Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • The Amazing Masquerado, a stage magician has been seen around town advertising his show. Word has it he's staying at the Bardic College.

  • The silver haired elf has been oddly missing from the commons and inns of Peltarch. Usually only seen passing through with ore, he is never seen sitting with the usual group of elves there.

  • A dock worker swears he saw a young Rashemi woman running around the docks barefoot, chasing after what appeared to be a pair of boots moving on their own.

  • Kabul can be seem a lot more in Peltarch for the last weeks.
    He usually stays in the Commons, but some say he can be found at the docks by night. Hard to say if this last part is true or not.

  • The Bard Val Kyrie and the silver haired elf Ael'Que supposedly traveled to the realm of the Keeper. There they made a deal with him to release the soul of a woman trapped within soul shards. Ael was said to have paid the full price.

    How great was that price?

  • Labur is seen walking into Vanity Plates with a tattered and half burnt cloak seeking any help he can receive in mending it back to its original form.

  • Peltarch Guards could be seen hurrying to the Mermaid after a number of patrons fled the building covered in dust. Folk exiting some considerable time later spoke of undead and a demon gamesmaster.

  • A large Silver haired elf was seen racing franticly around the docks and the commons asking if anyone had seen a woman in a red robe

  • A young woman in a red gown and a black cloak with a hood covering her face waited at the docks. Soon enough a large boat pulled in as two hin walked towards her, one of them giving her a tight hug and taking her onto the boat.

    It left shortly after as if it only came to the Jewel to pick up the woman.

  • Rumor has it that the elf known as Faelar has been seen going inside the orphanage with a bag stuffed with something and coming out with nothing.

    Rumor also has it that, in the swamp, several koblods have been found with their throats cut. There was no sign of a struggle. It looks like robbery was the possible motive.

  • With the success of the first menu during the last season, the young Ilmatarian monk Miala after much experimenting had come up with the new menu with more options, ready to serve to all employees and patrons of the Temple of the Triad, the senate, and with the assistance of the other city cooks, the Peltarch military.

    The breakfast menu includes a savory saffron rice porridge topped with with crispy pieces of salt pork, a poached quail's egg and sauteed celery root slices. For those who must eat on the go, a lightly spiced flaky apple strudel with tiny bits of candied ginger all about it for a more chewy texture contrast as well as offering more play on the tongue could be chosen as well.

    For lunch, coconut curried beef or fowl served mild, spicy, and extra spicy (A waiver must be signed to access the later) stewed with peppers and potatoes served on jasmine rice, or if someone prefers something a little lighter, braised duck wanton soup, with broth made from a stock of braised duck, locally farmed onions and shallots, ginger, and spices; wantons made from thin rice paper squares stuffed with lean locally grown beef and harvested crayfish. Both meals are served with summer rolls, the soft moist rice-paper rolls filled with locally grown lettuce, icelace shrimp and ground cooked wild boar, served with a side of sweet and salty peanut sauce. For dessert, dark chocolate blended with cream cheese sandwiched between two fresh soft ginger bread cookies.

    For dinner, every other night Miala can be seen preparing and roasint a large wild boar, skin crisp and salty on a spit with tender flesh, steamed rice buns cooked in banana leaf filled ground beef, light cheddar and broccoli, fresh rye bread, mashed potatoes, and a gravy made from pork fat drippings and sauteed onions. Desserts include strawberry rhubarb pie, or a refreshing cup of shaved ice topped lychee syrup.

    Often as she can, Miala runs to the city hall and takes the orders of each individual, and delivers the food personally to all members of the senate. Rumors could be also heard that a large plate of apple strudels can often seen being delivered to an especially appreciative senator.

  • ICC

    _A very twitchy elf, dirty and wild looking, was accosted by two legionnaires in the commons.

    …All he had done was introduce himself when asked to.

    Though there were no witnesses, a nearby party arrived during, and fled with one of the attackers using spells of invisibility

    the poor elf wandered off into the gloom again, rambling in broken sentences_

  • Hearing about the food, Hammer gives some thought to enlisting in the Defenders.

  • _As the scents of fresh foreign spices and ginger permeate the air as eastern Kara-turan influenced food seems to float about the city. Rumor spreads of a new cook hired by Sir Roland named Miala, was hired to work for the city of Peltarch as a cook, making meals for soldiers on duty as well as the temple of the Triad. She can often be seen waiting in the docks early in the morning, speaking to the import merchants for the freshest ingredients and produce.

    Menu options for this season (one IRL week) include Savory slathered strips of tender boar meat marinated in a sweet ginger sauce topped with sesame seeds and caramelized onions, with stir fried veggies are served to order mild for most, and spicy for the bold, and -very- spicy for the extremely adventurous.

    For those with more nautical tastes, food from the Wu region is provided, as fresh thin sliced raw pieces of delicate whitefish and freshwater lake salmon are lightly brushed with a small side of something called soy sauce, a salty flavorful sauce made from eastern soy bean extract. The sides served with it include a seaweed salad with sesame oil and white rice vinegar, along with vegetables deep fried and crusted with a flaky thin batter._

  • _Chancellor Biswan of Norwick arrives in Peltarch by boat with a small escort and a herald.

    The group proceeds directly from the docks to city hall._

  • @1ced622ee3:

    • a young elven woman is brutaly attacked by a man with a hiss that seems to have claws for hands she is found by a tree unconsious by the guards her thigh cut open and a piece missing of her thigh. she was taken to the healers where she was taken care of

    A hooded woman is watching from distance some locals in a tavern speaking about that.Soon after,she finished her drink and muttered something about cowards.Then without second thought she walked away with haste.

  • @4dfcf0e6b2=ldyaloura:

    • a young elven woman is brutaly attacked by a man with a hiss that seems to have claws for hands she is found by a tree unconsious by the guards her thigh cut open and a piece missing of her thigh. she was taken to the healers where she was taken care of

    "Another one? And to think I could have shot that thing. Hissing farker."

    • a young elven woman is brutaly attacked by a man with a hiss that seems to have claws for hands she is found by a tree unconsious by the guards her thigh cut open and a piece missing of her thigh. she was taken to the healers where she was taken care of

  • A young elven women could be seen in the Peltarch commons going into a long story of a man with hooks for hands luring her to an abondond ship and attacking her near the docks, when asked for detailed information,other than the hooks, she recounts that he wore only one boot, speaking with a hiss and as soon as the sun rose he ran off screaming , leaving his clothes behind on the ship

  • Darius Durano, once again is seen often in the Docks Districts offering his aid to those who toil with the day to day workings in and around the docks. When he comes accross those who are sick he does what he can to remove sickness from the poor and heal those who are injured.