Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • As hubbub and discord garbles and gurgles and hisses through Peltarch's streets, anticipating senatorial gnominee, Perriwig P. Doubleday is still bobbing about his public business, awaiting the final result. Keen gnomish observers may well note, however, that when he makes public appearances, does it shopping or slips out flanked by his campaign staff - Caramella Bestefaren and Gilda Haven - for a restoring dessert - Perriwig keeps his spangly coloured, apparently amazing light suit of armour on beneath his dapper dandy custard-coloured jacket. He gasped along with the crowd when Senator Lavindo's untimely giant-squashing was announced but has generally kept upbeat during the interregnum period, grinning at any voters who hulloo him, giving them thumbs up and assuring them that "The Herald is a fine, brisk fellow. I'm sure we'll have the right result for Peltarch declared very soon!"

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Word spreads throughout the taverns, even the more reputable ones, that prominent Black Sails member Luke C. Leathertail, has been offering the services of the Black Sails as bodyguards to any other prominent, wealthy, and/or simply paranoid citizens of the Jewel. For a fee, of course.

  • Rumours fly around the taverns in town of riots that saw the lockdown of most of the city, of magical intervention, and an attack by a Defender on Senate hopeful, Syndders.

  • _The City was in turmoil briefly, as rioters took to the streets of both the Commerce and Civic Districts last night. The rioters in the Commerce District managed to storm City Hall, but reportedly eventually left the building without serious bloodshed. On the other hand, two groups of rioters in the Civic District clashed with an armed escort, taking Lord Enenan Snydders and Heffa from the Temple of Tyr to the Snydders Estate, with many fatalities. Throughout the night, General Ash and Captains Velhar and Garand have managed to have the streets in both districts teeming with Guards, and for now Order seems to have been restored.

    Notably since the events, Defender presence within the City Walls has decreased significantly, with the vast majority of soldiers now stationed on patrol outside the City. Some say this is as a precaution against a sudden Giant attack, though others wonder why the Defenders are not being called upon to at least support the Guard in their riot quelling efforts._

  • Word spreads from City Hall that the count for the Election has been completed, but that the Senate is withholding the results for an unknown reason. The already tumultuous atmosphere in the city begins to fray and degenerate, as Guards struggle to maintain order whilst crowds of citizens demand to know the results. The Herald has cited "minor delays", promising the result soon, but the people are not assuaged.

  • The past few days have had many stories going about, the most notable of which might be some type of trip by Senator Lavindo, ex-General Varid, Senator Redralen, Maya and Captain Aelthas. Heading out on a Defender vessel into the Icelace with Captain Hresh at the helm, the group returned a day or so later after a large storm seemed to hit the lake. Yet not all were present that left, Senator Lavindo seemed to be absent even during an attack by displacer beasts and an elemental on the docks. A short time later, riots breaking out in the Gaol, the escape of prisoners and whispers of Defenders being found dead or missing begin to spread across the city.

  • Legion


    … Captain Garand of the Peltarch Guard gave out few details about the bank robbery, saying only that the would-be thieves were found dead by the Bank's Vault, slain from accidentally triggering its lethal trap.

    Benji smirks hearing the news

    <g>Farking rooks.</g>

  • Crime has risen significantly in the City, though not in its traditional home of the Docks. Pickpocketing, scamming and even meticulously executed break-ins are all occurring with increased professionalism in the Civic District. It seems the City's thieves are now targeting the wealthier citizens, and many nobles are hiring extra personal guards, as well as better locks and complex trap mechanisms for their safes. The First Bank of Peltarch is one of the few locations in the Civic District whose security has not failed, though one attempted robbery of the bank has already been foiled thus far. Captain Garand of the Peltarch Guard gave out few details about the bank robbery, saying only that the would-be thieves were found dead by the Bank's Vault, slain from accidentally triggering its lethal trap.

  • _Elidur had been walking around with a partial, but perhaps over-played limp for a while - it seems to have cleared up now, whatever it was. The Bard is keen to tell the tale of vampires, mummies and demon-dragons of bone in the Norwick crypts. A spooky, chilling tale of a black shadow that chased his beautiful female companion through the forest until it was utterly vanquished - with a song!

