Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Ky’Amendos Wefneren has been attending the Temple of the Triad much more frequently as of late. He will always attend the regular sermons and prayer times when in town. Sometimes he will pray and meditate for an extra hour or two seeking Torm’s guidance. He prays each time asking for the courage, strength and wisdom to follow the path that the Loyal Fury demands of his faithful warriors and knights and that one day he might be found worthy to earn the right to serve as a true servant of the Loyal Fury.

  • Standing with her family, at the hand hand side of her elder brother Aymon, a grim swordsman with a giant blade and facial hair the texture of coarse stone stands at the proceedings. He offers the kindest emotion he can, which might be considered a smile on some quasi-elemental plane of people without faces. Nevertheless he offers a sweeping bow and a congratulations to "My lady Ashena" afterwards.

  • _Among the more unexpected guests at said knighting were a number of pale, ragged women in scant and tattered clothing - quite the contrast to the splendour of the other guests. The lady of the hour, Ashena Teroldys, was wearing a blood-splattered set of spiked armor with a great many slashes and dents. While nervous at first, she spoke her vows without tremble or hesitation, a bright and giddy smile greeting her friends afterwards. Noticably, a flash of light illuminated the young paladin's sword during the ceremony, the specks of rust previously covering the blade falling off.

    Hugs and hearty handshakes were exchanged after the ceremony, the freshly minted knight disappearing upstairs before returning to find the tall guardsman and the dance that was promised her._

  • Val too, was present, standing to the side in her dress regalia, looking splendid as she normally does. Afterwards, she disappeared to the docks, heading south to take the line against the enemy.

    // Gah, if I'd known about this… I WOULD have been there >_<

  • Ardent arrived promptly for the knighting, sitting near the rear of the Temple of the Triad and feeling instantly self conscious at her brilliant red silk apparel. She worried the edge of her sleeves throughout the ceremony with her nails before ducking out right before the end, feeling foolish for getting so dressed up. Yet, despite that part, she could not stop grinning with pride at the knighting of her good friend and comrade, Ashena Terodyls.

    (Sorry, char would have totally been there, 100%. Player went camping.)

  • It was a night like any other in Peltarch, and that is to say, there were victorious adventurers returning from afar, a tale of conquest on their lips, and spoils to divide in the Temple of the Triad.

    Furthermore, not long after, there was even a knighting! A certain Ashena Teroldys was knighted as a member of the Order of the Divine Shield, with a small crowd in attendance.

    In this crowd, and waiting around for a while afterwards, was a very tall fellow, with a bright red cloak that simply screamed "NORWICK" , along with his fairly ornate clothing which seemed a contrast from the denizens of the barbarian town.

    The Amethyst festhall was soon the location of both the new knight, and the tall fellow, where if rumors are to be believed, the two of them cued up the band, and danced the night away. (perform 20+ for each) Any witnesses would have seen a graceful dance indeed, ending in … a rose?

    Apparently a rose changed hands in the middle of the dancefloor. How romantic, eh? Wonder what was said...

  • _Local mope Arlan Meynolt has been going into the Bardic College every now and then, whats such a mopy mope doing in one of the least mopy places in Narfell?

    Moping it up and ruining it for others I bet._

  • A fiery haired half elf woman has been seen timidly standing around outside where the senate meetings are held. She looks terribly uncomfortable and extremely worn, clutching a ring on her left hand tightly. Obviously lost in the city, she asks a guard how she could deliver news of one of the senators to the senate

    ((PM sent to DrD))

  • _The Hoarran Talaitha has been seen often at the Temple of the Triad. Often working along side the acolytes in small tasks, polishing the benches and metalworks, tending to candles. Spotted recently outside beating rugs as well to get rid of dust. When not tending these duties she is about the city arranging lists of available housing which she dutifully copies and distributies to any Norwick refugees from the recent bugbear attacks, helping them to get settled as quickly as possible.

    Some even say they swear they've seen her mucking the stables numerous times, though its a task normally seen to by others._

  • Chea is often seen in the temple of Selune again.

  • An odd sight was seen in Peltarch, the prominent bard Val Kyrie giving a piggyback ride to a young boy through the streets of the commerce district before heading into the College. Of all people, she was accompanied by a Norwick Redcloak.

  • The talk of the town is Senator Mariston Thel. He not only broke Sir Rath Ashald-Jorinsens joust streak, he won all three trophys! Doesn't matter where you are in Peltarch, people are talking about it non-stop!

  • _In the past months, dockside rumours may have mentioned that the joke of the ever shipless captain Sabre Seesaw has perhaps finally run it's course. A sleek and swift vessel bearing the name "The Raven" seems to indeed take up much of the captain's time and care, though oddly enough it doesn't fly the black and gold colours she herself sports. Instead, the crew are clad in black, grey and silver. The ship itself flies a flag in the same colours, a raven spreading it's dark wings across a backdrop of stormy grey, crossed by a silver lightning bolt.

    More recently, it would appear The Raven has decided to fly further than her usual short sweeps across the Icelace, and the captain's face is not seen in any of her usual haunts for weeks on end._

  • Sirion's seen around town, without his bleeding scream stick. Rumor is Senator Thel sundered it after an epic fight that scarred the tourney grounds, and once defeated, the golden elf mage was forced to repair the grounds, which he did so with the aid of an army of evil shadows…which prompted another epic fight, and maybe explains the elf's dour attit...oh wait he always looks like that.

    Then he heads straight for the morgue.

    Drunks are so cute.

  • Cecil is about, back and forth between Norwick and Peltarch, it seems. In Norwick, he is usually at the south gate, in Peltarch, the commons.

  • Sirion seriously seeks Cecil, then strolls un-surreptitiously straightly to the Cerulean's station.

  • _Rumors spread that local family was murdered in their house at residential district. Some also say that four Norwickians were arrested on the place of crime and taken to the Gaol for interrogations and only three of them were released.

    Others claim that they heard that all were released and the murderer is still on loose._

  • A young female adventurer returned from the kobold-infested wetlands south of Peltarch, hefting a bloodied backpack which was promptly delivered to the guards. The rightful owner of the bag may claim it from the authorities, if an accurate description of it's contents can be provided.

    //Frances Darkhaven's belongings are held in DM storage thanks to the timely assistance of Syied, contact a DM to get 'em back!

  • While an ragged adventuring party limping into town is not in itself a gossip-worthy topic, the addition of a heavily bleeding, armless hin is sure to cause a few raised eyebrows amongst even the most callous of vendors at the Peltarch marketplace. The magic word 'treasure' soon had a certain Captain Seesaw offering her professional services, eyes agleam - and hands full of rum, to sweeten the deal.

  • A group of eight intrepid adventurers set out from the Peltarch Docks and return a tenday later, with ore and smiles in tow. Rumour soon emerges of an island full of undead, traps, undead, ore, and more undead.