::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • If asked about this, the Banite responds

    I do not claim that she is evil. I merely wish to point the fact that, contrary to popular belief, Miss Caling is not a paladin.
    I also wish to make it clear that I have not previously been detained for crimes against the city. It was a misunderstand, caused by Miss Caling herself.

  • A darkly robed and helmed man has seen often around the commons and the marketplaces of the fair city. He openly professes to serve the Dark Lord of Tyranny, Bane.

    Not content with his own vileness, he seeks to degrade himself further with bitter lies about the fair and lovely Paladin of Sune, known as Caling. This worm claims that she is evil and has been trying to sell necromantic artifacts!

    How does this wretch know? Well, as an evil necromancer himself previously detained for crimes against the City, he wished to purchase it to visit whatever foul darkness was in his heart upon others, maybe even our own population of the city.

    If asked for comment Caling will greet the enquirer with a ready smile and happily admit that Magistrate Barrim had asked her for her help regarding that artifact. She is unable to comment about any plans for the City Guard or others to unearth the insidious evil of necromancy from the city, but will assure any who ask that evil will not be tolerated if it harms those we love and care for. She closes such conversations with a traditional blessing.

    'May the beauty and passion of Sune guide you…

  • _A band of mages and a couple of woodsmen came through the west gate from the Giantspire foothills. Some of them had their lower legs and hands covered in dark mud, as if they had been wallowing on their hands and knees in a river or swamp.

    It is also said that the Keeper of Spellweaver had a brief encounter with a local potter, which he walked away from rather frustrated._

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    Even as the debate over the validity of the sacrifical rumors rages on, wor d spreads of yet -another- horrifying sacrifice to Bane in the Nars. Caught in the middle and wondering whom to trust, most common folk prefer not to discuss the occurances. Those who do mostly speak of it in hushed voices, as if their very conversation could arouse the wrath of some awful evil.

  • The "ever charismatic" guard was seen with a rare but reassuring smile when asked about the recent rumors he replies

    "I've sacrificed a few of the stronger hobgoblins that plague the once safe Nars Pass in hopes to instill fear within the hobgoblin faction and perhaps lessen their presance or their readiness to attack travelers. If I had any ill intention for Peltarch, wouldn't I preform such things within our fine city? As for the accusations about my position one should note, my love for law knows no bounds and it is with great pleasure to uphold the laws and keep chaos from our streets."

    With that the guard resumes his post during the day.

  • _Words spreads that the Haribo the GREAT, a wizard gaining renwon in the land, conducted a fighting tournament at the lucky ferret in recent days. It is said that Tolin took home first place honors, with Zyphlin Re'cual taking second, and Senator Sten's lovely wife Linah taking third.

    It is also said that the Banite guardsman Vincent performed yet another gruesome sacrifice to the tyrannt lord upon the Nars, with questioning whispers shooting around if the Banite plans on using his position in the Guard as just another way to inflict tyranny upon the Peltarch masses. Comments are made of the irony of a Norwickian commenting on the "corruption of peltarch" when it is Peltarchan's that are being open and honest with thier displeasure of the man, while Norwickian's have had a history of living in denial of thier corruption and protecting them_

  • Ain't no surprise! Why should the guard be any less corrupted than any other Peltarch organization!


  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    Word spreads that Vincent, an officer of the Peltarch Guard, was found on the road through the pass conducting a gruesome sacrifice to Bane. While whispers of fear wind among the common folk, a few guardsmen find themselves the subjects of less-than-trusting glances from passers-by.

  • A large Man adorned in Black And Green Armor was seen outside the city walls of Peltarch conversing with the Wizard known as Genzir. It is not known what the two talked about but they talked for quite sometime

  • A man by the name of Zidane has told almost every employee in the Dancing Mermaid Inn that he has taken up the proffesion of Bounty Hunting, he asks the employees to spread thw word around as people come and go through the Popular Inn

  • The rain is back. Whatever caused the month long rain in the first place seems to have returned. Clouds hover all over the sky of Peltarch and adventurer's pull their hoods up. Rain coats become a comon sight… on people and a less common one in shops. Except for those who welcome the rain, everyone hopes the rain would end sooner rather than later.

  • _Elissa keeps mentioning and complimenting the Peltarch senate on their latest decision. She is particularly impressed by their proper use of caution in outlawing any and all magic-based powers.

    In an unrelated rumor it seems two blond recent arrivals to the city began a harmless chat with a magistrate in the market. At some point a word was mentioned and the meeting then moved away from the streets and prying ears. People wonder which word could have caused such a strange behavior. Some say it was 'dragon', others 'drow' and some few insist it was 'glass'._

  • Mecizq is seen about Peltarch making mention that he has several suits of solid steel fullplate for sale. A match for the best quality brass and near the finest you can get in the Narfell region.

  • Those in the docks notice a sizeable contingent of Guards and Defenders posted at the main sewer entrance together with a number of Divine Shield knights. Several are seen going in and leaving at different intervals, before sealing the entrance again in a few days.

  • ICC

    Rumors spread of regular Legion patrols fom Jyiid to Pelt and back. These patrols happend at least once per day and are mostly lead by Major Kull of the Legion, other ranked legionares and the new recruits.
    When asked for the price for the escort till pelt and vice versa, Kul can be heard saying:

    dee escort iz free. We charge nae shineez couse it be our duty da make sure da pass is free o gobbers fer travelers and merchants travel safely

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”

  • Rumors fly about a confrontation between a 'lizardman' paladin of Tyr and a pack of Umberlant's in Tyr's temple. Seems the devout of the queen thought it alright to raise one of their own within the holy walls of Tyr's temple.

    Lucky for the Umberlants they were granted mercy this one time. But if seen within the walls of the temple ever again, they would face a fate reserved only for the most vile of evil doers.

  • Nate is seen enquiring for a precise date that the senatorial meeting will be held.

  • _There's a collective sigh of relief as the last of the clouds move on and the downpour of rain finally stops. Those with the attention span of less than a month wonder if there has been a Peltarch before the rain at all. Those and the people who only recently arrived, though, welcome the change in weather and everyone else just hopes that whatever caused the month-long constant rain will not happen again.

    The wiser people merely state that after the rain is before the rain._

  • _The occurances with wild magic seem to be growing in scale by the day. Latest rumours suggest that twists of weave hijacked a few adventurers randomly from around the Narfell area and landed them in unknown caverns.

    The tiny group is said to have fought through goblins, bugbears, ettins and an army of zombies on their way back to surface. Some even say they managed to destroy an altar of an evil goblinoid deity on their way. Apparently they somehow managed to find a magical way out of the caverns and ended up in a cave near Ormpur.

    Bormus of the Troff clan, Danaley Notten of the Guardians, and Norwick militiaman/Black Sail Paci Kelteel are often mentioned in the rumours to have been involved in this escape from the undermountain._

  • @c2ce96d5c7=Oreth:


    Rumor has it the package contained four crystal rods, to be stored with Pheonix for safe-keeping

    Oreth shakes his head upon hearing the rumours

    Have we learned nothing?

    Ocean chuckles "Aye, we've learnt tha if yer nevva wunt ter zee zumthin agen, nay matta how menny peepulz iz dyin acuz of it yer gi' it ter tha pheenix"