Told from the Rant Stand

  • Vladimir, going agasint his further statement renters the stage, his politness gone

    "Well, if the so kind and careing senator really thinks all i want is my own personal power and gloru, i would be encoraging this city to cancel all trade with Osucra. He is clearly deaf.

    And as the careing senator who only wishs for rightousness to rule these lands has clearly just said. He would wish hundreds of Oscurans to starve and suffer at his hands.

    Your Senator Ladies and Gentlmen, the man who condems pain and hardship to the poor. Enjoy your lavish home and office Senator."

  • Senator Ronan takes the stand after hearing of Vladimir's little speech.

    Good citizens, as I've stated before, take what the Oscurans say with the tiniest grain of salt. They stand up here, attempting to spread chaos by saying you will suffer, smirking and chuckling darkly all the while. Frankly, it is getting old.

    The Oscuran speaks as if he cares about us, putting on a show in hopes to further pit us against each other. He cares nothing for us, he wishes to see us fail so he can squat in his dark hole and cackle about it. I could stand up here and name the million things that are wrong with his city or with his leadership, but that'd accomplish nothing.

    The Guilds and the Senate have reached a compromise, and this compromise is liable to irritate Oscura more and leave us unaffected. I know that many of you scorn the practice of slavery, as I and the entire senate do as well. Though things are not so black and white, and not so simple I've found.

    Many are upset about the decision that was made, as it effected their livelyhood and whether or not food will be on the table for their families. While personally, I'd rather have nothing to do with the underground city, I have much hope that the compromise made will help to satisfy the Guilds, the Senate, and you the citizens. And it will help the city financially… not to mention give us peace. I realize the happiness of you, the citizens, isn't at an all time high, but that will change in the coming days. Have faith... we have weathered greater storms and we -will- weather this one.

    Stand tall and proud, citizens. Glory to the Jewel..

  • Vladimir Kursk steps onto the stage wearing his deep green armour, with a Silhoette of a Bear across the breast plate. He runs a hand through his hair and folds his hands behind his back before tunring to the crowds of Peltarch

    "Peltarch, this is the last time i shall appear on this rant stand for awhile, i am here to make one last statment of fact.

    Many of you are concerned for yourselves, the possiablity of loss of jobs, work, food, gold, and potentially your familys.

    I start by admitting something. My Family runs a business company that will benefit extremely well if trade is cut between Oscura and your city. I admit that so you know that i truely mean what i am saying

    Oscura has a slave trade, i do not shy away or am not embarrsed by that. For it is better to control something leagually than force it underground, and let it run riot. I do belive that.

    Peltarch wishs to end trade due to a dead mans promise that it will disappear, so i can safely take it that Peltarch hopes to damage the slave traders.

    looks around his smile fadeing a little

    -Your- senate wishs to harm oscura for not keeping its promise? Well yes. They shall.. But they shall ahrm the wrong people. They wish to harm the Tribunal, the rich.. The slavers.

    Yet want to know what will happen? They will not be affected, in fact, they are liekly to make more gold if this does happen. Those who will be affected? The poor. The Weak, the Working Class. Those like many of yourselves. They will suffer greatly, lack or food, lack of water, lack of basic nessecities. I ask you to fight back agasint this, as would you wish to suffer in a simerler situation?.. Oh, but perhpas you will if this goes ahead. Not only will Oscuras poor suffer, yet Peltarchs may to, i do not pretend to know much of Peltarchs system and trade, yet i already pass hundreds of homelss coming through the docks, an entire camp has taken over the street, even soup kitchins have had to open.

    -Your- Senate.. smirks slightly They are blinded by righousness.. Paladins, politicans, fools.. They wish to make a stand. I respect that. yet they are blinded by there zeal to see the conseqences. Those who they wish to protect will suffer by there decison.

    Peltarch? Take a stand. Shere raiding and banditry of slave caravas would have a more positive effect for you. Take a stand agasint your senate, make a stand agasint them harming you and others like you. It is your city…. Not theres. Not there gods. Yours... and they are going to harm it."

