::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • In other news, a new power seems to be on the rise in the city.
    The Brotherhood of the Northern Star, currently consisting of Elor and Perin, who seems to be rather confused about the matter. Whether this is a diabolical scheme of world domination, a pun on the Sisterhood or an elaborate prank, or something in between, is up for debate.

    Yet one thing is clear. The Brotherhood of the Northern Star is on the rise!

  • It seems that Leti's Market has been closed. The door now locked, the only one entering occasionally seems to be Dentin. Rumours are divided between Dentin now being a rogue defender, using his mandate (whether it applies or not) to take control of the building. Other, more sensible voices say he finally closed the purchase of the store.

  • Rumor spreads that several philanthropists were violently murdered in their homes in the commerce district, and that Mariston Thel might be a potential target for the killer.

  • Word spreads, Senator Senella is already flexing her powers, apparantly having banished the infamous Rando from Peltarch. After some words were exchanged, she "benignly" agreed to have the banishment come into effect after a meeting the indignant man claimed to have with the Magistrate Barrim. Rumours suggest the Senator may even be considering placing a bounty on the man's head, depending on how his meeting with the Magistrate goes…

  • Fedar is observed strolling in the Civic district in the late evening. Occasionally, his eyes flick over the numerous residences and shops of the area.

  • Mariston seems puzzled by the statement Sir we art within the building, not on the streets….upon private property. Which I believe is not against any laws. Though please if we art infringing upon a law, elucidate upon such so we not transgress such again.

  • DM

    Staff Sergeant Arnald of the Guard, the common and reliable duty officer of the Peltarch Guardhouse comes out and approaches this band of armed Knights.

    "Gentlemen, are we to assume we are in a state of martial law? I have not heard such an order. Would you care to explain your presence here in force, or shall i approach your honured Senator Roland to ask him to explain sir?"

  • Shannon D'Arneau as well as several Divine Shield Knights can be seen spending extended amounts of time around Hemrod's Exotics Shop, armed and armored.

  • DM

    Seeing the disturbing circumstances of the death, over and above the normal scuffles and violence of the docks district, the Magistrate heads to the mortuary and the guardhouse to get a full report written for him on this incident.

  • _Rumor says a few people got killed in a room in the dock district. The strange thing about it was, when the victims were finally brought out of the room they were found in, some of them were dragging blood-covered chains behind them from under the sheets that covered them.

    Some say there were even a few dogs killed in that room._

  • Mariston was seen entering the temple of Tyr some days previously, he has yet to leave. There has been no sign of him since

  • As another day dawned in Peltarch, The usually stoic Kara was seen fleeing towards the inn from the commons after bursting into tears for no apparant reason. She appears to have locked herself in one of the rooms and refuses to see anyone.

  • Wrapped up in a heavy cloak, Eluriel mutely walks the length of the Nars with her head down. She avoids looking at anyone or anything except the path in front of her leading to the Temple of Tyr.

  • It seems like a big army of lizardfolks invaded the eastern plains, once inhabited by several forms of wildlife. They now control all the gates and won't hesitate to kill anyone approaching

  • A charming and effervescently talkative elf by the name of Caling appears to be touring the hostelries and taprooms of the City. She seems popular, partly due to her low-cut and very well-made armor but also for witty and fluid account of events in the not-so-distant south.

    She is mostly telling the tale of the final fall of Mingal the Dark One, and his ghoul horde. Of course, it so happens that Caling herself played a significant role in all this, finally disabling a terrifying artifact that existed only to leech lifeforce and goodness from the very fabric of the world!

    She will also pass round the 'de-activated' Orb to the horror and wonder of her audience. It is likely only coincidence that Lenny of Lenny's Gems in the Docks district now sells a variety of 'Orb of Myrkul' replicas for a very reasonable price. It's also dual-purpose, a replica stone orb of Myrkul in a sock makes a respectable makeshift sap.

    Caling is an engaging and gifted raconteur with a fine ear for changing the subtleties of the account for higher or lower-class audiences. She's available for private functions and other bookings.

    (( Tale to follow. EDIT to get name of Lenny's Gems correct. No, she's not actually passing round the real artifact…))

  • _Anakore, the ex-captain of the Knights of the Cerulean Stars, is seen less and less in the city. Rumor has it he spends most of his time traveling with his young son across the land, paying occasional visits to the city. His demeanor is friendly and he seems to have reached a certain peace of mind that comes to men of his age, finally out of the mire of politics into a state of observancy.

    He regularly visits Nicahh at the Sisterhood house near Jiyyd, but doesn't mingle in important events, preferring to stand aside and watch._

  • Word begins to spread about something happening at the Kelemvorite Shrine. Exactly what it is, no one knows for sure, but apparently all the people there seem quite on edge.

  • A lithe black shape has been seen running around the rooftops and flitting to and fro into and out of the shadows at night in all four cities. A few of those with any types of additional vision report seeing female figure with a mask and cowl hiding her head and in the company of one bird flying alongside. Some say it's an owl, and more than one drunk dwarf with allusions of ornithology say it's clearly some sort of species of dire swallow or finch. Still more say "No, it was a bat. Had to be." When spotted, she dives off a roof and vanishes, leaving behind only a black feather. ((Anyone who finds such a feather who takes the time to have it identified finds it to belong to the common species of raven.))

    More than drunk dwarf say it's the advanced guard of an invasion of bird ninjas. BIRD NINJAS! "Ack, they're more ninja than bird, and they'll pluck out yer eyeballs from the all concealing shadows!"

    In entirely unrelated news, the unruley third daughter of House La'Thayet, a small clan of traders who purchased their patence of nobility several generations ago, just returned from "Charm School" located in parts unknown. Speculation runs wild as to where she's actually been, because no one with brains in their heads buys the idea of a noble actually going to a school to learn ettiquette and social graces. Theories include but are not limited to an unplanned pregnancy, a brief stint as a female pirate captain on the Sword Coast (a favorite tale down at the docks, and evidence is given by her skill with cutlass and saber and her prominent rack (and they're not talking about a shelf)), a two-year internship with the red wizards of Thay, leaving some tattoos hidden in places that'd make a seasoned whore blush, and another says she went out, found religion (which one varies from person to person), joined a church, then had a falling out with the clergy and high-tailed it back to Narfell.

  • It seems the same girl that was arrested twice for cooperating with ghouls has once again been cleared of the charges and released, she was seen leaving the city soon after.

  • A conversation overheard at the tables

    “Ere Bron.”

    “Whut ?”

    “Ya know tha college master ? The foreign elf…the barbarian one ?”

    “Barbarian elf college master ? Ye been drinkin brainrott, Farfrhd ?”

    “Nah, but I’ll see ya later in the goat fer one. Beer ere stinks. Nah, ya know the one…tha Adladla…whatever. Tha one. ‘E lives in Norick don ‘e ?”

    “Oh yer, im. Well, whut aboot im ?”

    “Well I ‘ear e’s retiring. Eard two of ‘em talking over it last tenday. One of ‘em was im, imself t’ other one was tha bint wi the accent. Ye know Sterr’s girl, she’s college an’all, i’nt she ?”

    “Aye she is Farfrhd….well no loss there then. Couldna give a flyin cuss aboot any o them bards. They can pull the whole college doon while they’re at it. … Noo, aboot tha pint…..”