Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • A house burnt down in the Peltarch docks recently. While it is certain that the fire was magical, it burnt at such extreme temperatures that no clues are left to as who did it.

  • Benji, being magically enhanced by several powerful mages and wearing his speedy "Footie fins", quickly outdistances any swimmers, and does not surface for quite some time.

  • @1cab74c210=MexicanCookie:

    _Benji arrives in the Docks District on a boat from Norwick sparkling with magical enchantments. He runs off to Droibo's and quickly returns stripped down to a pair of trunks, a cloth covered amulet, and his new invention the 'Footie Fins.'

    With a crossbow on his back and a bag tied to his belt he runs off the edge of the longest dock and dives into the Icelace._

    Yana's eyes get very wide, and she jumps in and pulls him back to shore!

  • Legion

    _Benji arrives in the Docks District on a boat from Norwick sparkling with magical enchantments. He runs off to Droibo's and quickly returns stripped down to a pair of trunks, a cloth covered amulet, and his new invention the 'Footie Fins.'

    With a crossbow on his back and a bag tied to his belt he runs off the edge of the longest dock and dives into the Icelace._

  • The bodies of a Thayan Merchant and two Damaran men were removed from one of the backrooms within the Dancing Mermaid late last night. The men all died from what appeared to be stab wounds. Anything of value was missing from the three men, and it appears to most that it was simply a business deal that went sour.

  • Rumors have it that an Oscuran underdark hunter Ekmen Kyzanos was seen to arrive to the temple of Triad, bringing a bloody holy symbol of Torm to the altar in addition to sack of gold. What seemed to be most strange though that he spoke to nobody, but instead kneeled down for prayers and stayed in place for few hours in row, before heading out from the temple and the city

  • The skald Val Kyrie can be seen with the good Senator, helping her with her preparations, her face grim but determined.

  • Legion

    *Along with a hand full of helpers, Senator Martoushca can be seen making busy with dried meats and stores, taking red and black tents out of storage, and organising cold weather bedding. Enough for a lot of people.

  • Legion

    Benji wanders around the docks disctrict annoying any wizardly looking folks with odd quesitons about magic spells.

  • Two men were found dead this morning, there bodies were found on a recently docked merchant ship, a women with a reputation for being a lady of the night was quickly apprehended by the Guards after being found unconsious on the ship with blood covered daggers in her hands. Those who are close to the accused say there is no way she could have committed such a crime, others just laugh it off suggesting that perhaps the dead said something they shouldnt have. Cover up or simply a bad night? no one seems to know for certain.

  • _Things have begun to calm down in the City. With the safe return of prisoners from Oscura, the Senate is continuing its deliberations on the issue of trade, with rumours from Guild-quarters that a consensus is finally being reached. Protests are still occurring, but they lack the urgency and propensity for riot that previous ones did. Perhaps this is all because a new series of rumours are flooding the City…General Neverith has apparently been suspended and replaced by Captain Frederic Del'Rosa. Gossip purports that the Senate is investigating a potential conspiracy against the state amongst the military, and given their suspension of Neverith, many people begin to wonder if the elven commander harbours Korethean intentions.

    As rumour replaces outrage on the streets, business finally seems to be returning to usual. One unusuality however, is that despite the calmer streets, burglaries and thefts continue to increase, contrary to the predictions of the Peltarch Guard, who blamed the recent increase in crime on the disorder in the City._

  • Rumor has it, a group from the Simple Merchants Extraordinaires, brought back four bodies from the kobold lands handing them over to Guard woman Lisa saying something along the lines of lizard eggs being the prime suspect. Kind words were said to be exchanged between the Guard woman and the group before they parted.

  • Sauntering in through the south gate, the petite Black Sails captain Sabre Seesaw makes a brief halt to alert the guards to possible kobold mischief.

    "Pools o' blood, skulls on pikes, human remains outside an' inside their cozy lil' warrens.. either th'wee scaleys got a morbid new decorator or sommat's up."

