Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • [having done some steps away turns again to Mariston with a rather calm expression this time]

    Alright lad.Den consider dat da Council know wat i know and dere will be soon a kin of us to have a meeting wit yeh or Lycka lass.Until next time we meet..

    [nods and hops on his horse to ride south hastily to the Hold]

  • No no you misunderstand old chap, I do not want anyone to come begging for information. Rather how is one to know who requires information or what they know already if people do not communicate and ask? That is all

    I hath done so many times myself, tis not that I seek out someone and beg for their knowledge, one realises that often tis easier for people to seek out those in the know, rather than those in the know trying to seek out everyone else.

  • [listens to their words,Thorin simple shakes his head]

    Very well…if dat's da only right way fer standing against da shadovars,i ll go and pass yer will lad [says to Mariston] and da Council will decide on dis proper asking.If many dwarves are trusted instead of un,so be it…

    [says in a disappointed tone and leaves to get to the Hold without any more pointless dealy]

  • _"YEAH!!! DRIVE THEM BACK!!!!"…Aristos screams as he thrusts a mug of ale into the air, slopping the foamy contents over the brim...

    It looks as if the young mage has had a bit too much to drink and seems in a mood for reckless action..._

  • Upon her release, the Nobanionite preistess wanders into peltarch hall amidst the bickering

    It is not a question of trust, we stand stronger united. When one takes the percived right to dispensation of information, they divide us.

    What was gained by this secrecy? I hear "not wanting the information to travel far" and "Only telling those trusted" was the latter not what I intended? The Council, The Pheonix, The Temples of the goodly gods of light. Do you not trust them?

    The Shadovar know that we are in posession of that information, the slain mage was thier servant. if the others who have -Blead- and fight daily to defend against the shadovar threat, are not told of the information some have learned, we stand divided and our ignorance gives out Foes an advantage we cannot afford!

    This threat is too great for a select few trusted by one to combat, We must stand united or we will fall!

    With her golden mail polished and lion mask underarm

    All forces of good must know so that we can unite and stand as one against the coming darkness! Together, we can have the chorus of our battlecry's roar thunder against the shadovar's ears and let them know we will not go quietly into the night, United we wrestled narfell from the chilling grasp of Wendigo and the Hungry One. United, WE CAN DRIVE THE SHADOVAR BACK TO THE SHADOWS FROM WHENCE THEY CAME!

  • Ael sighs and shakes his head listening from the side

    Thorin, as long as you have known me I have always been honest with you. I agree that what Elidor did showed an extreme lack of trust and respect to those who foght by his side. But I tell you this, I trust Lycka everybit as much as I trust you. And never have I known her to use anyone as a "meatshield" We all have our strengths. Could you research through old tomes and read all those archaic languages? I know I could not. Same as Lycka would not be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with us as the hordes come. But she can cast the spells needed on us to help us win. So please, refrain from this senseless splitting of our forces, all we do is make the Shadovar that much stronger.

    And Mariston is it? We have not spoken much, but perhaps it should not be needed that strong allies of ours should have to seek us out for information? You can not expect them to come to you begging for the scraps you are willing to divulge. A true allie would have sought them out and asked thier counsel as well. Or do you believe you will be able to stand alone against the threat?
    As we speak the Oscurans give sanctuary to our enemies, and you four would have us driven even farther apart. Over a foolish mistake by a very foolish bard. Share what you know, and lets end this threat.

  • ::quirks a brow::

    Take a hit for me?

    ::Mariston looks puzzled at the statement::

    Cannot say that hath ever occurred thus far….what an odd thing to say.

    If thou wish to fight alone that is thine own choice, but it does rather seem like cutting ones nose of to spite ones face.

  • _"Don't bother, Thorim. They'll call us when they need us to take the hits for them. That's their idea of working together.

    Me, I took an oath to fight these Shadovar. But that doesn't mean I have to do it alongside anyone else. Neither do you."_

  • The bards are the keepers of lore and always hath been, as to matters regarding the council of Moradin or others seeking information. None such group has approached the city directly seeking or offering aid in any way. After all Miss Lycka is a city employee, one of our valued and brave Knights of the Cerulean Stars.

    So if the Council seeks to learn of information then why hath they not just asked?
    ::Mariston looks quizzically to the dwarf::

  • [turns to Mariston as he ends talking]

    ''Yeh got a point dere lad.Den i take it if da lass ain't trustin me den she ain't trustin' eider da Council of Moradin.Dis or she insult da elder's wisdom for choosin' me.Eider case da Hold always stood closer to Norwick to let da bards leavin' em in da dark and i won't let my kins ta fell because of da judge of only un person…

    And un last thing.Elidor ''took'' the right of non tellin da oders of the book,in contrary wit da Cedric's,a Lanthaderite dat was wit 'im,told him to share. And da book was found from more dan un lad..We already count two more hands of helpin' in da jail because of his secresy.

    Un more last thing accordin' to Cedric...Assume dat shadovars already hear us right now.Dem re masters at dis so hidin any knowledge,means hidin' it only from da gud guys.Keep in mind of dis and let da bards know of it lad''

  • ::Mariston who is leaving the city hall, listens to the exchange, gives a wry smile to Lycka then looks to Hammerhand and Thorin::

    Come now, let us not bandy around words like traitor.

    Tis quite simple, trust is earned not given, if thou hath not been entrusted with something, then mayhaps tis because thou hath not inspired the trust or show an attitude that does not merit it.