    Vladimir steps down off the stage and disperses into the crowd...

  • @63959f5e4f=Davidnwn:

    Vladimir returns from the stand and stands at his farthers side quietly. When the fighting breaks out a smile crosses his lips and comments to the Duke and the Nrthern Bear guards..

    "Trade still contiunes and there is fighting in the streets, doesnt bode well eh?"

    ((And yes, it is heard because it's posted))

    Ronan mutters, taking the stand next after Vlad's statement.

    Citizens, try not to listen to the Oscuran hypocrits. They come here, use our services, buy our wares… yet they come to the commons to insult everything we do, everything we are.

    The Oscuran speaks of fighting in the streets. Yet I've heard of rumor that two of their factions took to killing each other in their own streets.. such is the "order" and "law" Oscura has. Slaves are also being murdered, Gallows went insane, yet they come here to lecture us at how imperfect we are.

    Do take what they say with a grain of salt, and know that it is a city of tyrants and slavers they come from.

    Glory to the Jewel

    With that, Ronan just takes his leave, not waiting for a response from one of the Oscurans. Looking a little irritated himself.

  • Adrian just shakes his head and moves off.

  • Legion


    The Senate has the long term prosperity of the guilds and our city at heart!

    This is not the time for us to carry on like dogs!

    Peltarch has ALWAYS stood as a beacon of CIVILIZATION in these lands, and it SHALL STILL! There are many sowing seeds of dissention among us at the moment. Listen to it for not a moment people! Oscura broke their agreement with us. We are keen for it to be mended! Do not listen to vile sorts who would make an idiotic mountain out of this diplomatic mole hill!

  • Vladimir returns from the stand and stands at his farthers side quietly. When the fighting breaks out a smile crosses his lips and comments to the Duke and the Nrthern Bear guards..

    "Trade still contiunes and there is fighting in the streets, doesnt bode well eh?"

  • A random man of common looking attire darts onto the stand.

    "The Senate don't know crap! The Guilds're still tradin' wi'Oscura an' ye mark me words, once th' League meetin' is over Whyte 'n Hardin'll show them ruddy paladins and pansies who really runs this shitehole!

    I say balls t'slaves in Oscura! Balls t'them comin' afore us! If Oscura's profitin' from slaves I want a slice o' that pie!

    Balls to Lavindo! He only cares about his precious soldiers!

    Balls to Thel! He only cares about his-"

    At this point the man is cut off as another commoner lunges forward to tackle him off the stand into a group of likeminded friends who start beating the hell out of him, before the guards (after seeming to let him take a certain amount of a beating) shoulder through and separate out the unruly men, hauling them out of the plaza.

  • Adrian raises a brow at the all-too-convenient appearance of more Oscurans

  • A bear of a man in silver and green armour, who happens to show up during Vladimir's speech flanked with two guards in similar livery, pipes up, loudly but to himself more than anything.

    "Not surprising, from a Senate that functions more on radical ideals and hearsay than the actual wellbeing of their people."

    He then walks up to Vladimir, speaking loud enough so everyone can hear

    "Do not waste your time son. the Senate made their minds about us a long time ago. It is not us that need to be convincing, it will be their own people as they starve in the streets as their businesses crumble to dust."

  • Legion

    Sons and Daughters of the Jewel!

    The citizens of Oscura are not our enemies.

    Please allow me to quiet your hearts regarding the state of affairs between Peltarch and the undertown…

    Some while back delegates from Oscura approached our senate and proposed a trade agreement between us. We raised our concerns, but we were assured that the leader of Oscura at the time – the one known as Justicar – was already working hard to address those issues that were an affront to the principles that Peltarch is built upon. He had already begun drafting new laws concerning the rights of slaves to make a way for them to regain their freedom, he was seeking out alternate sources of trade and revenue for Oscura to make it less reliant on the slave trade, and we were given assurances that he and others were doing their best to move Oscura away from such dark and despicable practices toward a more social and civilised state.

