealt with.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumors persist of an arcane showdown of epic proportions just outside the walls of the civic district, in which at least one cerulean knight fell to a dark priestess of some note…

    Interestingly, one knight - the young girl known as Serenity, no less - was seen exiting the temple hurriedly looking very singed and, not caring too much what others throught of her, began instantly searching for the whereabouts of -someone- or -something-.

  • Some commoners speak of a coversation between a man and one of the knights of the Order of the Divine Shield being held in Peltarch. A few merchants speak of an argument between a guard and a man dressed in dark clothes. A caretaker is certain he saw a woman wearing full plate escorting a man dressed in dark clothes and with a hood to the temple of Tyr.

  • Shadows from Zara… or another source?

    People talk of more shadows in the commons... whole areas of darkness filling up the centre of town. Two of the Cerulean Knights appeared to be on guard... against something unknown. Darkness came and engulfed one of the men... screams were heard... the other ran to his aid and was engulfed in shadows also...

    More rumours speak of a shadowy figure walking through the commons towards the Bardic College with a man in blue.

    Details are scetchy as people are too frightened to hang around when the darkness comes...