::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Mariston nods at the words as he makes his way south
    Quite so we must not forget the actions of those brave individuals, why I recall with great clarity whence Kull and Deacon hadst been crucified by Chessakhan, I am only grateful that the protections offered me allowed me to breach Chessakhans barriers to aid them. And well said we must not forget the brave actions of so many during the civil war.

  • Lilly laughs hearing the rumors, "Gods, funny how selective memories get. I seem to remember hearing word of Deacon getting crucified by the Chessikahn's lizards for fighting them. I also remember the Sails being a large part of the invasion force that landed in the docks for the Civil War. Hells, maybe I'm just old and senile though."

    "Anyways, figured better rumors'd be flying than the usual mud being thrown at paladins and pirates. Suppose it's my bardic duty to start something more interesting then."

  • Upon returning briefly from the front lines Senator Thel smiles ruefully at the latest rumours, and can be heard to comment

    Twouldst seem all this time I hath been fighting at the front I was clearly not. chukcling to himself as he does

    The senator moves off to rest before heading back south, tireless in the defense of Norwick as he was in the retaking of Peltarch and the eastland war. Rumours soon spread as to who these sails folks are and how many of the people dont seem to recall their faces in the retaking of Peltarch, or the battles against Chessakhan upon the plains east.

  • _Rumours spread of the Order of the Divine Shield losing their guts to fight in the war down south, instead too busy being occupied as bounty hunters, mercilessly hunting down Black Sails members.

    Also rumours spread of an alliance between the Order and the local Blood Spiders._

  • Jeremy has either been seen making trips to the Peltarch docks, heading down to Oscura and. going into the Peltarch jail every now and then. While he isn't doing any of those things, he can be seen sitting in the Mermaid, ale in hand, laughing and talking with the citizens, seeming not to care about the current war effort at all.

    //Until I return that is… kicks computer

  • _Professor Grubrod Scudd, famed (sic) archao-pathologist, has settled down into his routine as a Citizen of Peltarch, and may been seen wandering the streets, tipping his hat to passing ladies and nodding respectfully to the gentlefolk. Observes will find Grubrod an orderly-dressed little gnome - marginally fussy - with a smell of preserving fluids and cleanness about him. His attire is simple, but cultivated and low-key.

    His impression is one of orderliness - with an undercurrent of agitation and the occasional chaotic flux behind her precise, careful little manner. Is not threatening, but nor does not glow with the warmth and bounteous goodness one finds in others. Grubby takes a middle road, slowly and sagaciously and with as little disorder as possible. Avoiding puddles.

    His eyes are sprinkled with spry intelligence and wisdom, however, and he will inform any who enquire that his particular talent is in forensic magecraft with special reference to archao-pathology. Whatever that is. To any who enquire, he also states that he has, to his great honour and privilege, been taken on as advisor to Senator Mariston Thel and shall be aiding "that good man" in the future.

    He seems unhurried by present grave events southward. To concerned enquirers, he, with suitable gravity, ensures them that Peltarch is quite safe, and hopes and prayers ought to lie with the Defenders who have willingly stepped into the fire southward, to aid Peltarch's "simple" and "less educated" southerly neighbours._

  • Despite rumors that she was done with the city, the elf has shown up again for two visits to the jail and one extensive visit to the public library. She didn't purchase a single thing while in the city, an incredible oddity for her as she is sometimes known for wanton extravagance or at least making a trade or two in even her most stingy moments.

    She seems to be picking through every legal book and case record available for any and all mentions of avoiding arrest and legal policies surrounding such an act.

    ((If anyone could pm me official Peltarch law on this or a link to it it would be greatly appreciated))

  • Near the southern gate, roughly a score of wagons and an entire company of Defenders can be seen gathering. Captain Talgrath is barking orders to the men, and according to most observers it appears that his men of the Talonguard are planning to move out. Sharp-eyed individuals might note that the wagons contain implements of war along, camping supplies and what looks to be a wagon filled with food, water and blankets; there seems to be more food, water and blankets than such a force would need. In any case, the company appears to be readying to leave in a rather short amount of time.

  • A foreign merchant that frequents the city of Peltarch sharing a drink with his friend and chatting.

    "Ya know tha elf artist that dissapeared a couple a months back?"

