::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • A man clad in steely blue-grey is seen returning from the foothills with what appears to be a Defender corpse slung over his shoulder. He disappears into the Western Watchtower for almost ten minutes, then emerges travelling back into the city, without the corpse he came with.

  • Eluriel talks to Mariston for a while then heads off west to see what she can see.

  • Mariston stands atop the tower and has the spyglass brought up. He surveys the scene for himself

  • Rumours spread from the guard tower in the foothills of unsettled foes lurking high in the mountains that some claim to be fire giants. They seem almost readied for war, or to defend themselves. The Giantkin don't appear to have come near the city yet though.

  • Having heard the rumors of a giant kobold monstrosity, a hearty group of adventures set out into the hills under the protection of renown Guardian Zoma. Their goal seems to have been to find out more about the specifics powers of this threat, trying to follow-up the creation of such a monstrosity. The first step on this quest has led them into a kobold cave where they have discovered a skeleton of gargantuan size. A part of the group thought this merely the remains of a kobold feast, but the mage of the group seems to be convinced it played a role in the creation of the monstrosity.

  • _Renowned gnomish sorceror The Fool, Master Scutum of the Four Winds Monastery, and bowyer Ginger Tealeaf returned to Peltarch from the Giantspire Mountains recently carrying the lifeless body of their fallen comrade, Peppy. The quiet trio tiredly headed directly for the Temple of Tyr.

    There’s talk that the group had set out only days earlier, chattering excitedly about the prospect of finding lemmings and hoping to spot a gold dragon who is rumoured to live in the mountains.

    But there was no dragon. Only scores and scores of ogres. An army of hostile, ugly, hate-filled ogres who chased the four deeper into giant lands, hell-bent on killing the smallfolk troupe. How three managed to survive is a mystery._

  • Ocean notes the blue elfs work and enthusiasm and invites her to visit the various Orphan houses she runs to entertain and teach the children.

    "New teechuz iz olluz welcum, zpeshully thoze az cun teech praktikul zkillz az cun be uzed later in apprentizhipz"

  • Eluriel is often in the more affluent areas of the city. Much of her time there is spent sketching, or carving detail into wooden toys and ornaments. A ready smile greets most who might wish to make her acquaintance and her produce is given freely. Clearly delighted by the company of children she is equally likely to be talking to them, teaching them whatever she may that catches their interest, or playing games with the spirit of a child. The sight of a dark-haired elven girl passing by never fails to capture her attention.

  • Fashion-conscious ladies of Peltarch and beyond talk excitedly about the boot sale in the Wilting Flower Shoppe. Apparantly Lacy is promoting her new line of thigh-high boots with quite some success. Red and pink are the standard and most popular colours, though she may consider special orders if one is willing to pay. Rumour also has it that new dresses to go with the boots are coming into the store in the near future. Noted warrior and official rat-catcher of Peltarch, Ms Horbag Hurkink, was apparantly the first to display both boots and dress (in a startling red of course), turning quite a few heads (and possibly some stomachs).

  • Fenz was declared not guilty on all charges, and has since happily resumed his peddling. Apparantly, Hemrod had been attacked and nearly killed in the senate building by another hin, though it could not be proven that this hin was Fenz. The question that remains is.. who is this mysterious assailant.

  • The trial of Fenz is set to be held on the 11th day of Elient, in the Courthouse. Rumours are flying around that Acting Magistrate Greywing has cut short the seemingly lengthy ongoing investigations by the Guard, saying if they don't have their witnesses by now, they should not have arrested him in the first place. The mystery around why Fenz was arrested persists, since the Guard have not allowed any to visit the poor halfling during his incarceration. It is certain there will be a hefty crowd at the trial, and the guard are already seen around the courthouse taking measures to prevent any riotous interferences from the crowd.

    ((Trial will be tomorrow at 8pm GMT))

  • Gossip travels around telling of four adventurers, who stumbled into what ended up being a full frontal attack by a kobold army. After slaying hundreds of kobolds and nearly losing one of their own, the group pushed forward after purchasing a powderkeg and proceeded to blast the cave entrance from which the kobolds were coming. With the entrance now blocked, all seemed well, but rumbling could still be heard, as first one earth elemental, and then a second larger one appeared attempting to clear away the entrance so that the kobolds could continue their assault. The galiant troupe charged in and took both of the giants down. Again victory seemed at hand, but alas the ground began to shake as one set of very large feet echoed from the depths of the cavern. What emerged can only be described as an enormous monstrosity with wings, which looked like a horrible experiment of meshing flesh and bone and skin to create a foul demon-like creature. After it nearly removed one of the strongest members of the group from out plane of existence in a single blow, the group thought it best to, "GET THE HELLS OUT OF HERE!!!!" The group ran swiftly inside the Peltarch gates where they immediately warned the guard only to hear the beating of wings draw closer and closer. When suddenly the beating faded and the beast disappeared back over the hilltops. One can only imagine the dangers the kobolds may have or be preparing to use against the city…

  • Juster's jaw drops as he hears of the arrest. He then makes his way off quietly to try and find some answers.

  • Onlookers mention that Fenz walked quietly with the guards and wasn't dragged or anything like that. They also mention that a gnomish clerk has been appointed acting magistrate. While most agree that this Lady Blackwind is taking the laws seriously, judgements on her person vary from heartless to dutiful.

  • Rumours spread swiftly that the one and only Fenz was arrested last night in the Dancing Mermaid. The patrons there regale their fellows for many nights after about how there was a veritable army of guards there to take him in, even Vick Dunderstone himself! Naturally with such a huge deal being made of it there is wide speculation as to what the charges are…though there is consensus that they must be pretty bad. Some say it looks like Fenz's days are numbered...

  • _During the first rays of light from the last morning, a peculiar sight was spotted for those awake enough to be watching the skies. A griffin carrying an armoured knight and a halfling flew over the city and sat down infront of the west gate, where they disembarked. After the knight removed her helm, the griffin shifted back into the visage of a man. An odd sight.

    Genzir, Gonnar and Kara all walked away shortly after, seemingly downtrodden_

  • Not long after the sun had gone down, a trade caravan rattled its way up the roads to the city and made camp just outside the walls to rest before doing buisness the next day. Among the regular trade wagons however was a rather fancy carraige that pulled right up to the gates and let a single figure out. They conversed with the driver briefly then slipped into town and the carraige set back off towards the rest of the wagons.

    Apparantly a well off visitor has just arrived from quite a distance.

  • Two members of the Sails return from the foothills, out of breath and badly beaten. Apparently they entered a cave and fought hordes of kobolds, at least that would seem normal enough, but they also mention a huge, oversized kobold who chased them out of the foothills, stomping after them… luckily as slow as huge.

  • Those spending time around the lucky ferret will notice the bouncers seem on edge after what appears to have been an 'accident' happened in one of their back rooms. While they don't appear to have informed the authorities, the staff keep a watchful eye on those entering the inn. At least two men are rumoured to have been struck down unconsious and another killed.

  • Rumour flies about a recent kidnapping of a child in the Commerce district. In spite of a large number of guards and defenders, as well as some members of the Black Sails nearby, the mystery abductors got away and left little to no trace behind, apart from a trail of bodies. People talk in hushed voices about inpenetrable darkness covering the area and small, hooded figures fleeing the scene, one carrying a bundle of some kind.