    By agreeing to trade with Oscura we felt that we were doing what we could to provide an alternative to Slavery. Our goal was to help make Oscura a better place for all who live there. Unfortunately, the one known as Justicar met with an unfortunate “accident”. I heard tell that he tripped over in a dark cave somewhere… backwards on to some poison arrows and daggers … and then his head fell off. Horrifying news. And sadly, with his death so came the death of his vision for Oscura – the vision on which our trade agreement was based. The current leadership have made it very clear to us in no uncertain terms that they have no intention whatsoever to carry on with Justicar’s agenda. Indeed, it seems they wish to step up their trade in slaves and other such practices.

    The senate had no choice but to declare that the trade agreement between our cities was over.

    But this in no way means that we are to consider the citizens of undertown our enemies. On the contrary I would hope that all in this city and those who dwell under the earth know that we will continue to strive toward prosperity for both Peltarch and Oscura. But deals and agreements will be upheld and we will hold each other accountable for breaking such.

    May those who love peace and prosperity be blessed beyond measure, and may all who seek ill for us meet a swift end!

    Glory to the Jewel!

  • Vladimir Kursk, reconsiable son of Duke Andrey Kursk of Oscura stands quietly during the speech, looking slightly angry as insults are thrown at Oscura, after the stand is clear he strides up onto it turning to the crowd

    "_Peltarch, i do not speak on behalf of Oscura, i have no offical position. Yet what the elf has just said, was bias rubbish. He has a vendetta agasint Oscura for something he did in the past and was called on. He claims not to think from what he said, and to make up your own minds. Yet he stands here and tells you a one sided argument. He tells you the bad points of Oscura. He basicly is putting thoughts into your head.

    Not only does he speak bias, yet insults an entire city. "backwards-thinking, mushroom-loving, sandcastle-dwelling scumbag" The words of a zealous biggot ladies and gentlmen. I know Oscura runs some less tolerated things on the surface. Yet you think an entire city partakes? Tarring all with the same brush is wrong. If he belives that we all wish Undead creatures and there slave armys to rule over the world and destroy your city, then he can. Yet he is wrong.

    Oscura has a long and diffrent past. Yet its doings happen, and they always shall. Yet he pins the balme onto Oscura for all these doings. I know no one here is stupid enough to think that Peltarch is crime free. Even an emissary of the goverment was murdered before even leaveing the walls. It is impossable to think that Peltarch has not had its criminals. Smuggling, murder, violace, and very liely, slavery aswell. It is outlawd yes, but forcing things down only resaults in a black amrket, illgal and hidden dealings. Surly it is far better to allow but control dealings? Rarther than let them run riot, out of sight, outside of the law?

    Do not judge Osucra by one thing. "_

  • Adrian watches the speech with interest, though doesn't respond. After all, it would be politically risqué to publically support such a message. Still.. he doesn't seem to dissaprove either.

  • Elidur takes the stand, he stamps his foot on the wooden stage and beckons his crowd over, with calls and waves of his hand.

    "My darling Peltarch, do you remember this sound?" he continues to stamp ever louder. "It's the drums of war, and they're coming from over there!" he swings an open hand out to the south. The stamping stops and he once again turns to the crowd.

    "That's Oscura, sounding their tattoo as they plan against us. Hah, what is it you're thinking? I've lost my mind maybe - you can hear nothing? I know that, Peltarch. But that's because they're waiting for us, for 'you' to make the first move. To paint 'you' as the bad people, those who would wrong a peaceful city - what nonsense! Peltarch, you have a 'duty' to your fellow, your countrymen, your neighbour. You have the 'right' to stop tyranny where tyranny holds. You have the 'strength' to stop all of the suffering if only you'd try."

    The first tier of his speech ends and Elidur strides across the stage, a serious - determined frown to hold the crowd.

