Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • *A projection of a women appeared in the commons, a purple glow around her and the fact she was sending an image of herself showed her to be a powerful mage.

    She appeared and threatened a young priestess named Reo. Why? Who knows!*

  • *Rumours are that an Oscuran noble was assulted in the docks and had some trade manifests stolen. He spoke to the guards but asked not to have a formal inquiary. The man in question was Akamedes Komnenos.

    For those well versed with Oscura he runs the Lightning Eagle Consortium and he is the closest Oscura has to a "Good" man. And is respected for such by some, but loathed by others*

  • Talk goes around of a brief but extremely violent storm along the Icelace beach, involving lighting, harsh winds, but strangely central to just one small area. A few searchers begin to spread rumors of what they found in the aftermath. Torn ground in a small patch, sand burned so hotly it turned to glass. Hundreds of dead fish, as if the Icelace spit them up on to the shore…. and though there was no ship wreckage, somehow a sailor was found dead. Odd fellow too. Shaved head, naked, and some odd dark tatooes on his face and head. Body must have taken awhile to wash up though judging from the extensive injuries to the body, but most assuredly he was drowned.

  • An unlikely rumour spreads of Rasuil having suddenly applied for the Bardic College.. why else would the normally quiet ranger have been flouncing about the commons with the busty bard Helena and sometimes patron of the arts Sabre, speaking in verse? And was that a tiny skirt he was wearing, with the starry blue cloak?

  • María can be seen ranting about someone selling powerful scrolls to Hemrod, who now seems to charge an outrageous price.

  • One rainy afternoon, the Engineer with an iron arm is seen hoisted up to the windows of one of bottleneck's apartments, Whistling idly and singing in a heavily accented Illuskan brough as he affixes steel bars across the windows, Finishing the hinges with an enchanted lock and setting a bottle of some sort down inside the window with the key around it, before closing the lock and snapping the bars shut and closing the glass and pine panels, keeping the key well out of reach of a thief.

    // Any interactions can be dealt with in PMs to me, what he was singing about/conversations, and such. //

  • Adventures tell the tale that the passage through caves of the Kuo Toa to the Underdark has been barricaded, possibly as a result of a cave in.

    "Bet it was one of dem der purple worms digging a tunnel?"
    "A worm caving in a whole cavern…that's it old timer, I'm cutting you off."
    "Is true! Why I've seen one once so large it could swallow a dragon whole. Or your mother in two bites. HAHAHA!"

  • No one has seen Kamilah in a while. I wonder where she could be…

  • ::The miller when he is in market is overheard seeing he is hearing real odd noises from the beach below the farmstead, right unsettling it is too. He don’t go down there to fish no more that’s for sure::

  • _Rumours spread of heated debate in the Senate Chambers, concerning Senator Ronan Redralen. The rumours confirm he was recently found guilty of assault in Norwick, and go on to say that he refused to apologise to the Senate for the indignity of a Senator being found guilty of a crime in Peltarch's southern ally's jurisdiction. The Senator is said to have refused to apologise and walked out of the Chambers, at which point Senator Ryan Fisher is said to have begun proposing a controversial motion of Censure in the sorcerer Senator.

    The idea of a Senator being guilty of assault is the talk of the town, commonfolk on the streets giving Ronan a wide berth, afraid of any magical ire he might invoke. The Civic District is already abuzz with rumours of more organised protests against the scandal of the affair._

  • Nicole leaves a note for Daveth at the mermaid inn.She was heard to tell to Katarina at the end ''an' tell 'im to leave that moustashe alon' fer once an' come findin' me soon''

    She laughs and leaves quietly from the inn.

  • The Amazing Masquerado, a stage magician has been seen around town advertising his show. Word has it he's staying at the Bardic College.

  • The silver haired elf has been oddly missing from the commons and inns of Peltarch. Usually only seen passing through with ore, he is never seen sitting with the usual group of elves there.

  • A dock worker swears he saw a young Rashemi woman running around the docks barefoot, chasing after what appeared to be a pair of boots moving on their own.

  • Kabul can be seem a lot more in Peltarch for the last weeks.
    He usually stays in the Commons, but some say he can be found at the docks by night. Hard to say if this last part is true or not.

  • The Bard Val Kyrie and the silver haired elf Ael'Que supposedly traveled to the realm of the Keeper. There they made a deal with him to release the soul of a woman trapped within soul shards. Ael was said to have paid the full price.

    How great was that price?

  • Labur is seen walking into Vanity Plates with a tattered and half burnt cloak seeking any help he can receive in mending it back to its original form.

  • Peltarch Guards could be seen hurrying to the Mermaid after a number of patrons fled the building covered in dust. Folk exiting some considerable time later spoke of undead and a demon gamesmaster.

  • A large Silver haired elf was seen racing franticly around the docks and the commons asking if anyone had seen a woman in a red robe

  • A young woman in a red gown and a black cloak with a hood covering her face waited at the docks. Soon enough a large boat pulled in as two hin walked towards her, one of them giving her a tight hug and taking her onto the boat.

    It left shortly after as if it only came to the Jewel to pick up the woman.