Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • … so does Sy.

  • … Brynden orders a Fenz Potion Package.

  • ((I very, very nearly laughed out loud.. at work.

  • @d9695987c4=Fraoch:

    Whatever its provenance, it seems that Fenz's new scent is all the rage. No fewer than three well-turned-out ladies have been seen vying for his attention.

    Fenz is later heard addressing a small crowd curious as to the rumors.

    "Ladies! Look at me. Then look at your man. Then back to me. Then back to your man. Then back to me. Now look at your coinpouch. It's not there! The Judiciall Nypper just made off with it. Now look at the Guard. Now back to me. I'm not a Guard. But I smell better than a Guard, even a Guard in hot pursuit of the thief with YOUR coinpouch. Hot means sweaty. If that Guard were me, which he's not, he'd have used Auld Fenz Boddie Scent and would be RIDING A MAGICAL THIEFTAKING PONY, with a scorpion tail, and your coinpouch would be as good as returned. Now look to my hand. Nothing. Then look at your belt. Nothing. Then back to my hand. It's a genuine Fenz Potion Package, with three strengths of healing potion, a potion of speed, and my trademark scent. If you'd bought it, you could have chased down that thief, or sent your man to do it, but you didn't, because you don't smell like me, and neither does your man. I'm on a rant stand."

  • Whatever its provenance, it seems that Fenz's new scent is all the rage. No fewer than three well-turned-out ladies have been seen vying for his attention.

  • As the Docks return to business as usual, something less than usual begins to occur. Large mobs of youngsters, most of them too young for regular dockwork, are rounded up by Seafarer officials and taken to the Guildhall. When they emerge they divide up into smaller groups and scatter around the district, cleaning up debris, fixing up shop fronts damaged in the riots and generally sprucing up the Docks. By the end of a couple of weeks, the place looks like the riots never happened. None of the merchants or traders are charged by the boys for the cleaning and repair work. It seems they are being paid well enough as is.

  • For anyone happening to wander by the house, Aelthas is seen with a pile of broken dishes sitting on the street beside him and a man is there changing the locks on the door. Maybe some thief tried to break into the house and steal something and they got into a dish fight?

  • Rumors abound of a Defender patrol returning with two half-decomposed bodies found in a sweep of the lakeside cave in the cliffs in the Western Foothills.

  • ::At the Temple of the Triad, Mariston is can be found, ((PM if you want))::

  • Rico Swift is seen going to the Temple of the Triad and the Wilting Flower, one after the other, asking to speak to the other Paladins and Priests of the land, including Lacey, who shares his devotion to the Goddess of Love and Beauty. He shoos away any onlookers who approach him during the trip, and leaves as quick as he came. Scuttlebutt says Norwick kicked him out.

  • A couple of merchants mention something about Mulhorandi folk living down in Oscura.

  • _Eluriel is back in the docks district yet again. This time she makes her way directly to the boat, staying until she finds an FTC vessel which she walks up to have a chat and leave a pre-written note.

    She still asking for a guide to Mulhorand.

    And interested in the wares of anyone selling tokens of romance._

  • Celad has been seen asking around for Yana. Never tells anyone why, just says he wishes to speak to her.

    He has also been spending all of his time in Peltarch or the nearby areas. Rumor has it that he has aquired Peltarch citizenship papers.

  • _Having left the city for a day then spent considerable time in the trades hall upon her return, Eluriel is back to wandering the streets.

    While she still makes mention of wishing a guide to Mulhorand it seems that she's now trying to find a gift for a sweetheart._

  • Daveth stands on the docks holding a torch and looks around, seemingly slightly surprised he's alone

    "Down with things!"

    Then he shrugs, drops his torch and walks off in the direction of the Three Legged Mule.

  • ::Looks to Adrian, then just shakes his head::

    Thou art quite right I hath done nothing for this city and seek only my own glorification, be warned though Senator, if ever thou call into question my faith to the Triad again, do so at the Lists and bring thine lance.
    ::WIth that Mariston turns on his heel and returns to the senate chambers::

  • _Adrian turns to Mariston and breaks into fiery rhetoric, making no effort to speak quietly or discreetly in the face of those present.

    "Of course I have. In fact, with the income from this trade I hope to -create- an alternative source. One that does not originate from a city where slavery, undead and dark faiths prevail. But we cannot do so with empty coffers! Or are -you- going to take a shovel and a pick, and supply the city with the stone and wood it needs?

    For all your poisonous words and preaching of morality, I have not heard you make -any- suggestion, let alone one of practical arrangement, that does not involve dictating the morality of our guilds and people!

    For all the experience and virtue you claim to have, haven't you quite understood yet that people should -want- to chose not to deal with Oscura? That they should willingly -choose- to sacrifice the material for the spiritual?

    So why -demand- people to live up to your own, restricting morality when you do not seem to even make an effort to simply -understand- them.
    These people are not paladins, and it's not our place to demand that they be. While -you- spew bile at the guilds, others have been working to prevent the city from falling into chaos, and prevent all we have accomplished since the war from falling apart! It's no surprise these people are in the streets again.. how long has this been going on?! We finally came to an accord, between guilds and Senate, and now you would sunder it again!

    The guilds are the lifeblood of our city, and you make it seem as if they serve Oscura already! The bile you spew at them at every single gathering of the Senate is nothing more but thinly-veiled accusations indeed. What -exactly- do you think to gain by doing so?! If you have -any- respect for this city's people, and -any- respect for Tyr's law and order, do not undermine the work that these people do every day until you have definite evidence!"

    He turns halfway to the guards and guildfolk, his following words directed at them just as much as at Mariston.

    "We didn't work so hard, trough war, terror, disease and hunger to just to fall to corruption. Which true Peltarchan would allow this, from himself or any other? If there is some sort of conspiracy, the traitors -will- be found and brought to justice. -I- have this much faith."_

    ((ack, took me a while to write this up.. and now I didn't see the last post. Oh well))

  • As quickly as before, news from City Hall filters through the City; the Senate has voted to uphold the trade agreement with Oscura, and further to that, is now debating a proposal by Senator Snydders to block further attempts to abolish trade for the next five years. As this news reaches the docks, the disorder and disarray loses its impetus and those persisting in riotous behavior find themselves being forced to yield to the much relieved guard.

  • Eluriel meanders around town purchasing food, arrows and scrolls, mentioning at an easily-overheard volume that she's looking for a guide to Mulhorand.

  • I was going to talk about doing what is right, not that which is easy…but frankly I can not find the energy to explain it all again. Rather than rely on a fetid, foul, vile and frankly evil place for coin, hath thou –even – tried to look for alternatives?
    ::shakes his head and returns his attention to the trouble unfolding in the streets::