Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • @858b42574a=Dorakhan:

    Three trading vessels dock in the harbor. They bear no particular markings, but their origin is fairly obvious as Oscuran Guards stand by on the decks and nearly fifty men and women are marched in shackles down the gangplanks into the custody of the Peltarch Guard. Not a single Oscuran Guard sets foot on land during the entirety of the transfer, but Peltarch guards have a difficult enough time holding back the contemptuous gathered crowds that nearly explode into full-blown riot. Rumors spread quickly that Peltarch paid Oscura for the return of its own citizens - criminals though they may be.

    Despite the overwhelming temptation to let the citizens board the ship, Yana tries to maintain the peace and keeps the crowd at bay.

  • ::Mariston joins Ronan at the docks to oversee the return of the Jewel’s citizens. He concerns himself with the health and welfare of those returned paying the Oscurans scant attention also.::

  • @52d189d32a=Dorakhan:

    Three trading vessels dock in the harbor. They bear no particular markings, but their origin is fairly obvious as Oscuran Guards stand by on the decks and nearly fifty men and women are marched in shackles down the gangplanks into the custody of the Peltarch Guard. Not a single Oscuran Guard sets foot on land during the entirety of the transfer, but Peltarch guards have a difficult enough time holding back the contemptuous gathered crowds that nearly explode into full-blown riot. Rumors spread quickly that Peltarch paid Oscura for the return of its own citizens - criminals though they may be.

    _Once Ronan hears that the ship is returning the prisoners, he makes an appearance at the docks, to personally ensure the unfortunate prisoners were returned safely. His reactions to the Oscura guards are met with neutrality, seemingly keeping any outrage to the situation he had under control… hoping to set an example for the citizens of Peltarch.

    He greets the prisoners, ensuring them that they will beable to see their families soon.._

  • Three trading vessels dock in the harbor. They bear no particular markings, but their origin is fairly obvious as Oscuran Guards stand by on the decks and nearly fifty men and women are marched in shackles down the gangplanks into the custody of the Peltarch Guard. Not a single Oscuran Guard sets foot on land during the entirety of the transfer, but Peltarch guards have a difficult enough time holding back the contemptuous gathered crowds that nearly explode into full-blown riot. Rumors spread quickly that Peltarch paid Oscura for the return of its own citizens - criminals though they may be.

  • Some of the well travelled Peltarch citizens or adventurers would have recognized Yngdír - a Ranger from the south and an unfamiliar sight in the northern city. Shrouded in his heavy hooded cloak and loose silky scarf as usual, a very foreign visage painted against the stoney streets.

    Rather curiously, it was how he made his way straight for Lacey's shop near the Residential District - the Wilting Flower. Though only a brief visit that lasted perhaps moments - he left the shop and the city in much the same way he had entered, in a hurry.

  • In the days following this incidence, staff and crew at the Lucky Ferret Inn and the adjacent Black Sails warehouse seem in a state of high alert, burly bouncers and heavily armed doormen bristling with weapons. Even the barmaid Claire appears ready for trouble, a light crossbow on the wall behind her, within easy reach of the counter.

  • A heavily armored man was reportedly seen dragging the captain of the Black Sails, Sabre, to the outer most walls of the city, in front of the gate. The captain herself looked severely injured and beaten, but alive. The armored man did not stick around, and turned to leave into the night a moment or two after he dropped her off.

  • ICC


    Since recent revelations from the Senate that Peltarch Citizens have apparently been acquired for indentured service by Oscura, outrage has gripped the populace. Oscurans visiting the City are in danger of their lives, as furious relatives of those sent away stir up increasingly vitriolic riots. Supporters of the Guilds and the Trade agreement with the underground city have receded from the streets in the face of this new information, for fear that they too will be targeted for mob justice.

    Grak is laughimg aloud when he hears the news. He voices out his opinion to some gathered commoners
    "Ya fools. have ya dafts forgotten dat dem bes convicted criminals, villains, loansharks, crooks,thiefs, pimps und pointy ears… und ya bes crying after dem, ya bes fools to say ya would miss dat sorry lot."