    "Now ask me, why does it matter what those dirty cave-men think? Who cares what some backwards-thinking, mushroom-loving, sandcastle-dwelling scumbag does in his own home? Well politics, dear Peltarch, has turned 'you' into a target! Nows the time when pressure builds, and tempers are tested. Mark me, my Peltarch, and listen carefully to my words for I have 'always' said that no good would ever come from that place. Oscura have abducted and threatened me in the past, it's true. I've made an enemy of your enemy, Peltarch, and I'm not afraid to speak out against the murderous villains of Oscura! Their noble class, their peasant class, they've all blood on their hands. Slavery, who among you would sell your own to slavery? And who among you would keep a slave, a slave that you'd not feed because it was CHEAPER to REPLACE than to feed?"

    Stamps his foot again, and nods along the crowd, to give the impression that he's speaking a reality.

    "And they're rich, too. Rich off their slaves, rich off the blood of anyone else they can chain and force into labour. Rich off everything 'you' and I call evil, good Peltarch. Not so long ago one of theirs came here for an auction - and paid nearly THREE-HUNDRED-THOUSAND for a silly suit of armour, 'three-hundred-thousand' on that? I wonder how much coin he spends to keep his slaves, probably no older than your own sons and daughters, fed. Three hundred thousand, how many of you have ever held even a thousand? A hundred? How much are you paid a week for your labour? No, Peltarch. I'm not rousing you to war - I'm not telling you to make an enemy of Oscura. I'm asking you to decide for yourself, to decide if you can live with 'that' on your doorstep. Knowing what you now know, of the slavery - of the necromancy, the creation of undead! The dirt under their nails that they call a way of life. Things we don't even allow in our city! When was the last time anything came from their city that 'we' use, or want anyway? When was the last time you heard of anything but grief and pain coming from Oscura? I can't remember that time at all!

    Go on Peltarch, you decide! You decide!"

  • Only a day or two after his announcement of Sedea's banishment being lifted, senator Ronan Redralen again takes the stand. Seemingly this time though, he has two defenders at his side.

    Good morning, citizens. I come to you with some good news at last.

    The N'jast war criminal known as Zanetar has been captured. A man whom tried to destroy our way of life, invaded our home… is now no longer a threat. He had been boldly living in Narfell still, even after the war. Finally, he is going to be given justice. It is one less thing we must worry about. It is another victory.

    A smile graces his lips.

    Glory to the Jewel.

  • Senator Redralen again takes the stand, clearing his throat to make an announcement.

    Citizens of Peltarch,

    Let it be known that the banishment of Sedea Sterr has been lifted. Various testimonies and new evidence concerning the incident was brought to my attention. While I do not condone her choice, I feel it could've been prevented if other individuals involved had played things out differently.

    I was hasty in my decision, and for that I apologise. That is all.

    Long live the Jewel..

    Ronan then steps down

  • Passing between her daily activities Telli frowns some… the news of Alrinn's banishment displeasing... but the slave killing priestess brightens her resolve to Peltarchs actions.

  • Being banished, Sedea is not able to offer any statement

  • Senator Ronan Redralen takes the rant stand, looking a little forlorn. He speaks

    Citizens of Peltarch, may I have your attention.

    I have issued a banishment to a one known as Sedea Sterr, for murdering slaves in cold blood just outside of Oscura. She is clearly lacking in judgement and I fear she may be a danger to you all. She showed no remorse, laughed at the deaths of the slaves, thinking it all a game.

    I do not think such should go unpunished and I believe such a horrid act deserves justice of some kind, even if outside the laws of any city..

    A soft sigh..

    That is all my friends. Glory to the Jewel…

  • The elderly Senator looks momentarily mystified at the interruption, evidently unaccustomed to heckling, but then he offers a clarifying reply.

    "The Senate based its decision solely upon the eye-witnessings of our Far Scouts. We took no counsel from necromancers or other unwholesome characters when we made our decisions."