::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • That same man has also been seen spending unnaturally long times in the local library, mostly studying Peltarch history.

  • @363a4703de=Katebush:

    Ocean is more than happy to accept new entertainment for the children, though her usual reserve means that she keeps an eye on the man for a while until she knows and trusts him better.

    Pleased at the news, the man can often be found reading to the children from now on, he just smiles warmly at their reactions to his storytelling.

  • Ocean is more than happy to accept new entertainment for the children, though her usual reserve means that she keeps an eye on the man for a while until she knows and trusts him better.

  • A simple looking man with a staff and wearing a deep purple cloak has inquired at the local orphanage, asking if they need anyone to read the children stories.

  • When word of the "former" Banite wizard spreads, Dentin is heard remarking..
    "That explains that child that ran from the pass, across the bridge and into the city. What is it with Banites taking on the form of children?"

  • Rumour has it that a former Banite wizard was heard by the Senate during their meeting, but that he left the building after a short time, in a foul mood, somehow changed into an eagle, and flew away to the south.

  • In various corners all over the city a couple of posters turn up, announcing a


    Feast of the Moon Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

    ((Saturday, May 19th - 7 pm GMT))

  • With the war in the south finally ended, Dentin is once again seen frequently troughout the docks, and around the shrine in the commons area.
    Though he has lately been somewhat distracted, especially during morning, he has once again begun hiring stonemasons, miners and carpenters for a construction project, that will apparantly be taking place in the Ridge area.

  • _Rumors spread from dockworkers and sailors that a Peltarch mining outpost on the other side of th Icelace has been completely exterminated by raiders.

    Supposedly a retalitory expedition set sail from the docks and returned victorious, but it is unclear if the threat has been eliminated or merely handed a setback.

    Some people say that the raiders were a renegade unit of Defenders. Others say that they were local tribesmen. Some point the finger towards the Blood Spiders. The truth remains clouded._


  • Word spreads of an unusual discovery in the commons. It is said that some builders dug up a grave, and when opened a ghost or something came out. Apparently there was some heated words between some of the senators and a magistrate with several irate bystanders adding their own thoughts. It seems however that two of the senators destroyed the undead creature, and ordered the area blessed and a foul weapon destroyed. Those peeking from the Mermaid speak of seeing Torin being upset with this last decree, made by Sir Roland and confirmed by Sir Mariston. It is said an emergency meeting will be called…already many are making there way to the senate building papers in hand hoping that they can have their business dealt with.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumors persist of an arcane showdown of epic proportions just outside the walls of the civic district, in which at least one cerulean knight fell to a dark priestess of some note…

    Interestingly, one knight - the young girl known as Serenity, no less - was seen exiting the temple hurriedly looking very singed and, not caring too much what others throught of her, began instantly searching for the whereabouts of -someone- or -something-.

  • Some commoners speak of a coversation between a man and one of the knights of the Order of the Divine Shield being held in Peltarch. A few merchants speak of an argument between a guard and a man dressed in dark clothes. A caretaker is certain he saw a woman wearing full plate escorting a man dressed in dark clothes and with a hood to the temple of Tyr.

  • Shadows from Zara… or another source?

    People talk of more shadows in the commons... whole areas of darkness filling up the centre of town. Two of the Cerulean Knights appeared to be on guard... against something unknown. Darkness came and engulfed one of the men... screams were heard... the other ran to his aid and was engulfed in shadows also...

    More rumours speak of a shadowy figure walking through the commons towards the Bardic College with a man in blue.

    Details are scetchy as people are too frightened to hang around when the darkness comes...

  • "Did ye hear aboot that racket in tha commons last night?"

    "Nay, wha' happened?"

    "Well, seems that foreign muckity muck priest Micah whats-is-name was ripping into that Briar fellow about his memory coming and going…"

    Why'd he do a daft thing like that, and in tha commons too?"

