Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • ::sailors have been returning from the northern reaches of the icelace and bringing back strange tales of dark storms and dark shadows in the northern ice, thus far only one trading vessel is thought to have travelled close to these phenomenon and it has not been seen since.::

  • Dondiah was seen performing an uplifting dance, scantily clad in pink, at the request of Sabre Seesaw and all those gathered in the commons the other day. It was said her voice was as uplifting and melodic as the bells on her wrists and ankles and that she performed an old elven fest hall song. After the dance, sweating and beaming she was given a healthy sum for the dance at Miss Seesaws insistence.

  • A moment of perfection… the tongue of angels rang out in the commons for a short performance by the returned songstress, Val Kyrie. Those present were moved to tears by the beauty of the music, and the performer herself seemed a little overawed before returning to the College to rest.

    // Rolled a 20 on Perform for a 72 total check.

  • _Anyone who passes by or enters the Temple of the Triad would hear beautiful music coming from within, the strings of a harp being played with skill beyond what may normally be accomplished by a mortal.

    If they were to investigate the source of the music, they would find the currently voiceless songstress, Val Kyrie, kneeling in prayer and speaking through her music to the Red Knight… a vigil that she keeps up for several days and nights without sleep._

  • the banished Oscuran known as Vladimir was seen being dragged to the jail by Ronan, after being escorted to the city by a pair of leigonaires. His body seem unconcious and bloody

  • Rumor has it that the simple merchant extraordinaire Alexi is missing an arm! Also that if anyone finds it that he is offering a reward as he would really like his left arm back.

  • In the past few days, Hammer has been asking around Peltarch's taverns and markets, talking to merchants, mercenaries and other travellers as to the whereabouts of Maya.

    ((Please send me a PM or approach me IG if you would know something, or if NPC's would))

  • _Oscuran Noble Vladimir Kursk was seen being hauled in toward the gaol by a few guards. The group was escorted by none other then senator Ronan Redralen, who seemed to be aglow with a few magical wards.

    The Oscuran peacekeeper was wounded with several burns on his body.._

  • _A flurry of activity was seen near the Bardic College, with talk of assassins breaking in and attacking the recently returned Val Kyrie and Fadia the Druidess. Defenders cordoned off the area for a time, with anyone going near it sent away quietly

    Soon afterwards, a locksmith made his way to the College and disappeared inside for quite some time._

    // If you have a key to the Bardic College and aren't a current member, please trash it as the locks have now been changed. I'd rather trust people to be honest, than have to ask the Devs to change all the codes for the college in the modules for the door locks.

  • Reports have been coming in from all over the city the past couple days of blue magical sparks appearing in the air, as a tiny explosion. The sparks flutter down to the ground and burn out quickly, but this seems to have the Ceruleans on constant patrol around the city. Whether they know the cause or not is unknown, they seem quite tight lipped about the whole thing, though at present they tell folks that the sparks don't appear to be harmful to anyone or anything.

  • Diadne has been heard asking adventurers and merchants if anyone has armor or shield that won't hinder spell casting. A rather odd request coming the likes of her, though she has been seen undergoing martial training in the company of Mariston and his squires

  • Guards are stationed outside each entrance/exit into the sewers, equipped with potions of True Seeing they stop and search each individual who attempts to enter or exit. What they seek it is unknown but they appear to be under order of Magistrate Shannon D'Arneau.

    //Anyone going into sewers ensure they post about doing so, or PM me.

  • Word has it that Cerulean Knight Lycka was attacked at a crowded commons by a man in dark clothing, shouting about the Shadovar. Behind the Dancing Mermaid, darkness covered the ground, and from it, a sinister shadow rose to continue the fight. Both man and shadow creature were eventually defeated by the joint efforts of city employees and brave adventurers.

  • Word spreads that through some efforts by the Defenders and various merchants the river has finally been cleared. Though many civilians are still too frightened to use the boats as they're concerned of further attacks.

  • It would appear that the often chuckling merchant Alexi was randomly handing out gifts to unsuspecting people in the commons after a pair of dice judged their goodness. It is also said that random comments of points deducted over behavior that followed were issued to some of those that received gifts.

  • @26b0c3de80=DrDreadLock:

    Any near the commons would have heard a commotion recently. Some people, including Aelthas were speaking out against the barbaric and inappropriate "justice" handed out by Magistrate Borodin and supported by Magistrate Greywing. In the end Aelthas was taken away to jail for disturbing the peace for speaking his mind, saying that this city is turning into Oscura under the thumb of tyrants if such things are allowed and people are not allowed to speak their minds anymore.

    _He claims otherwise, but the murmer murmer murmer of the rumor mill seems to indicate the Sunite Knight Rico Swift actually sided with the magistrates's brutal decision.

    "Oh I heard it clear as day. That pretty man in the red cape repeatedly said 'She's guilty and deserves to be punished.' And he tried to shout down everyone who was disagreeing, even mister Aelthas. A real knight might had stood up for the poor girl."_

  • Legion

    Marty begins asking around concerning the temposan massacre.

    //Please PM me if you have anything to say about that.

  • Duncan Hulond, a seemingly pleasant Full plated man walks around the commons, making a route from the city hall to the Temple of the Triad and back again. His head is held high, as he asks passers by a seemingly innocent question"

    "Excuse me, could you possibly tell me a bit of the Order of the Divine shield?"

    His questions usually pertain mainly to people dressed in armor, or folks looking of the knowing type.

  • Bartho can be seen heading to the Peltarch's halls and reporting that he saw a pair of men, one armed with a curved greatsword and wearing the cloak of an oscuran peacekeeper was seen leaving the scene of many slain temposan warriors outside the shrine, covered in blood.

  • Legion

    when rumours of Marty's bias reach her ears she simply shrugs

    That's just stupid.