Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Legion


    Some of them may or may not become new citizens. Some use the gold to return to their families or homeland. Some try to get as far away from the place that enslaved them as possible. Some may remain to become citizens of Peltarch… either way, it was their choice to make and none other's, thus the gift of freedom.

    // for sure. Marty is just making sure none of them experience "freedom shock", spend all their money on booze and whores and then end up on the streets.

  • @23c5fd567f=Kayleb:


    Senator Ronan is seen giving each of these individuals a heavy sack of coin. A few of them looking frightened. Nontheless, after he passes out the gold to each, he informs them that they are now free.

    Senator Leaffall makes a priority of meeting up with these new citizens, helping them to find a place to live, showing them the best places to look for work, and generally helping them settle in.

    Some of them may or may not become new citizens. Some use the gold to return to their families or homeland. Some try to get as far away from the place that enslaved them as possible. Some may remain to become citizens of Peltarch… either way, it was their choice to make and none other's, thus the gift of freedom.

  • Legion


    Senator Ronan is seen giving each of these individuals a heavy sack of coin. A few of them looking frightened. Nontheless, after he passes out the gold to each, he informs them that they are now free.

    Senator Leaffall makes a priority of meeting up with these new citizens, helping them to find a place to live, showing them the best places to look for work, and generally helping them settle in.

  • _A troupe of Defenders and Senator Ronan Redralen were seen coming through the western gates of Peltarch with a group of what appeared to be rather ragged individuals. Twenty of them by count, many of them seemed skinny and worn, others seeming well fed… all of them wearing rags and the like, however. These people included men, women, and children alike. Their complexion pale, as if they had not seen sun in awhile..

    Senator Ronan is seen giving each of these individuals a heavy sack of coin. A few of them looking frightened. Nontheless, after he passes out the gold to each, he informs them that they are now free._

  • //I just snort-giggled geekishly at work, reading this little gem of a song! All prefixes to 'finger' plucked directly from IG antics, well done! 👏

  • <u>Operation: Scalefinger!</u>


    He's the goon, the goon with the reptile's touch!
    A lizard's touch
    Such a failfinger
    Beckons you to enter his cave of sin
    And we'll go in!

    Just a Snailfinger!
    Slimy words he will pour in your ear
    But his lies can't disguise that we're here!
    For we all gnomely know that we'll box him
    He's just a Flailfinger…

    Just Mister Quailfinger
    Pretty gnome, beware of his kobold nose!
    This nose has woes!

    Snakey words he will pour in your ears
    But his lies can't disguise what he fears!
    For we all gnomely know that we'll box him
    He's just a Wailfinger...

    A Holy-Grail-finger
    Pretty gnome, beware of his kobold nose
    This nose has woes!
    He loves only scale!
    Only scale
    He loves scale
    He loves only scale
    Only scale
    He loves scale!"_

    Gnomish trio Caramella Besterdan, Gilda Haven and Perriwig P. Doubleday have returned from a recent trip into the swamps, replete with bounty snatched from the cold-blooded hands of the Kobold Menace. Taking tea and supper in a Peltarchian eatery, they contribute to the convivial atmosphere by irregularly bursting into snatches of this silly song. They seem to have convinced themselves that some lizardly kobold or lizardman super-villain in chief - called Scalefinger - has alluded them, despite their best pranking effort. "Next time" seems to be their motto, sure that the mythic villain will soon fall into their tricksy gnomish hands (despite the … ahem ... distinct probability that he exists only in their own addled heads..)

  • Despite rumors of Clayton going slowly mad due to a drow attack in the Rawlins with his lover Dondiah, the couple has been seen spending much time alone together in the Mermaid and have been spotted shopping and exploring the sewers.

  • Some rumors spread about few animal remains found at the beach areas of the Icelace lake. What seems to be strange about these animals is that it would seem that they've been burned into charred remains instead of being died to any natural reasons.

  • Rico Swift returns via boat from Oscura, sans his trademark armament. He leaves a an urgent request to speak to Val Kyrie of the Bardic College and Senator Ronan as soon as possible.

  • _The Sunite Paladin Rico Swift is besieging the Bardic College with polite requests regarding information on Izakiel and someone named Baltassa.

    "It's very urgent. Lives are at stake. Fifty of them."

    He's also putting together an expedition of good natured folks to ride roughshod over to Oscura looking for answers as well. ((Say, Midnight tonight, EST, after I get home from work. That'll be in about 11.5 hours from now))_

  • Strange numbers of regular housewives have been going missing as of late. There seems to be no trace of where they were or where they are now, they are just… gone.

  • Rico Swift is still wandering about, looking for info on this Baltassa and Izakiel. As the deadline draws closer, he seems more and more worried about the possibility of failure, his trademark confidence faltering ever so much.

  • The land's resident Knight of the Red Rose, Rico Swift, seeks information regarding the mad mage Izakiel and someone named Baltassa, as well as any recent murders. He's offer to compensate fruitful information with a hundred gold pieces.

    //Post here if you have any details and wild geese to chase. http://www.narfell.us/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=448876#448876

  • Daveth is sometimes caught standing in the shadows at night sipping an ale, muttering something about "No style" and shaking his head. Usually glancing about with watchful eyes.

  • Peltarch is a buzz, with rampant rumors of multiple murders taking place within the city walls. Mention of Guardsman being victims to the unknown killer(s) has some folk reluctant to even leave their homes. Lisa is seen throughout the next few days running around speaking with folk and trying to determine the true nature behind all this death.

  • A new law appears to have been scratched under the other ones in Peltarch.

    2.53: Don't covet my wife.

  • The Druid Jerrick is seen walking through town, directly the bardic college, a handwritten parchment in his hand, written in blue ink. He inquires there as to the presence of any of a bardic persuasion who may be for hire, to perhaps create a small skit out of something he wrote, and perform it, and what the rates are.

    He will hang about to hand deliver the parchment, and speak terms (In a PM.)

  • @1fcb3df26f=November1986:

    an elven women can be seen telling guards of an Oscuran nobleman by the name of Vakdal was behind the burning of the building and the death of 3 men in the building

    ((PM me an eye witness report. Yana would question this elven woman about exactly what she saw))

  • an elven women can be seen telling guards of an Oscuran nobleman by the name of Vakdal was behind the burning of the building and the death of 3 men in the building

  • A house burnt down in the Peltarch docks recently. While it is certain that the fire was magical, it burnt at such extreme temperatures that no clues are left to as who did it.