Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • @a7f62ef881=Fraoch:


    Due to the recent news about slaves from both Norwick and Peltarch, there was an attempted break out by about ten slaves to escape to the safety of the surface.

    Their mutilated bodies now decorate the Raven Rift, staked on display, which has put off any further escapes quite successfully.

    _These rumours having floated their way to Peltarch, Eluriel and Ronan discuss the matter in the commons. They wonder why slaves would try to push their way through guards to escape without any plan. If they wished to die, surely killing themselves or each other quickly would have been a better route than this.

    Likely something created by Oscurans. Both to discourage any geniune attempts to escape, and a poorly thought out plan to coerce a rescinding of the new laws._

    If ever hearing these rumours Vlaimdir politly points out that slaves are valuable to their owners and would not give them up lightly for death and mutilation

  • _The next ship in from Damara bears the news that Sir Efraim Bleys' casino there, the 'City of Brass', has burned to the ground in a pyroclasm of epic proportions. Deaths are said to be in the dozens.

    Many people are saying that the Red Wizards of Thay are behind it._

  • @5c08ff806a:

    Due to the recent news about slaves from both Norwick and Peltarch, there was an attempted break out by about ten slaves to escape to the safety of the surface.

    Their mutilated bodies now decorate the Raven Rift, staked on display, which has put off any further escapes quite successfully.

    _These rumours having floated their way to Peltarch, Eluriel and Ronan discuss the matter in the commons. They wonder why slaves would try to push their way through guards to escape without any plan. If they wished to die, surely killing themselves or each other quickly would have been a better route than this.

    Likely something created by Oscurans. Both to discourage any geniune attempts to escape, and a poorly thought out plan to coerce a rescinding of the new laws._

  • On his way to the Senate, a stout senatorial advisor chuckles when he hears this last rumor.

    "Ha! …well now... according to that magician-senator, all of these "visions" are all true... at least they are when they deal with visions of other people.

    I wonder if he will change his story now that he's the star of one of these vile stories?"

  • Said object of hatred is currently wearing her hood pulled foward and clipped in place at all times while inside of Peltarch's walls. When it is time to rest Eluriel leaves the city entirely against a visitor greeting her unawares.

  • _Rumors spread of the wartime images appearing in the Peltarch commons recently. They consisting of deceased General Lavindo appearing in the commons, and attacking the blue elf known as Eluriel, hatred in his eyes. Another consisting of the druid who called himself Arthro and senator Ronan from wartime attacking folks in the commons.

    All images are reported to be entirely confused once arriving in the commons, and appear to rant about things from the N'jast war… as if it were still happening. They are also reported to be quite dangerous if agitated._

  • A group of Legionaires lead by General Theaon stopped in Peltarch looking as if they were selling some loot. They suddenly disappeared. The next day they were seen entering the commons from the Residential District looking like they've been in a big fight. Some might hear rumors that they travelled back in time to the N'Jast invasion. General Theaon was heard saying something about demons in Peltarch, and how it must not affect this timeline.

  • A weird rumor spreads of orcs walking around the bottom of the Peltarch harbor.

  • Legion

    Benji is heard cursing as he shuffles around town looking for something


    Where's that STUPID board where all the payed advertisements go?


    ((Is there a dedicated thread for posting advertisements that have been payed for?))</g>

  • _A shaggy sailor has recently arrived in Peltarch, frequenting the Lucky Ferret and has been happily buying drinks and wenches, telling all sorts of outrageous tales.

    Didrik Pothorst, as he introduces himself, seems happy to tell any of a sea shanty. Why he is in Peltarch, he doesn't say though._

  • _Accompanied by Roland Brymnor, Eluriel exited Hemrod's with trails of congealing blood on her armour. The pair looked around the building before the knight escorted the elf to the Temple.

    A somewhat skittish looking Eluriel returns the following day to leave a box of sweet berry tarts for Hemrod._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fadia, the elven former archdruid, has been a regular fixture in the city for the past few tendays. What has drawn someone normally only rarely seen in the city to spend so much time there is, thus far, a mystery.

  • _Rumor and gossip has it that Miss Euphemia Villers threw a glass of wine full into the face of Mrs. Hortencia Spence-Ashald during a night of revelry aboard Lady Cassandra Je'laan's floating revelry barge, leading to a minor brawl in which Sir Edward Tate had his monocle broken and the elven fig-artiste Elowyndil Tantalomoleth was pushed overboard, to the utter ruin of her gown and elaborately coiffed hair.

    Social battle lines are reportedly being drawn._

  • The Sunite Knight Rico Swift appeared suddenly in the Commons the other day, covered in bits of blood, ichor, fascia, and ash. He grabbed the nearest urchin and said "Quick lad, tell me what year it is!"

    After the response he said "I'm back!" and gave the lad a gold piece and the heartwarder's blessings for the trouble.

  • In the classic drinking game of one upping stories, late one night a very drunk dock worker starts raising his voice..

    Wait wait.. wait now! I've gotten a good ones for allof ye. You knowin' these here stories and stuff of like pasts things.. well, I be seein' something from the future! I have, I have. Wasn't but a day or so ago, I'm tallin ye all… Smacking at the hand of his friend who is trying to quiet him down.. Stop that shite. It was that guard, the yellow 'aired elf I'm tellin' ye. But older and in a dress… and let me tell ye what else. Lowers his voice down, Everythin' must be -completely- different in the future, cause I'm tellin ye, that guard didn't know SHITE about where anythin' was anymore, and was wearin' a dress. Crazy thing had to ask directions to an inn… gone! I'm tellin' you.. Everything must be gone!
    Looks violently ill a moment..

    He collapses face down to everyone's laughter.

  • _Belma'r the Slaad Savior has been seen around Peltarch warning people about something to come. He warns of "not fun chaos" coming soon and they better be prepared, but not to worry because "fun chaos" will be there to fight it, and even "crazy law and stuff" might help a little.

    He just needs to know who and where the "Laughing Lady" is._

  • Dwin Dolvak, the courageous and kind ex-Chancellor of the Mighty Realm of Norwick is seen more often that usual in the Pearl. He's been on a bit of a shopping spree, rumors say, purchasing many "suitable outfits" for social life in Petlarch. Some even say that he has been looking for an apartment to rent.

  • With a smile and a shake of his gauntleted hand, MacAllister gives thanks to the kindly knight, and begins another search… this time, with a name to aid him.

  • ::Within the temple a kindly knight in blue and gold suggests the man continue his search by seeking the Knight Roland Brynmor, a paladin of Helm::

  • A man in hunter and azure plate, calling himself MacAllister has been speaking with everyone in the Temple, as well as the mermaid about faithful followers of Helm. He wears no emblems or symbols, but it seems he has found a great interest in the Everwatchful.

    Those who may hear him hear that he has been spending time in the temple, praying for guidance, but aside from that he knows not how to learn more.