Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Rumour spreads of some drunk "goon" killing his friends at the bottleneck alley apartments. Three bodies were found.

  • Ael'Que lets people know he is offering a 100 gold piece reward for anyone who can tell him the last known location or last person seen with Maria. He spreads word of this throught Peltarch

  • _Something seems to have happened at the Gaol recently, the Guard seeming to double in force around it and turning back anyone wishing to enter for a few days.

    Some stories say a prisoner is dead at the hands of the prison Guards, others say Cerulean Knights who were inside suddenly went mad and turned their spells on the Guards and prisoners, other stories say that the prison broke out in a riot and is being contained. Some even whisper about Magistrate Borodin turning all the prisoners to stone as she was seen walking out not to long after it was locked down.

    Whichever story might be right, one thing is certain, the Guard seems to have an increased presence around the Gaol and it doesn't appear as if they are going anywhere, anytime soon._

  • Former Senator Eowiel Senella made a rare appearance in the Commons recently, talking at length with the man called Ezekiel, the elven bard rarely seems to leave the Theatre nowadays, and has gotten a bit of a reputation for being reclusive. Adding to her reputation for odd behaviour, onlookers say that she left the commons in tears for no apparent reason…

  • Some rapscallion was seen hanging undergarments from the tree in the commons. They were stuffed in his pockets when he arrived on the scene to achieve his mischief.

  • Having no seen her in some time, Ael'Que begins asking questions as to the location or last seen location of the mage Maria.

  • Another body was found, this time at the top floor of the Dancing Mermaid.

  • A young man (Darius Durano) is seen spending quite some time at the Peltarch Docks, helping out dock workers and fisherman when ever possible, refusing payment when offered. He makes small talk to those he aids, introducing himself as a Squire in the Order of the Divine Shield. After each day of hard work, he retires to one of the Districts drinking establishments were he unwinds, often purchasing drinks for individuals he aided that day (If they arrive in the same Tavern).

    //Will trash 50gp

  • A body was removed from the Three Legged Mule, the death shrouded in secret, the man was found sitting upright in his chair in the corner of the bar, wasnt till the Bar was shut down was his death even noticed. The bartender swears he only served him a few ales, but hes been brought in for questioning.

  • Some might comment on a young and rather prone to smiling elf wearing armor not normally seen in the area spending some time in the commons talking with Dondiah. Wouldn't occasion much comment in the normally far more exciting talk of the towns except the innkeeper at the Dancing Mermaid is heard commenting after she had rented a room that the elf was trying to get a room for a week or so in trade of furs..?

    The hells I'm supposed to be doin' with skins? At least the meat I'd of been able to serve..!

    The story makes it's rounds like a bad joke with a poor punchline.

  • rumor says though, that the one providing the component didn't seem to accept the money. Why? that's something that is not clear…

  • A travelling researcher it seems offered a great sum of gold for pixie dust, sadly the order was filled very quickly. Who knows what other interesting ingredients may be sought in the future.

  • Legion

    A soggy, drenched elf tells a tale of underwater intrigue. He claims to have out swam a school of no less than fifteen blood-thirsty sharks.

  • Labur is seen at random times of the day and night, entering the brewery for about forty-five minutes before leaving smelling to high heavens of hops and mash.

  • Hammer is spotted wearing a bright golden and red helmet. When asked about it, he responds that it's a Steel Fang helmet, given to him for "ripping the throat out of a Garagosan horde". Despite the colourful analogy, merchants travelling to and from Damarra are likely to mention a battle between Temposans and Garagosans not far inland, leading to a crushing defeat for the Reavers.

  • Over the past several days, Kamilah Thersos has seemed quite lost in her own thoughts. When not busy with Cerulean Knight duties, she lounges quietly about the commons entranced in endless daydreams.

    When asked what might have spawned such a period of reflection, she merely responds with some nonsensical bardic waffle that only prompts further questions.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Bardess and Cerulean Knight Serenity Laer has been looking far less cerulean of late. While no rumors seem to indicate her having left the knights, she's only rarely seen in uniform…or with any normal clothing on, for that matter. Instead, it seems she prefers to go places these days covered in swirling gray and white mists that seem to fit to her much like clothing would, and usually only wears her thigh high boots and cloak to accompany this strange outfit.

    Overall, she seems annoyingly happy with her new outfit.

  • _A massive brawl erupted in the Three Legged Mule Tavern recently, with reports of several serious injuries to participants, and some rumours even saying a number of people died in the melee. The fight was sparked when regulars at the tavern took exception to a large group of men and women in the black and red of the old Bloodspiders guild drinking in the Mule. They refused to leave, and things turned very ugly when the regular patrons tried to force them out.

    Parts of the tavern even show singe marks, with Wavebreaker rumour saying that the spiders tried to burn the place down, and would have succeeded if only for most of the Wavebreaker ships happened to be in port, and a fair number of sailors were on hand to defend their drinking hole. Whether Wesley Hardin himself was there, or involved in the brawl, is a matter of speculation across town, but in either case the man is supposedly upbeat about the event.

    "We showed 'em the farkin' door, an' let it be a lesson to 'em", he's supposed to have said._

  • Word has it a bare dozen lucky adventurers embarked on the Star Harpy and were whisked off to a distant world beyond the stars. Scattered tales from the returning participants reveal the name Illisen, and make mention of a conflict of the four elements.

  • In a roar of flame, something large comes hurtling across the sky towards Peltarch, causing a bit of a panic before it narrowly passes the city proper by, landing in the nearby foothills. Concerned city employees and nosy adventurers drawn to the scene see no smoking crater in the ground, but something far more wonderous and unexpected: a ship, hovering in the air. The word is that the fabled starship known as the Star Harpy has landed in Narfell once again.