    "Ting? Ya, I bought a couple a things from her once. What happened ta tha odd lass? Why ain't she been in the city much?"

    "Well I know her organization closed down some time back and she lost a good bit o' money and goods over that but she stuck around y'know. Anyway I seen her just tha other day."

    "S' that so?"

    "Yea she was havin' this big tattoo all over the side o' her face. Bein all cryptic and such."

    "Well tha's nay weird"

    "Well nay, but she was weird in wha she was sayin. Tellin me I'm gonna have ta be careful maybe reconsider where I'm tradin. Says this new magistrate is 'accostin' foreign merchants and givin 'em all sorts o trouble, revokin trade permits on a whim and everythin."

    "Where'd she hear that? She's a local ain't she?"

    "Not anymore. She says to me 'pparantly and the magistrate gave her all sorts o trouble right away. She's through 'pparantly, don't want to deal with that sort o' hasslin no more… oh yea 'n she say her name weren't never Ting..."

    "Odd lass tha … I'm not likin that they gave 'er such trouble though. Bought one o' her paintings once. The wife loves it. Say, you hear about Benny?..."

    The rumors wander off back to some drunk who got in a fight with his landlady.

  • Several memebers of Norwicks Militia come to Peltarch as smoke hazes the southern skyline, to see if any refugees may have made it into the town. They check in with the city council but move quickly on to the taverns and streets recording names of any they can find and listing any others that may have fallen. They spend but hours then quickly move south, saying little and appearing grim and tired.

  • Sabre is conspicuously absent from the streets of Peltarch lately. Not hide nor hair of the sailor lass can be seen in any of her usual haunts, though the reasons for this are a matter of speculation. Vanity Plates is rumoured to suffer a decline in business, coinciding with Sabre's disappearance.

  • Jeremy has also been seen at the Peltarch docks with his bird, the bird flying off and not returning for some time.

  • Seems there are rumors of Captain Drelan Ashire being arrested outside the city. Rumor has it that the black sails captain, combat comrade of the Peltarch navy during the civil war, supporter of the tower defenders, protector of the docks, carer for widows, and most recently defender of jiyyd during the orc war, had an axe thrown into his back though he had no weapon drawn by one of the guards in his arresting party. He followed Steelfin and the guards peaceably to the jail, his wound untended.

    Reasons for the wounding are unknown, nor is it known if his wound was ever tended.

  • Jeremy has been seen entering the prison complex with a slight pissed off look on his face. He was also seen leaving it just a few minutes later.

  • _It seems Grubby has been feeling the heat. After a period of relaxation, away from the fustian Halls of Peltarch's libraries, our good savant has, for reasons unknown, fluxed into extreme stress, and may usually be found in a private room in the Mermaid, surrounded by a clutter of empty wine bottles and piles of crumpled parchment.

    Visitors are not welcome. Unless they are important, naturally._

  • Apon hearing the rumours Juster gives a small frown and heads off mumbling something about communication.

  • When pursued by citizens about the Yuan-ti strike force, all Jeremy seems to say is…

    "We got them scaly bastards on check aye? They be makin' one move and I'm gonn' rip out their guts, savvy? Now go back to ye musins aye."

  • Rumor has it, that a tenday ago, a strike force of yuan ti was spotted in the foothills of the giantspires, apparently setting up camp there. Also they were supposedly stalked by a drow. For whatever reason, the knights and the defenders are rumored to have known about this for the better part of a month but were apparently trying to hush the whole affair up. Word has it that they are probably trying to keep too much knowledge from the population of Peltarch as that would endanger the precariously prepared ignorance and might endanger the current system. Less kind words occasionally mention that a group of defenders might just be in league with the yuan ti, who are known to be enemies of the city and have tried before to establish some sort of contact or control over the kobolds.

  • _Over the previous few weeks, a scholar has been haunting the Peltarchian libraries night and day, pouring over the text of the present laws and the reported cases of the Peltarchian jurisdiction, such as he may find.

    If questioned, he identifies himself as Professor Grubrod Scudd - Grubby to his friends - but refuses to speak further about what he has been up to. One thing at least is certain. The scroll on which he had been taking notes now stretches to several parchments._

  • The dwarves of the Stonemasons Guild (unsurprisingly) tout themselves as the finest masters of masonry outside of dwarven heartlands.