    "I dinnae, but he said a lot' o things that seemed awful personal about Briar, an' he got quite upset too."

    "Well, wha' did Briar say?"

    "Tha's tha funny thing... he dinnae say nuthin. He jus' stood thar with his hands in his pockets, shrugging.. an' that Micah fella, he said something eery to him, almost prophetic like..."

    "Wha was it?"

    "He said...
    At midday, there are no shadows to hide in Briar.
    Your midday approaches.
    Where will you stand then?

  • The recent rumours of shadows that look back at you and a wicked witch responsible for them which have had citizens in the Commerce district keeping to their homes seem to have died down. It seems whatever the cause was for them, the alleys of the city are now (relatively) safe once again, the night no longer quite as troubling as it had been the past few tendays.

  • For those that keep an eye to the more social gossip, Keira has been seen attending a weekly regular appoinment within the temple of Sune. She arrives wearing a dress or a robe rather than the things she's usually seen fighting in and emerges an hour or two later.

    She's also been heard to make enquiries of the Amethyst Festhall regarding a potential future booking. Maybe the Sisterhood will be hosting another fancy dinner?

  • Word spreads the stalwart Senator Thel, faced down each and every shadow that he saw, even slaying a doom knight that was summoned to slow his works. Charging down the woman known as Zara before she disappeared into the ether

  • Of all the places in the city, Taria can be seen prowling about the orphanage near the docks. Wearing her armor and cloak with her hood up as usual, she nonetheless spare a few giggles for the orphans. From time to time she gives them a few coins or little tin soldiers she's crafted.

    Those that take the time to watch her would notice she is weary, possibly stressed. the giggles don't come as free as usual, seeming a bit forced even. She keeps a wary eye on any adults approaching the orphanage, and tenses whenever she hears the word party.

  • Caling will happily recount (for the price of a decent elven wine) the brief tale of how this Woman of Dark Intent and Grim Demeanour called upon the darkness itself to lay the Gondar low. It was only her forbearance that allowed him to rise and heal himself after the smothering and insidious ravages of Dark Energies had crackled over his form.

    Later embellishments feature the Gondar's lack of eloquence in challenging Zara followed by much whimpering and crying after the experience, and a (slightly inconsistent if carefully compared) description of Caling's vantage point as unconnected observer.

    Zara the Dark also froze the hapless minor adventurer (maybe a man called Ludo? Shudo? Something like that) in his tracks, when he attempted an ill-advised solo assault upon her person on the ramparts.

    She will conclude this frightful tale with an uplifting observation that Selune's light will banish all darkness, as it did at the Creation, and we shouldn't be too concerned for jumping at Shadows.

  • _Shadows once more appeared in the city, creeping out of every dark corner of the commons. It began in the dead of night with noted Black Sail Sabre Seesaw stumbling into the Mermaid, spreading wild stories of the ghastly creatures popping out of thin air outside. The wild-eyed sailor lass found few to take her seriously until priestess Daisy showed up. After a private chat with the Tyrran, Sabre left the inn looking in a dreadful state, face pale and worn and her step heavy.

    Not long after the first incident, shadows once more filled the nooks and crannys around the Peltarch commons, this time witnessed by several townsfolk, including Sabre, Mercy, Dentin Strauss and a male adventurer of lesser renown. The shadowy creatures did not appear openly hostile, yet filled many with dread and repulsion. Attempts made by the Gondar priest to banish the shadows proved futile, and after some time a large shadow distinguished itself from the rest. Pointing to Sabre, it beckoned her. She followed, the group trailing after her until they reached the city's outer wall. Here the shadow vanished and angry words were exchanged with a mysterious woman in black standing ontop of the ramparts, before a compact darkness fell and powerful magic crackled. When the darkness lifted, Dentin lay on the ground near lifeless and the mystery woman was nowhere to be seen. Cursing loudly at the Gondar, Sabre and Mercy left the scene, joined by the elf Caling._