Told from the Rant Stand

  • Virtually all listening to the two speakers heckle the Oscuran and applaud the Senator.

  • ::Mariston retakes the stand::

    Let us think on this a moment good people, a sentence of hard labour, is not slavery, a prescribed work regime is provided for the inmates day. This is part of their debt to society, knowing also that the statutes of the law and the sentence the Magistrate lays upon them limit their time of incarceration and work. Like all criminals they loose some rights, that of their freedom and to vote, such rights are lost when laws are broken. Yet other intrinsic principles remain intact, they are afford a level of care and of dignity we as Peltarchains would expect.
    Now a slave, there is no time limit for their servitude, there is no rights for these people who are treated as no more than chattel, whose worth is no more than the coin placed on their heads.
    The Oscuran ::indicates Vladimir:: would claim that they are indeed one and the same, yet he obfuscates the truth behind arguments based on a childlike understanding of principles of crime and punishment and rights of the individual. If one wishes to try and argue that a punishment that has a predetermined time as part of a rehabilitation is the same as life long servitude where one has no rights, no hope, and treated like a possession to be bought, sold and used as their ‘owner’: barely manages to not spit the word:: determines, then by all means vote for such a world, however if like me you wouldst see a city that stands tall above such practices, that recognises the worth of each and every person. Then I urge you to think carefully and vote wisely, for that is a freedom you all have, one to vote and know your voice will be heard. ::smiles at the crowd::

  • Elidur calls from the crowd, his words are stressed with laughter.

    "He's inciting a riot, get him off to Damara!"

  • Vladimir not having taken the stand yet walks up, and steps up giving mariston a polite smile

    "Peltarch, i know many of you are against Slavery, and up untill recently i did not know of Peltarchs "forced hard labour" as the magistrate put it..

    Now is a time for change in your city.. Think on it. If you are against slavery, which many of you are.. Do not turn and blame Oscura for it. We control Slavery, rarther than ban it.. THerefore it is able to be mointered and not just forced underground like it is everywhere else..

    Yet as your senator here says.. It is hard labour for the city. Is that diffrent from slavery? In principle.. Yes, in practice, no.

    People sent away to work, with no choice of it, no free will against it. That is slavery. there is no diffrence in practice between that and those who are traded in Oscura. Besides, many of the slaves in Oscura are from the same abckground. Law breakers.. THose who fought against the law.

    I know many of you will be angered at me for saying this. Yet i am not the one you should be angry at.. The senate.. They sentae that accuses others of such things yet hides the same thing, unknowingly, in another form..

    Ask for change.. The election is a time to right the wrongs now uccastomed in this city.. Vote for those want want the best for you.. John Isle, the slightly excentric gnome.. Not those who are just wanting their own narrow minded way.

    vladimir likely being heckled, steps off the stage quietly, in paticuler one Large Leiogn half orc waering a robe of Kelemvor shouting "Fark you Oscuran! Go raise some undead slaves!"

  • Actually enforced labour is very different from slavery, for instance, those who are required to contribute to the City for their crimes are not property. They remain their own person, with all the rights there of. They are no treated like chattel, with no rights nor dignity. To contribute back to the society one has wrong by transgression is very different than being bought and sold for no crime. If the Oscurans are seeking to say otherwise, which one rather suspects they do to ease their own minds rather than any form of rational thought.

    I wouldst presume that they shall soon argue that any form of imprisonment for a crime is also slavery, since by the rather backward logic being employed, that is slavery. Tis the words spoken by malcontents and fools.

    ::Mariston looks over the crowd::

  • The Oscuran in the crowd replys!

    "Be it from criminality, or other means… THey become slaves none the less.. Criminality is where the vast majoirty of slaves come from anyway.. It is no diffrent to slavery anywhere else just because the paladins say so"

  • Legion

    Benji, not realizing that more important things are going on, takes the stage and shouts

    Does anyone want to buy some Benji Brand Crossbows?

    He leaves as he's heckled or stared at quietly

  • Celebring offers his perspective on the matter. "There is a significant difference. It is a difference involving choice. Criminals have chosen their way of life and the risks that come with it, punishments will also end, criminals go free. Slaves are given no choice, their punishment ends when their life does, they rarely go free."

  • Given that hard labour within the City is already a punishment, most of the commoners in the crowd seem baffled by the comparison to slavery and pay little mind to those making the comparison.

    • Milith speaks directly at Elidur *

    Good to know that even you encourage slavery, SLAVERY IS SLAVERY NO MATTER WHAT, these people are not free to come and go. Only a blind fool sees no difference!!!

  • A shout is called out from the crowd, quite likely said Oscuran

    "To do forced hard labour! Slavery!"

  • Ill tempered and provoked by Oscura's constant mention wherever he goes, Elidur throws forward his opinion.

    "It's not slavery it's punishment for a crime you dolts! There's a huge difference! They buy and sell living people, innocent people. Peltarch is sending off criminals, and good-bloody-riddance!"

