Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • @02e2db7242=Katharina:

    ::The dutiful Defender Shallyah hasn't been seen at her post for a couple of months, and is nowhere to be found. Being one that avoids spotlights and prefers to be discrete, probably there isn't any real gossip about it, but one or another voice could be heard about seeing her leaving in a ship with a few others like the aspirant to hero Mike Bin, or Val, the redhead bard. And while these did return in the same ship they left, the ashen-haired warrioress has not::

    _Approximately three months after she was last seen, Shallyah returns through the main gates of Peltarch. Her armor looks battleworn and stained with sunburn, hailstorm and dry dark blood, seeming to need badly the services of a smith. At her back, however, her Great Axe shines in pristine condition, clean and sharp, ready for battle. Next to it she carries a heavy backpack. From its top whatever it's being carried sticks out, not fitting completely inside - what seem to be some large metal pieces, well wrapped and held together, envelopped into a black blanket.

    Like her armor, she looks quite worn, as if she hadn't been eating or bathing properly in the time she's been away, but she walks with her head tall and with firm step. No serious injury can be noticed, neither in her body, her mind or her morale as she heads straight into the Defender Headquarters._

  • Ky'Amendos stops by the orphanage and drops off two bags there with a message that the bags are donated in memory of Telli Thunden and that the kids should enjoy the contents and give a prayer of thanks to her.

  • Two women were filled missing, last days.

    Marta, a waitress at the Memaid and Gilda, a local florist.

    What is suposed to be Marta's body showed up by the shores, one day later. Her arms ripped off, and her face fleshless.

  • To see the Tormish slime busters Ashena Teroldys and Celia St Clair enter the sewers is a wholly uncommon and ungossipworthy sight in itself - however, this time they and their party of merry men exited in a bloodied and tattered shape, the conversation hushed before prayers were said, steel was sharpened and the party promptly reentered the stinking below with determined steps. Clearly something needed an extra dose of smiting!

  • Occasionally, Elena can be seen making her rounds especially around the docks area in the evenings, sometimes in the dead of night, with a glowing orb floating beside her and a hand laid upon the holy symbol worn around her neck, a look of intense concentration on her face.

  • ::The dutiful Defender Shallyah hasn't been seen at her post for a couple of months, and is nowhere to be found. Being one that avoids spotlights and prefers to be discrete, probably there isn't any real gossip about it, but one or another voice could be heard about seeing her leaving in a ship with a few others like the aspirant to hero Mike Bin, or Val, the redhead bard. And while these did return in the same ship they left, the ashen-haired warrioress has not::

  • A tall dark-haired elf is seen asking around for the commander of the Ceruleans. H says he needs some information that might be foundin their records.

    // Please shoot me a PM if there is no way to meet up IG.

  • _A dark quiet man shadows the penguin, showing himself and spooking ne'er do well teens when they inevitably get the idea to attack the altruistic bird

    Those with the eyes to spot him would notice he has a small smile as he watches the children scamper for the sweeties_

  • Legion

    A penguin drags a large basket of lollipops around town, clumsily tossing sweets with it's flippers to all the boys and girls. It makes a special visit to the orphanage. Every now and then it will perform impressive acrobatic feats and squark out the tune of a solstace song.

  • Serina Reign can be seen going about emotionelessly collecting the names of the dead from the battle. She copies the names, the form of death and what gods they worshipped for the ones that are known. She then sprinkles a mixture of ash and dusted bone over the names. Only after recording all the names does she offer what assistance she can to the survivors.

  • General Theaon Thorn, followed by several Legion troops go into the western farmlands to help with the clean-up and rebuilding efforts. The Legion General is then seen visiting many of the farmers, asking if there is any further medical attention that they need.

  • Legion


    Moira offers her prayers to Chauntea so that the farmer's fields may recover quickly and the next season's harvest is not lost entirely.

    Marty joins in with the prayers, offering what assistance that she can.

  • Moira offers her prayers to Chauntea so that the farmer's fields may recover quickly and the next season's harvest is not lost entirely.

  • Hearing of the Orcs raiding,Thorin heads to Peltarch and visits those farms.Upon seeing the sight,he cheer the farmers and swear to kill every single orc on sight.He also helps the farmers repair the damage made to their properties.

  • An orc raiding party atacked The Jewel recently. Peltarch guards and defenders were able to hold their position at the wall, but the farmlands were run over.Farms were burned and farmers killed mercilessly.

    What set up the atack is a mystery. Were the orcs trying to colect resources for the winter, or did someone just poked a hives nest?

  • Legion

    rumor spreads that travelers have gone through the damp caves in kua toa several times, hardly finding any resistance on the way deeper into the cavern areas.

  • Legion

    rumor spreads that orcs have been seen in great numbers west of peltarch.

  • A group of adventurers were seen bringing in Defender bodies recently…

  • _The high rate of pirate attacks in the Icelace has continued, with many Oscuran bound ships being destroyed or attacked by ferocious pirates.

    Rumour has it that a Peltarch bound ship was attacked, but it seems as soon as the pirates found out it was going to Peltarch, it was immediately left alone._

  • A bloodied knight returns from the southern swamplands, warning the guards at the gates of an increased hostility from the scaly inhabitants nearby - small and big. An electric bolt of lizardman design still fizzles, buried into the folds of a blue cloak.