::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Shadows and a masked woman in black have been spotted in the commons and the Civic District. At least one guard as been killed during the disturbances. The Knights of the Cerulean Star have been called into protect the Jewel from this new threat. While little is known about the woman by the general populace - "Shar" is not too far from the lips of the tavern-goers telling of the incident.


    Rumors - hushed and shouted alike - are bandied about in the taverns. Four lives have been taken in all, and each that of a Bloodspider. Three were found dead in the docks; one killed in plain view in the marketplace. But what's this? The proported killer seems to wear their colors as well. Guards can be seen walking with hurried gait from the docks to the jail and back as investigations are directed by magistrate.

  • Jeremy has been seen struting around town in a very exquisite and expensive looking suit of full plate. Any veteran travellers to the east would recognise it as Thayan Full Plate, a very well designed and made one at that.

  • It's unsubstantiated as yet, but apparently the Headmaster of the Bardic College has added once again to his distinguished career by slaying a dragon!

    Obviously it's not as impressive a dragon as the Rass the Magnificent. However, stories of how Sharn the Wily has bothered the less impressive urbanizations of the south Nars pass with an accumulation of goblin and giant warbands have been filtering north for a while.

    ((Thanks to Nilla, Andelas, Scutum and Coann for DMing and the many many players that slogged through the mammoth and rather tense expedition))

  • Rumour spreads that Mecizq has been looking into the Libraries for information on Dragon Hordes. Regardless of the Truth of the rumour or not, Mecizq certainly has been seen about the city in any library open to the public investigating something.

  • _The foreign priest known as Micah Shilon has been spotted recently in the docks district. It seems he was reading a notice outside the Morticians, and afterwards headed into the building, not emerging for some time.

    Those in the area say that when he did eventually leave, he was muttering excitedly to himself in that strange garbled tongue of his, and then headed off to the Civic district for gods knows what purpose._

  • *Guards at the western gates are informed that a creature that looked like a giant floating eye, a beholder, was spotted northwest of Peltarch.

    It is reported that it was headed in the direction of the Menhir, but the witnesses didn't stick around long enough to find out what it was doing…*

  • People talk of kobolds attacking the town for the first time in years. The assault, however, was met by several patrol groups of Military personel and it's said that the kobolds were fought off without any losses. People also mention a huge kobold, as tall as a giant making demands on the city and then walking off in a huff with the word destruction on his lips.

  • A group of weary adventurers, just recently returned from the underdark were most shocked by the sudden and unexpected sight of the ghost of Frago Tilldock in the Peltarch commerce district.

    Assumed to have fallen in the capture of Norwick, he had not been seen since that unhappy day. Obviously his spirit has some unfinished business…

    Unable to communicate with him, he soon disappeared in a bolt of lightning with more questions left behind him than answers.

  • When Grubrod nips into the Mermaid for an evening tincture of elf wine, he passes quietly by the boisterous crowd, finding a free corner. He eyes then with a slight frown, he clears his throat and smiles ever so slightly if any catch his eye, but he fidgets with his glass clearly feeling uncomfortable in their presence for some reason. Those watching him will see that he stares at the more prominent patches of filth on them, as if willing them to disappear. He leaves his seat sooner than usual that evening, leaving his glass half finished, muttering something about washing his hands.

  • A group of adventurers is seen entering the Mermaid and ordering stacks upon stacks of pancakes. They are covered in dirt, exhausted, and obviously famished but all seem in very high spirits as they are overheard cheering and laughing often.

    Shortly after they part the Mermaid, a hunter comes in commenting on how he was out hunting in the Eastern Plains just outside Peltarch and saw the strangest site!

    _"Dere be dis huge flyin creature, most likely a Griffin cause it was a lion wiff wings and a eagles head, came outta da skies and landed nay more than fifty strides from meh! On da back O'it was dis ghostly looking person.. wearin a ghostly dress so I figures it prolly a female. Well den dat Griffin lands and dat ghost lady dun get off O'it I see's it start to change… a hideous sight until finally dis short skinny man, prolly one of dem elves is left standin dere puttin on armour wiff Legion colours! I dun know what dey was up to but dey heads together into Pelt!"

    "Aye, I let them through the gate", says a Peltarch Guard as she sips on a warm cup of tea. "Apparently the ghostly woman was in trouble and needed help. She said her appearance was due to a spell and ye know, with all the things we see round 'ere I nay thought much of it and let em through."_

    "There was an elf here earlier eating pancakes.. wore Legion colours as well. I recognized him as the Healer from Norwick. A good man he is… ate a couple stacks o' pancakes he did! Seemed pretty happy bout something.. perhaps that be the same guy.", stated a burly fellow slopping at a mug of beer in the corner.

    "Well, if they needed safety here in the City they didn't need it long as I saw a group of them all head South not long after they finished their pancakes. That's good, we don't need trouble here in Peltarch, they can take their trouble down South where the trouble needs to stay!" exclaimed a bartender stocking bottles behind the bar.

  • Telli smacks Bagnar in the chest after hearing said rumour…Oi... yuh hears dat... more kobolds dens normals... deys must knows abouts our plan ta open un tavern... we gots some more cleanings outs ta do...quickly drags him off into the plains to look for lizards to whap

  • Defender Lieutenant Scott Tyloran issues a public warning to all who travel west into the spires that Kobold activity has increased alarmingly lately, and that while the city walls have not been assaulted, travellers in the spires are far more in danger of being ambushed and robbed of their lives than usual. In the Taverns some hillwanderers who used to go out for morning strolls grumble that the kobolds are behaving far more intelligently than the little pests usually do, some talk about the couple of strollers who haven't returned with grim faces.