    //probably remains of some old event that slipped by without rumours of it's own - if the remains are no longer supposed to be there, feel free to disregard.

  • @5168a2b6cd=Emerwyn:

    A blonde lady with a three feet-long braid has been seen asking the guards in Peltarch for "the current leader of the Order of the Divine Shield". She presented herself as an old friend of the Order, which struck the newbie guard, that declared:

    "I hadn't seen her before I can't say. She said her name be Dawnbringer Rith, not sure what to think but she didn't look like the "bad kind" you know, almost too polite to be real. Ah well, I couldn't help much either, I'm busy enough trying to learn my patrol route let alone learn the names of paladins or senators…"

    One of the guards, bearing a symbol of Lathander, introduces herself as Yana, also a second knight to the Divine Shield.

    "Our esteemed Senator Mariston Thel leads the Divine Shield. I would also seek out our magistrate Shannon D'Arneau"

  • A blonde lady with a three feet-long braid has been seen asking the guards in Peltarch for "the current leader of the Order of the Divine Shield". She presented herself as an old friend of the Order, which struck the newbie guard, that declared:

    "I hadn't seen her before I can't say. She said her name be Dawnbringer Rith, not sure what to think but she didn't look like the "bad kind" you know, almost too polite to be real. Ah well, I couldn't help much either, I'm busy enough trying to learn my patrol route let alone learn the names of paladins or senators…"

  • Vladimir Kursk, to the weary eyes watchs from afar in the docks, avoiding the crowds of Peltarch citezens, once the ship disembarks he returns back to Oscura via boat

  • @858b42574a=Dorakhan:

    Three trading vessels dock in the harbor. They bear no particular markings, but their origin is fairly obvious as Oscuran Guards stand by on the decks and nearly fifty men and women are marched in shackles down the gangplanks into the custody of the Peltarch Guard. Not a single Oscuran Guard sets foot on land during the entirety of the transfer, but Peltarch guards have a difficult enough time holding back the contemptuous gathered crowds that nearly explode into full-blown riot. Rumors spread quickly that Peltarch paid Oscura for the return of its own citizens - criminals though they may be.

    Despite the overwhelming temptation to let the citizens board the ship, Yana tries to maintain the peace and keeps the crowd at bay.

  • ::Mariston joins Ronan at the docks to oversee the return of the Jewel’s citizens. He concerns himself with the health and welfare of those returned paying the Oscurans scant attention also.::

  • @52d189d32a=Dorakhan:

    Three trading vessels dock in the harbor. They bear no particular markings, but their origin is fairly obvious as Oscuran Guards stand by on the decks and nearly fifty men and women are marched in shackles down the gangplanks into the custody of the Peltarch Guard. Not a single Oscuran Guard sets foot on land during the entirety of the transfer, but Peltarch guards have a difficult enough time holding back the contemptuous gathered crowds that nearly explode into full-blown riot. Rumors spread quickly that Peltarch paid Oscura for the return of its own citizens - criminals though they may be.

    _Once Ronan hears that the ship is returning the prisoners, he makes an appearance at the docks, to personally ensure the unfortunate prisoners were returned safely. His reactions to the Oscura guards are met with neutrality, seemingly keeping any outrage to the situation he had under control… hoping to set an example for the citizens of Peltarch.

    He greets the prisoners, ensuring them that they will beable to see their families soon.._

  • Three trading vessels dock in the harbor. They bear no particular markings, but their origin is fairly obvious as Oscuran Guards stand by on the decks and nearly fifty men and women are marched in shackles down the gangplanks into the custody of the Peltarch Guard. Not a single Oscuran Guard sets foot on land during the entirety of the transfer, but Peltarch guards have a difficult enough time holding back the contemptuous gathered crowds that nearly explode into full-blown riot. Rumors spread quickly that Peltarch paid Oscura for the return of its own citizens - criminals though they may be.