    It's proven, so far, quite difficult to worm out of him the truth behind his limp - and his reasons for standing and not sitting while telling the tale. He simply stresses that the moral of these tales is that, at times, it's unwise to simply 'turn the other cheek'._

  • As balloting begins, the streets of Peltarch bustle with activity as families, friends and coworkers line up at one of the three stations in the City to cast their votes. In the Commerce District, the station is outside City Hall, manned by Miranda Greywing. The Docks stand is quite busy, as many of the citizens need assistance writing out their choice on ballot papers, manned by Michael Brynmor with Captain Gerard Fortescue looming in the background keeping a strict order on the thronging masses. In the Civic District, Merric Makere leads the balloting work, the many lords and ladies milling around eagerly gossiping about what the results will be. The Herald, Damian Fisher, can be seen going to and from all three stands as well as in and out of City Hall all day long, ensuring everything is going smoothly.

  • Legion

    Senator Martousca Leaffall has been spending almost all of her time meditating and praying softly amongst the cows that graze on the fields west of Peltarch. She returns to Town Hall every so often, but it seems that she has taken to living and even sleeping amongst her bovine sisters

    //OOC: I'm going to be off for a while. My computer can't run NWN, and on Sunday I'll be leaving for Jakarta for two weeks. See you all when I get back. I hope

  • Labur is seen with his fellow kin in the tavern and wonders why he wasn't invited to the bashin. After Stubs finished his story Labur returns the favor and buys a round and slaps him on the back congradulating the adventure

  • The surly, burly dwarven Red Cloak Stubs has been heard spinning yarns of a recent adventure into some caves near Peltarch where he not only struck the head from a horrid hag, but hacked the horrible head off of a dragon. While he has the head of the hag to prove his first feat, the head of the second cannot be seen with him…..whether it was too big to carry, or if he was just making the second part of the story up remains to be seen, but all around enjoy his drunken carousing and buying of ale for the whole tavern.

  • A very small figure, not often seen in the "Smelly rock city" creeps up to the door of the temple and leaves a basket full of hinnish honey & almond cookies with a note addressed tot he captain.. then slips away quietly

  • A closed door meeting of the Senate took place, General Neverith being seen entering himself, people wondering what they discuss. An hour or so later, Captain Aelthas Benthur was seen being escorted from City Hall under heavy Guard and brought to the Temple Lighthouse, in the company of his wife, where the Guards remain on watch outside. There are plenty of whispers about what the Captain did, but no one seems to know for sure..

  • Hearing the news of Maya's imprisonment, Hammerhand figuratively drops everything and heads for the prison.

  • _Stories spread of a fight near the Triad Temple involving Captain Aelthas, Senator Ronan, Devlin, Tindra and Belmar.. who seemed to have attacked Maya, the Champion of Tempus. For whatever reason, Maya was later seen being dragged to the prison, the group who took her down talking with Daisy a bit longer before heading to the prison themselves.

    Any curious friends of Maya who visit the prison, notice that she has her own cell, a few Defenders even on guard outside, all people staying well away from the bars and Maya herself. Captain Aelthas himself is seen bringing food to her everyday and spends quite some time in the prison before emerging and heading home._

  • After disappearing for several days, Jaelle was finally spotted at the Mermaid where she had private words with the charming blond sailor Luke. After a short time, she was spotted leaving the inn and walking into the Lucky Ferret. It is soon rumored that she has taken over Jay's old position as bouncer by her literally tossing out an unruly drunk.

  • _An odd day in the Peltarch Commons was had by those who were present.

    It started with a trio of Black Sails, including child murderer Jay, and his accomplice in the murder of an innocent man in Norwick, Jack, as well as his partner Jaelle. It seems that a druid was pursueing them for their actions, and heated words were had until the guard came to break up proceedings.

    Afterwards, some light frivolity with a certain simple merchant extraordinaire occurred, where he caused himself multiple amusing injuries, finishing on a high note as he leapt through the air, mooing loudly.

    The final piece of unusual festivity was the appearance of a pair of senate hopefuls… a one Perriwig P Doubleday, and Rhyla Featherdown. There was a discussion of sorts, and both seemed to organise some work through the Bardic College.

    In any case, there was certainly a lot of activity to be watched and remarked upon!_

  • Late one night the sounds of performance can be heard from the Theatre, notes ringing out clear and perfect. Those who hear the music feel their spirits soar, almost as if the music had an otherworldly quality to it.