    The Lieutenant goes on to assure folk that he is stepping up patrols in the spires, to hopefully curb this problem.

  • In the light of the recent acquittal of the Black Sails, a stouty turd-faced Umberlite dwarf has been seen taking a gloating turn about the Docks district, laying her blessings and threatening storms to come on the Lake's fishing fleet to all those to fail to pay the Maiden mete respect tae be worthy o' her sparin' yer filthy flea bitten hides, de ye savvy ye git-faced troll worrier? To any asking about her crew's judicial finding, she slaps on a grin and barks:

    "Argh, well, it just done goes to show, don't it, that the Bloodie Spiders be as rum a band o' coves as e'er put in our filthy excuse fer a port, an' Umberlee ha' they buggers in her beady eye fer ripe destruction, says I wi' a wanion. Mark me word an' the kraken else, says I!"

    In the more salubrious parts of the Jewel, Grubdrod Scudd, advisor to Senator Mariston Thel is growing a familiar, albeit diminutive face in the market. Busily purchasing his morning fruit supply, Grubrod is keen to bend any ear that he may, commenting on the acquittal:

    "See what good justice Peltarch disposes? Even a band of wretched lawless scallywags like the Sails are treated fairly. If they are not guilty, we set them free. What a blessing to live in such an upright and law abiding state."

    Responding to any questions regarding the absence of the Talon Guard, and Peltarch's weakened military position, Grubby's eyes twinkle and his partial smiles become avuncular.

    "Not all Peltarch's forces march in regiments. You mark my word, lad, the city is well protected by more than it's thick walls. The Senate have seen to that."

    Pressing the pennies into the seller's paw, Grubrod tucks his fresh fruit in a small, somewhat feminine bag, arranging them so as not to bruise the small but perfectly formed loaf he purchased further down the market way. Soberly, and without haste, he strolls back to his lodgings, and breaks his fast with a respectably small feast, with a pat of butter and a scraping of jam before embarking on the work of the day.

  • Word from Norwick in the south reaches Peltarch, the Talon Guard marched to Norwick, driving off ogre ambushes along the way with minimal injuries or casualties. Many speak highly of Captain Talgrath and his skilled command of his troops for taking them to the front lines with little trouble while rumours speak of Captain Khelben's company receiving heavy injuries and casualties.

    Of course, some say the troops shouldn't even be down south, but such debates always seem to occur when some Defenders are away from the city. In any case, Norwick just received some much-needed aid in the form of one of Peltarch's most skilled companies.

  • _And so the awaited Black Sails trial took place in the courthouse, quickly turning into the theatrical farce that most expected it to be. Magistrate Shannon of the Divine Shield played the part of prosecution as well as judge, and continued to string on the trial to his desire. Ting the elf masterfully portrayed the supressed defense council, until she was removed from the courtroom, along with two Sentinels who cried out against the injustice. They were both swiftly fined by the ever-taking lizard claw of justice, and one of them was imprisoned below the courtroom, pending a later spanking from the dubious Magistrate. The trial continued, with the brawler Pavel having to be removed from the courtroom because he fell ill, and Sabre joining him soon after, overcome with grief with the funeral of Tyr.
    The final outcome was quite the plot-twist, as it seemed Drelan Ashire was declared not guilty on all charges. The man is apparantly not only a noted Black Sail, but also captain of the Oscuran Peacekeepers, granting him the diplomatic immunity to do whatever he wishes, whenever he wishes.
    The other Sails were subsequently also cleared of all charges, leaving only the one Sentinel in prison for disrupting the play.

    In other news, rumour has it the Sentinels, quoting their position as Lantanese defenders, may be aggressively moving against one or more of the noted Senators. All for the good of the city, of course._

  • Talk among the inn employs recent;y has been mainly circling a curious Gnome taking residence there. Many talk of interactions with him but none know any true history about him

  • Rumor has it a man named Rolav Nefzen has been introducing himself quite a bit around the mermaid, sometimes a card slipped into various hands…

    "Put on trial but no one to defend you?

    Rolav Nefzen, Defense Adviser."

  • Professor Grubrod Scudd has undertaken a ordered, sober life among his fellow Peltarchians. In the morning, he purchases fresh fruit in the market, inspecting each piece with knowledgeable hands before popping them in a little bag. During the day, he works hard a common sight in the Town Hall, exchanging pleasantries with the Herald with a bundle of documents in hand. In the evening, he retires to the Mermaid and the more respectable eateries in town, ordering a small but nutritious meal consisting primarily of fruit, butter and a little bread with some wine, thinned a little with a splash of water.

  • _Dwin Dolvak, interim Chancellor of Norwick was seen setting up a crate in front of the Peltarch Orphanage. After standing on it for a couple minutes, folks stopped to see if he was going to say something (or if he was planning some kind of acrobatic feat).

    Once enough people had gathered to be able to retell this story adequately, Dwin cleared his throat and pulled a prepared speech from his beard._

    Friends in Peltarch!

    Today, in thanks for the assistance you have so graciously given us in the south against our ongoing war, I am donating a large contribution to the abandoned young-ins of Peltarch.

    On behalf of the People of Norwick, who like orphans themselves have no home, I am donating gold to be used in whatever fashion the folks here deem fit!

    Dwin bends down and picks up 2 heavy sacks in each hand, assumedly filled with coin. He lowers them back down and tosses out a few handfuls of coins to the younger members of the crowd.

    We thank you for all of your support, oh Helpful Peltarchians!