    • Milith looks among the people as he listens to the young Oscuran and takes the stand as well directly speaking to the senate and those running for senate*

    sadly I agree with the oscurans, you cant say your against slavery then turn around and do it yourselves, what law says you cant speak your mind? I have heard of this city being corrupted and you are proving it all to well with your own ideals of Justice. I can assure the people of Peltarch that though we may be harsh down in Norwick, it is nothing like this. As for the future senators look what these current senators are doing? You speak of freedom and of money coming in and of happiness? Look around you, I don't think these people are happy with you sending there family's off to Slavery!! I say if you want to arrest them then do so, but DO NOT condemn slavery if you intend to do it yourself. Do I approve of slavery personally? NO, but I will say so far that Oscura seems the far kinder place to be, at least there you can speak your peace without being persecuted!!

  • The rarther cynical Oscuran noble mutters as he walks off

    "And if im not mistaken… Snding people to do hard labour is slavery..... And they condem Oscura"

  • John shouts from the crowd:

    'n since when 'as expressin' opinion been all criminal? ::he turns to the people:: Destroyin' property when yer riotin' 's one thing - but b'cause th' city's handlin' themselves piss-poorly, an' people be riotin' 'cause o' that? Who's fault 's it really?

    Give us our freedom ah say! We don' need no farkin' babysitter! LET US SPEAK!

  • Magistrate Vlana Borodin ascends the stand accompanied by Guard Captain Velhar to make an announcement.

    "Attention citizens! In order to protect you, your families and your livlihoods from the threat of civil unrest and riotous behaviour, by decree of the Senate of Peltarch, this criminal behavior is now to be treated as a serious crime.

    Those arrested for riotous behavior now face the potential penalty of Transportation, for a period of five years, to the City of Heliogabalus in the Kingdom of Damara, there to undertake hard labour until their sentence has expired!

    For those judged to be ringleaders in inciting riotous behavior amongst their peers and fellow citizens, Transportation will be to the City of Athkatla in the country of Amn by means of magic in cooperation with the Cowled authorities of that land!

    Let this serve as a warning to those of criminal intent! Your rioting disrupts the lives of your fellow, law-abiding citizens! It disrupts their livelihoods, it scares their children and puts your lives and the lives of those around you in jeopardy! For your sake and the sake of our citizens, this behavior will no longer be tolerated! If you need to express yourselves in some manner, this very stand is the place to do it legally."

  • The Halforc/elf Wog was seen clambering up onto the rant stand, in his golden robe, covered in symbols of Kelemvor

    "Peltarch, now is an importnat time! The election is upon you!

    You will all think diffrently, and that is a good thing.

    Yet i just give you a few words of warning.

    A subject that is bought up often, Oscura.

    A place where people are burned alive, a place where Slavery is run, slaves that are controlled with whips and dark magics. Barley fed, jsut enough to do there masters bidding.

    And a place, where Undead can roam the streets, protected by its laws. A place where Necromancy is allowed to corrupt those who have died.

    From my view, and the view of the gods, Undead are pure evil. And allowing such? Just as bad.

    Think carefully in your votes, make sure there are no oppertunites to allow Oscuras corruption to spread to this fine city.

    Think carefully Peltarch, you are good and wise people"

    Wog steps down quietly and disperses into the crowd

  • _With typical paternal formalities, Senator Ryan Fisher takes the stand, a decent crowd already amassing to hear what people expect to be one of his first pronouncements on the ongoing election campaigns. The feeling about the city is that with the recent speaking out from Senator Mariston Thel against one of the candidates, more Senators are sure to follow his lead and voice their own opinions.

    As the elderly Senator takes the stand, he opens his arms in an embracing gesture to the people below, his age-parched voice ringing out clearly with a subtle presdigation from an aide._

    "My dear citizens, it is with grave concern I feel I must speak out against the proposals and policies of the otherwise noble gentleman Perriwig P. Doubleday.

    It may sound pleasing to you, my friends, to hear this man claim that Peltarch's troubles can be washed away by adding more tarrifs and taxes onto those of us in the Civic District, but answer me this! What do the wealthy in Peltarch do with their gold? Do we horde it, pile it up in our estates that we might make jealous the common man? This is what our esteemed friend Mister Doubleday would have you believe! I tell you this, the wealth of the wealthy is an investment into Peltarch, an investment into our City. Who funds the Guilds who employ you, who feed you, who put roofs over your heads? The families of the Civic District, that is who!

    These are the same families who through the Guilds they have invested in must pay the levies on profits earned, must pay the wages of all who work here and who must pay for the upkeep and good repair of all your homes! Perhaps Mister Doubleday wishes us all to forget that the families of the Civic District already invest heavily in this city and you, its people!

    He would make misers of us in the minds of all, but you elected me and I say I am no miser! I say misers are few and far between in the Civic District! The days of Vaster Ashald are over, and we take exception to being painted in the same colours as he! If the Docks be Peltarch's backbone, and the Commerce be Peltarch's heart, then the Civic is her mind, her conscience and her keeper!

    Let not the spurious words of a troublesome gnome cloud your vision to this truth, my friends. I thank you for your attention this afternoon."

    The crowd has a mixed response to the Senator's speech at first, but seem to get on board towards the end, his slow deliberate way of speaking quite convincing in its own way. It has to be said though, that most of the crowd look like they may indeed be from the Civic District to begin with.

  • After the second time up on the stand, the audience turns against the Oscuran, and he is heckled off the stage.

  • Adrian, tired of the constant Oscuran rants, asks the nearest guards to remove the man for disturbing the peace.