    Tis best not to demand trust, rather seek to earn it; do not to seek to martyr of ones self by claiming no one informs thee of events.

    When tis clear that thine trust hath not been earned and these publicly aired perceived grievances against good and true people of these lands is a petulant display that further erodes any sense of trust that may have grown.

  • Thorin being near,listens to them and steps forward focused to Lycka

    ''If being in da same side means nae trustin' and friendship den why should everyun trust yeh too wem yeh need 'em?

    were has yer faith gone?huh…?Or yeh consider yerselves ta be da smarter dan us?

    wen me or Hammer step in front and being da meatshield in da battles,....dat times yeh trust 'us?Hah,i suppose yeh consider us ta be only da stupid pawns, ain't dat right...?''

  • "Preposterous", says Lycka to Hammerhand's ravings. "It's never -that- simple, unless you're a simple-minded zealot. You're both on the same side, it's just that being on the same side doesn't automatically mean friendship and confidence."

  • Hammer is overheard fuming about the 'traitor' Elidor, who appears to be working for the Shadovar for some reason.
    "I'm farkin' sick and tired of this sheite happening every time. Something comes around to destroy all of us, and one of these <dam>outlander</dam> farks comes around and sabotages everything, just for scrap of power or to feel big. I've had it! If he sabotages the efforts against the Shadovar, that we're all working and bleeding and dying over, then he's an enemy to be destroyed with the rest of them. It's -that- simple."

  • Hammer watches her with some curiousity and approval.

  • ICC


    This young woman also appears to be going through some conditioning, as it’s obvious she lacks the strength or coordination to be even remotely dangerous with a sword. She’s seen rolling up a stone attached to a rope and a stick over and over again, and marching up and down the steps of various buildings.

    She appears unhappy, but tireless and determined.

    _The Wild looking elf who seems to pop up all over the city will appear on occasion. He has an amused grin, though it looks forced; and always quietly offers a bit of water or a small tip or two for her practice.

    Before slipping back from whence he comes, he will offer healing too, for the small abrasions and blisters that occur._

  • Senator Mariston Thel is seen occasionally training a young red headed woman in swordsmanship. She appears woefully inept, and there are those that wonder to what purpose this woman is being tutored. She appears to be a performer or actress, so perhaps this is all for some bardic play.

    This young woman also appears to be going through some conditioning, as it’s obvious she lacks the strength or coordination to be even remotely dangerous with a sword. She’s seen rolling up a stone attached to a rope and a stick over and over again, and marching up and down the steps of various buildings.

    She appears unhappy, but tireless and determined.

  • _In the commons one day, a noble of Peltarch was seen talking to what appeared to be a Black Sail. The noble looked hurt, his clothes torn. The two left out the southern gates of Peltarch, then returned sometime later with the corpse of a young woman. The blonde Sail in a dark grey full plate was seen handing over the body to the noble, yet oddly enough, there was no exchange of gold to the Sail.

    Have the Black Sails grown kind hearts in aiding the citizens of Peltarch? Or is there some ulterior motive?_

  • {One day at the ferret, much noise, shouts, screams and cheers can be heard from the back rooms. Local stree rat Zach Selkie walks back to the main bar, holding his right shoulder, which appears to be swolen. With a wince he takes his seat and orders something potent}

    Just get me something strong that'll kick me in the teeth an knock me right out.

    Tch, damned girl will be the death of me.

    {He tips his head to the girl when she brings him his drink an takes a sip, using his one good arm to reach out for the drink}

    Oi miss? Doubt I'll be awake long enough to get to one, but theres ten coins for you if you can get one of the big fellas to just toss me in a room when my face hits the bar.

    {another sip}

    This? Tch, Got it following Helena around again. Some loon calling himself Big Winnah was playing games out back, an more for fighters. Swear he was trying to get us killed. Got thrown into the ring an had to fight off two lizards for the first round. Strong goblin for the second, an a bugbear for the third. Managed all that without getting mine handed back to me an won a few prizes.

    But that wasn't enough, girl wanted to keep fightning. So back into the pit we go, up against a bear, then a lion, an a pack of wolves. Managed that without getting eaten. An then the crowd started cheering for a damn encore. Figured I'd lived a good life. So we had to face down some half-ogre, an a farking moose! Moose went into a rampage an was just charging through the whole pit, picked him off easily enough, but in rushed the big ugly. Caught me in the shoulder hard with a right hook, an slammed me into the cage wall. Big fella went down though, but not easy.

    {Zach tries testing his shoulder, only to hear a popping noise. He grunts an takes another sip}

    Don't know what the hells I'm doing. Got an arrow stuck in my head the other day while walking the pass. Was dead, I'm telling you truth. Sucks being dead. Must have been dead for a long while too. No telling how many days went by before I woke up in that temple. Guess who was standing there. Heh, Helena. Girl found me an drug me all the way back. I'm indebted to that one. Now more than ever I'm guessing.

    Ugh, shite this things killing me. Fark it I'll just get myself to a room.

    {With his good hand he slides a few coins out of a pouch, looks at them as if reminded of something, smiles and places them on the bar before walking out}

  • Nicole just woke up at the ferret's room and closes to the scene with a muttering after her fight few days ago.

    ''what th' fark is this noice?Did he came back t' collect more punches th't farker?''

    She then glances over at the elf,gives him a broken smile and goes to the bar to settle and drink.