Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Having heard of the rumors involving the night visitation to the boy, Elena takes up her medical bag, seeking the boy and his parents out to learn more, a look of concern plain on her face.

  • Ardent, hearing the rumors of laughter and nightmares, begins to ask around with the parents of the Residential district about their children. She seems somewhat agitated, urging parents to keep their children close and not open their homes to strangers. She is nervous but asks to interview the boy about what he has seen or heard.

  • A recent rumor spreads among the local children in the residental district about a boy's nightmare. Was he truly awake or dreaming of the cold chill and light welcoming laughter that entered his room late one night?

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A strange sight takes place at a pier in the docks district, with the flamboyant crew of a privately owned sloop-of-war identified as the Drake are seen outfitting their vessel with silver chains and small ballistae. Joining them in this is one rather corpulent knight frequently seen about Norwick, known to some as Sir Roderick and others as Sir Sandwich.

  • Of a group of four, at least Walter returned later to the city with one of these creepy cloaks. He bragged that no ghoulish garments going to make Dermin and him turn tail and flee; notably, the grip he bears on the 'dormant' cloak is firm and unrelenting, its unlikely that he eased his grip on the thing until it was safely in Cerulean care…

  • Legion

    Rumors spread around peltarch that there were many cloakers spotted in the damp caves. adventurers should be extremely careful when heading down there.

  • Last night in the Ashald Park two Legion mages were seen "having a best friend moment"

    //Also thier social link ranked up and moon arcana was then level 7//

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A strange storm was sighted some leagues off from the city, over the icelace. The clouds looked, rather oddly, to be a shade of dark green, and several ships on their way north through it turned back reporting that the rain was beginning to burn holes through their sails.

  • Labur is seen running around the city at all hours of the day, entering shops gathering supplies and running back to the Peltarch Brewery. Few are able to stop him and he seems to have hung up his plate armor…at least for the time being. What ever he is up to he seems to be pleased doing it.

  • Not to long ago in the Temple of the Triad, a ghostly looking, loose lipped troll was seen ripping some kind of black goo off of the face of a darkly clad elven woman who was tied to a bench with silk rope while Victoria Beatrix, a priestess of Lurue was constantly healing her to ease the pain. Shorty after a there was some screeching as a shadow emerged from the goo and dissipated, due to the holy wards put on the temple.

    They were asked to leave shortly after as they were making quite a disturbance.

  • Prudish tongues may wag and cluck disparagingly about a recent incident at the commons. It is said the ground positively churned with grease, mud and the slick, bare naked bodies of two swaggering sailors grappling and cursing. A third (decently clothed) one first doubled over laughing, then was grabbed by the ankles and shaken upside down by the other two, who swiftly scavenged the various shiny objects that fell out.

  • A notice outside the Temple of the Triad indicates that the bodies of two adventurers have been recovered from the deeper parts of the Hidden Cove, apparent victims of the spiders. Any next of kin are directed to look for Elena Arguyle to assist in returning them back to life and/or to claim their belongings of worth.

    //you know who you are, don't give up on your PCs! :nod:

  • Lady Ashena, Knight of the Order led a patrol into the Peltarch sewers, accompanied by Romulus and Fabian. A number of unusual things were encountered. Not only gelatenous cubes, but many grey and crystal oozes and slithering trackers. Romulus was reminded of the time such entities were conjured by a Gnome follower of Talona in the Graveyard and ruins of Norwick.

    They also encountered a troll whose skin glowed green with some kind of magic. The three adventurers were able to dispatch it without serious injury, thanks to the many protections and magical enhancements given them by Rith Phoenixfeather of the Temple of Lethander.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • The remains hang in mid air, floating above the floor of sewers. I know what I’m looking at. Straining my eyes I can just make out the edges of the jelly cube. It isn’t moving. My suspicion is it it’s satiated after a meal on some hapless adventurer. I rarely get this close unnoticed, none of my normal tricks and distractions work on these things. I can’t help but stare at the remains inside of the transparent beast.

    Three steps gets me close enough to gut the beast with my bastard sword, and its cohesion breaks as it drains off the landing and into the fetid waters of the sewer. The remains slide to the floor and a metal object tumbles to my feet. It is a holy symbol of Torm. My thoughts go to my friend Pherdur Kelm, and the number of times he had come to my aid. I feel I owe him, and by extension the other followers of Torm that I have met. Perhaps maybe I can pay back part of my debt.

    The jelly has dissolved most of the flesh from the body, a few brittle and pitted bones remain in a loose pile. The equipment faired better. I pick up the plate armor. It is forged to the proportions of a human woman. My mind goes blank as I scoop it all up. I don’t remember the walk from the sewer. I barely remember leaving the gear at a friend’s apartment. The candles… I remember the candles. Row upon row of them in the temple of the Triad. They bring back memories of someone I thought I lost.

    Who was this person who’s remains are almost unrecognizable? Was she someone’s long lost love? A confidant? A friend? A mother? Who mourns their daughter, lost to an unknown fate? There are stories here I don’t know. Ones I’ll probably never know. There are times life seems a little too finite. Is this what fate holds in store for all of us?

    I light a candle. It has been a long time since I’ve done so. I make a prayer of thanks. I know how I’ve been blessed. If Torm can find it in his heart to restore this woman, one of his faithful, I would be grateful, even though she is no one I know. To me she represents something. She represents all the people who helped me in turning my life around to one that’s worth living. Take your price from me Torm, for that which I owe.

    The temple is still and quiet. I’ve seen miracles, but I know better that to expect them.

    I lay out a blue robe for her to wear, a note on where to find me in the pocket. Maybe… just maybe… she’ll need it.

  • "I knew there was something eerie about that man. More the reason why I declined his proposition for joining him in his dealings."

    The cleric of Torm, rested her hand on the hilt of her bastard sword and tipped the barkeep with a sack of gold coins. She exited the Norwick tavern with nothing else to say.

  • Upon hearing the news about captain Loc, Moon rushes to the Peltarch stables, grabs the first horse in sight and thunders across the plains southward.

  • Rumor has it that the Norwick militia captain Locrian had fallen when adventuring with Cecil and a young female greencloak. The little selunite Mooncandy had helped with the recovery process. Some time has passed and it seemed the young woman, a helmite warrior from the far east would not be returning, though for the good captain, it still remains to be seen, and his body is currently being preserved within the chauntean temple.

    Though seen still working at the lighthouse, the hin is not seen nearly as often walking around and about the city since the incident happened.

  • Victoria and Romulus, accompanied by a young gnome named Jenisis, were returning from a copper mining trip when they encountered an Ancient Copper Dragon in the first level of the Kuo Toa Cave. Despite being a little annoyed that none of the three understood Draconian and he had to speak Common, the dragon was not hostile. He said that he was hunting for Mimics, and suggested if the adventurers needed a little excitment, they should try being a dragon. They offered him some gems they had collected, which he took and then lumbered off towards the entrance to resume his hunt.

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Clad in black and gold, the elven wizard Sirion has made a return. The baleful staff still in his possession seems at odds with his attitude. He is seldom belligerent. Some of the stories even say he was seen kissing a girl.

  • _Upon hearing about the appearance of rats and wererats in the sewers, a likely looking hin dressed up like a guard begins poking around sewer entrances and overflows, looking for clues and signs of egress.

    And no, an egress is not a type of bird._