Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Having heard about Vulcan's goodies, and needing to face a Black Dragon soon, Cecil seeks out to get some Golden Hand Gauntlets of his very own.


    2xLarge Emerald, 2xRusty Gauntlet and 1500 golds will produce magnificient Golden Hand gauntlets!

    With gauntlets in hand, he goes seeking the emeralds. He hasn't much coin, but has a few interesting trinkets to trade, and it's for a good cause!

    He searches through Peltarch passing along the word of his quest.

  • _Rumors spread that about a week ago a small group of adventures descended into the caves of the Fishmen near Oscura. Upon their return they were "detained" by a large warrior calling himself Sogar, and a darkling mage named Kyan. The two harassed, taunted, and threatened the group until they left the caverns for the City.

    It was noted that Sogar made references to the destruction of the Temple of Tempus near Peltarch. He also did not conceal his disdain for this deity or faith._

  • Rumor is that María was heard saying upon hearing the news that…

    "See, and they wewre not leaning on theiwr staff to do this"….

  • Rumour has it that two Gnomes have been killed in broad daylight in the Commons and the Residential district via magic. The assailant has been said to have disappeared without a trace after each attack, and was dressed in black robes and a hood looking like a damn Oscuran! Both of the corpses were completely incinerated on the spot, it is said, leaving no trace remaining.

  • There is a considerable sound of explosions ringing off to the west throughout the night until a large group of adventurers return rejoicing at their victory. Soon it becomes clear why, someone had powder kegged the numerous entrances to the orc lands, easing some of the pain Peltarch has felt at their constant attacks. Word is that the Norwick remnants, aided by numerous allies spread across many of the factions in Narfell, were responsible.

    There are even tales an elven champion slew one of the biggest orcs anyone had ever seen. The takes say that the orc managed to slay her only for Corellan's light to shine downward from the heavens and bring her back to slay this beast. Have the elves claimed final victory over the orcs of Narfell?

  • Apparently a joint operation between the Remnant and the PFLN liberated around 100 Norwick captives to the safety of Peltarch, through the underdark and through hidden forest passes. The operation greatly cheers the spirits of the refugees.

  • _Jin makes a big production of the new rumors, strutting around town waving and grinning to his fans. He deals out words of encouragement to any norwick refugees that approach him about the PFLN, trying to keep their hopes up where he can.

    He never actually admits to doing anything though, he just seems happy to embrace his new found fame and all the little perks that come with it for the time being._

  • If everything wasn't bad enough, it seems a storm has descended upon Peltarch.

  • _Rumor has it that the elven assassin Jin is now working for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Norwick, and killed a drug-buying Oscuran merchant within Oscura itself.

    Several members of the Norwick refugee community are heard to hoist a tankard to Jin and the PFLN._

  • Rumour has it that a number of naked men ran out of the abandoned (and still damaged) mermaid last night, closely followed by Arlan Meynolt.

    And if that wasn't enough, Arlan then coerced a newbie Guardswoman into going inside the inn with him. Much screaming was heard until renowned Arch-Mage and Staff-Law abuser Maria entered, who must have calmed things down. Shortly afterwards the Guardswoman was seen exiting the mermaid with a half-eaten human male corpse slung over her shoulder.

  • Word goes around the town of unrest amongst some quarters with the influx of refugees. Some say there's even been a murder, Peltarchian against Norwickian.

  • Scrawled on a dock quarter wall in bright red paint, many passerbys can see the following:


  • Many of the alley inhabitants of the docks area report of a crazy plate wearing elf trying to sneak around in the alleyways. His loud clanking footsteps are often followed by sounds of crashing and the running away of the areas felines!

  • _Kaboom! The Mermaid was attacked by powderkeg, leading to the deaths of many innocents.

    One man killed himself being caught, a woman was arrested for the crime.

    An angry crowd formed afterwards, blaming the event on all kinds of parties, from bugbears, to Oscura, to Kara herself!_

  • A drunk ship captain was assassinated in the Commons last night. Apparently the assassin was dressed was one of his crewmate, drank an invisibility potion and escaped with ease. The man was a foreigner, and it is unknown why he was targeted.

  • _Rumor has spread of an attack on the south gate of Peltarch. The assault was composed of a large number of Kobolds, and Lizardmen from the Marsh.

    The Defenders aided by several sturdy adventures who happened to be near by in the commons, managed to beat off the attack.

    I is whispered that the Leader of the attack, a large Lizardman, had Oscuran gold in his pouches….easy to come by to be sure, but unsettling none the less._

  • Far from distraught Thistle seems excited when the rumor comes to her ears and sets off south to see if it is true.

  • If the troubles in Norwick weren't enough rumors began to spread of a silver dragon being sighted on the long road.

  • Legion

    Word quickly spreads that Oscura has begun trading with the occupiers of Norwick.

  • _The citizens of Peltarch are treated to an impromptu parade just a few days past.

    The streets are filled with a multitude of Right-Sized folk as they process from the Icelace beach to the Theater. It seems as though the entire contents of the Silver Valley, including all their stock and provisions, have found a way to the City.

    The mass exodus is led by Ginger, among other prominent Right-Sized leaders, and is escorted by several adventures who happened to be in the Commons when the group arrived. The transfer went off without a hitch, and soon the theater and streets of Peltarch are swarming with hin and gnomes.

    As the last group enters the gates, a bright flash and the found of thunder is heard coming from the beach area, and away south._