::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Jeremy has been seen entering the prison complex with a slight pissed off look on his face. He was also seen leaving it just a few minutes later.

  • _It seems Grubby has been feeling the heat. After a period of relaxation, away from the fustian Halls of Peltarch's libraries, our good savant has, for reasons unknown, fluxed into extreme stress, and may usually be found in a private room in the Mermaid, surrounded by a clutter of empty wine bottles and piles of crumpled parchment.

    Visitors are not welcome. Unless they are important, naturally._

  • Apon hearing the rumours Juster gives a small frown and heads off mumbling something about communication.

  • When pursued by citizens about the Yuan-ti strike force, all Jeremy seems to say is…

    "We got them scaly bastards on check aye? They be makin' one move and I'm gonn' rip out their guts, savvy? Now go back to ye musins aye."

  • Rumor has it, that a tenday ago, a strike force of yuan ti was spotted in the foothills of the giantspires, apparently setting up camp there. Also they were supposedly stalked by a drow. For whatever reason, the knights and the defenders are rumored to have known about this for the better part of a month but were apparently trying to hush the whole affair up. Word has it that they are probably trying to keep too much knowledge from the population of Peltarch as that would endanger the precariously prepared ignorance and might endanger the current system. Less kind words occasionally mention that a group of defenders might just be in league with the yuan ti, who are known to be enemies of the city and have tried before to establish some sort of contact or control over the kobolds.

  • _Over the previous few weeks, a scholar has been haunting the Peltarchian libraries night and day, pouring over the text of the present laws and the reported cases of the Peltarchian jurisdiction, such as he may find.

    If questioned, he identifies himself as Professor Grubrod Scudd - Grubby to his friends - but refuses to speak further about what he has been up to. One thing at least is certain. The scroll on which he had been taking notes now stretches to several parchments._

  • The dwarves of the Stonemasons Guild (unsurprisingly) tout themselves as the finest masters of masonry outside of dwarven heartlands.

  • Word spreads that Mariston has been looking into the various architects in the city. Seeking to learn what level of masonry skills are available.

  • _Rumor has it that senator Rath Ashald has banned all members of the church of Torm and her supporters, claiming they were responsible for flooding the sewers and thus bringing a horirble stench to Peltarch's streets a while ago. The rumor further claims former intermittent magistrate Blackwing to be heard supporting that and working out the details on how to identify Tormites from now on.

    Regardless of that rumor, it semes pretty obvious no one takes politics or appointments of magistrates seriously, leaving such things to senators and magistrates to handle internally._

  • Rumor has it, that a halfling invited a group of adventurers onto a ship, aptly named Lady Luck. Oddly enough, it is mentioned that a representative of Lady Doom also went on board of that very ship. The group was gone for a while, and suddenly reappeared in the middle of the commons, looking rather confused themselves.

  • DM

    Senior Magistrate Barrim has returned to the city it seems, in the company of another moustache wearing man who also seems to wear a red cloak; along with some other ranger-types. After some meetings with this individual the visitor departs into the wilds seemingly on some business errand.

    On hearing about various disorderly happenings, he muses about the past quietly to himself and returns to his office to review the progress of the new Junior Magistrate and reports from the surrounding lands.

  • Dentin keeps up his usual presence in the docks, and keeps a close eye on the whole situation between the Sails and the Spiders. Though not eager to get involved in the thugwar, Dentin usually keeps a close watch of any Sails or Spider appearance in the docks, especially when both meet at the same place.

  • Jeremy has also been seen about the docks on occasion, but with a serious look and armed to the teeth. He leaves his Cerulean Knight Stars to show off brightly though, and often stops to talk to a few folk, most often Sails.

  • Tensions in the docks seem to rise. Rumors indicate that the sails and the spiders are going at each others throats, neither showing much love for the other side. Oddly enough a shining knight is mentioned to have recently stepped in to protect a spider and escort him back to the Pissing Goat. Similarily, the name Ashald is mentioned often together with the infamous Bloodspiders.

  • _The midwinter festival harbored a smaller crowd, then other festivals before. And the cold weather apparently drove some hungry beasts like penguins and yetis to turn the festival into the scene of a battle. Two or three people almost dying, but none actually. The minor competitions included a snowmen building by pairs, a roasting of meat and staying in the icy waters.

    The melee eventually was one by a blatant disregard of prior agreements, as Winter and Keira attacked a reading Seth._

    ((might expand this later))

  • Upon hearing such rumors, Zyph is heard to laugh heartily at the indications

    "The gods are mad? They must've been asleep at the watch the other day then when we took out one of the main pirates on the Ice Lace. With that said, care to see my new boat?"

  • _With the recent increase of pirate activities in Peltarch waters, be it Damaran scum, red sails or other lowlife factions, the Peltarch Navy seems busier than ever. A group of Black Sails appeared rather amused at hearing of all the benefits of life in the city's employ when approached by a pair of Peltarch Defender sailors.

    Sabre comments to her fellow Sails:_

    "Recruitment might run a bit smoother if not fer that gods-awful shade o' green tha poor sods are made ta wear, eh? Tha armour might be free, but gods… they'd have ta pay me a king's ransom before I'd agree ta lookin' like a bloody pea, lemme tell ya."

  • The new magistrate can be seen heading to the Courthouse once more in an effort to try the newly arrested Bloodspiders in a timely manner his previous case was handled.

  • Nyda's usual presence and demeanour around the City is suddenly more full of smiles and a spring in her own step than before the announcement of Lord D'arneau's Tenure as Magistrate. Some might notice a wicked gleam of humour in her eyes as she smiles, as always, to one and all. She seems at the same time to have shed a great deal of her shyness.

  • Out of the blue, quite a few posters turn up in various places in the city again. The advertise a


    Midwinter Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))