  • Ferdinand, during one of his frequent trips to Peltarch learns of this Slave issue for the first time after over hearing a conversation between a few commoners in the market, disgusted at the news, and fearing for his welfare he quickly exits the city with haste, avoiding any eye contact with locals and casting a spell of invisibility if required to exit the city safely.

  • Since recent revelations from the Senate that Peltarch Citizens have apparently been acquired for indentured service by Oscura, outrage has gripped the populace. Oscurans visiting the City are in danger of their lives, as furious relatives of those sent away stir up increasingly vitriolic riots. Supporters of the Guilds and the Trade agreement with the underground city have receded from the streets in the face of this new information, for fear that they too will be targeted for mob justice.

  • Legion

    A haggard but smiling Benji arrives at the south gates of Peltarch in a flash of lightning. He shakes the hand of the man with him and hands him some coins. He then plods north toward the boats.

  • _A blonde haired, female elf has been seen wandering around the city in search of pixie dust…

    Those who see her notice her sniffing and rubbing her nose constantly as well as a few sneezes here and there._

  • ICC





    _Early in the morning, any sitting in the commons would hear an angry voice within City Hall, cursing out at someone else. A few short moments later, Captain Aelthas is seen storming out of City Hall, tossing his Defender cloak to the ground at the doors of City Hall and cursing out a few words back inside as he stomps the cloak into the mud with a foot.

    "For years of loyalty, this is what a man gets."

    He spits on the ground and turns on his heels, walking off towards his home, glaring at any who get in his way. Maybe whatever happened inside had something to do with his confinement at the Temple Lighthouse as well a few months back, but by all appearances, the Captain is no longer a Captain in the Defenders…_

    Grak slips out off inn just in time, to witness this rare sight. His grin broadens from ear to ear. he calls out, mockingly
    "Oi ya huuumie peddler, in case ya nay knows dem huuuumie laws ere, littering und disturbing da peace of us fine citizens bes wrong. goes back und pick ups dem filthy garb of yars or Grak bes forced ta report this violation ta dem guards themselves" word guards is pronounced with great amount of mockery in Graks voice

    Grak eagerly watches him leaving, after which he proceeds to check/take can Aelthas Captain cloak which was stomped in dirt before he headed for home

    //May Grak have that cloak as it was discarded?

    //I'm pretty sure if Grak grabbed that -defender- cloack for personal use he'd be shot down for stealing city's properties or impersonating a defender or yadaddiyadadad…

    //could we have dm judgement here? Cloak was discarded and stomped into dirt and Grak tried to collect it..

  • @dac39a3c84=Grak01:



    _Early in the morning, any sitting in the commons would hear an angry voice within City Hall, cursing out at someone else. A few short moments later, Captain Aelthas is seen storming out of City Hall, tossing his Defender cloak to the ground at the doors of City Hall and cursing out a few words back inside as he stomps the cloak into the mud with a foot.

    "For years of loyalty, this is what a man gets."

    He spits on the ground and turns on his heels, walking off towards his home, glaring at any who get in his way. Maybe whatever happened inside had something to do with his confinement at the Temple Lighthouse as well a few months back, but by all appearances, the Captain is no longer a Captain in the Defenders…_

    Grak slips out off inn just in time, to witness this rare sight. His grin broadens from ear to ear. he calls out, mockingly
    "Oi ya huuumie peddler, in case ya nay knows dem huuuumie laws ere, littering und disturbing da peace of us fine citizens bes wrong. goes back und pick ups dem filthy garb of yars or Grak bes forced ta report this violation ta dem guards themselves" word guards is pronounced with great amount of mockery in Graks voice

    Grak eagerly watches him leaving, after which he proceeds to check/take can Aelthas Captain cloak which was stomped in dirt before he headed for home

    //May Grak have that cloak as it was discarded?

    //I'm pretty sure if Grak grabbed that -defender- cloack for personal use he'd be shot down for stealing city's properties or impersonating a defender or yadaddiyadadad…

  • Late one eveing, a group of four, A tall human man in greenish plate, an Elf man in golden plate, a woman, dressed in white clothes of some sort, and elderly man, bearing some of his weight upon a staff, once again dressed in stark white. Both of the armored men bore cloaks of the purest white, identical to the elderly man's and the woman's.
    They were seen purchasing large quantities of foodstuffs, and returning back towards the Docks district.

    Any that were curious enough to follow them see them taking the food to the soup kitchen, and then helping in the kitchen.

  • ICC



    _Early in the morning, any sitting in the commons would hear an angry voice within City Hall, cursing out at someone else. A few short moments later, Captain Aelthas is seen storming out of City Hall, tossing his Defender cloak to the ground at the doors of City Hall and cursing out a few words back inside as he stomps the cloak into the mud with a foot.

    "For years of loyalty, this is what a man gets."

    He spits on the ground and turns on his heels, walking off towards his home, glaring at any who get in his way. Maybe whatever happened inside had something to do with his confinement at the Temple Lighthouse as well a few months back, but by all appearances, the Captain is no longer a Captain in the Defenders…_

    Grak slips out off inn just in time, to witness this rare sight. His grin broadens from ear to ear. he calls out, mockingly
    "Oi ya huuumie peddler, in case ya nay knows dem huuuumie laws ere, littering und disturbing da peace of us fine citizens bes wrong. goes back und pick ups dem filthy garb of yars or Grak bes forced ta report this violation ta dem guards themselves" word guards is pronounced with great amount of mockery in Graks voice

    Grak eagerly watches him leaving, after which he proceeds to check/take can Aelthas Captain cloak which was stomped in dirt before he headed for home

    //May Grak have that cloak as it was discarded?

  • Next time Grak's in the Inn drinking, he will notice after the 5th ale that it tastes somewhat….like... pee. Raúl sneakilngly emptyes a pee-filled bottle on his ale while Grak's mouthing someone and distracted

  • ICC


    _Early in the morning, any sitting in the commons would hear an angry voice within City Hall, cursing out at someone else. A few short moments later, Captain Aelthas is seen storming out of City Hall, tossing his Defender cloak to the ground at the doors of City Hall and cursing out a few words back inside as he stomps the cloak into the mud with a foot.

    "For years of loyalty, this is what a man gets."

    He spits on the ground and turns on his heels, walking off towards his home, glaring at any who get in his way. Maybe whatever happened inside had something to do with his confinement at the Temple Lighthouse as well a few months back, but by all appearances, the Captain is no longer a Captain in the Defenders…_

    Grak slips out off inn just in time, to witness this rare sight. His grin broadens from ear to ear. he calls out, mockingly
    "Oi ya huuumie peddler, in case ya nay knows dem huuuumie laws ere, littering und disturbing da peace of us fine citizens bes wrong. goes back und pick ups dem filthy garb of yars or Grak bes forced ta report this violation ta dem guards themselves" word guards is pronounced with great amount of mockery in Graks voice

  • Amidst the hurly-burly of dock riots and break-ins, the rumour of a ruckus at the Lucky Ferret may not attract much attention, except for the unusual addition made by some that the trouble-makers were a group of murderous gnomes.

  • _Early in the morning, any sitting in the commons would hear an angry voice within City Hall, cursing out at someone else. A few short moments later, Captain Aelthas is seen storming out of City Hall, tossing his Defender cloak to the ground at the doors of City Hall and cursing out a few words back inside as he stomps the cloak into the mud with a foot.

    "For years of loyalty, this is what a man gets."

    He spits on the ground and turns on his heels, walking off towards his home, glaring at any who get in his way. Maybe whatever happened inside had something to do with his confinement at the Temple Lighthouse as well a few months back, but by all appearances, the Captain is no longer a Captain in the Defenders…_