Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • @49c59d9daa=MexicanCookie:

    Benji wanders the streets seemingly lost for a while before he finds the Peltarch Guard HQ and delivers a small package.

    Troff Legion is seen following Benji curiously from the tower for awhile from a distance.

  • APPARENTLY gastrognome and senatorial gnominee, Perriwig P. Doubleday, was seen in whispering cahoots with Senator Marty Leaffall in the Peltarch Commons. What the devil could the scheming half-pints have been chatting about? Peltarch's dank weather and its trading implications? The melancholy fate of trampled flowers? Or perhaps the bright jacketed electoral gnome was sharing with the sturdy halfling dame his TOP SECRET custard cake recipe…

  • Legion

    Benji wanders the streets seemingly lost for a while before he finds the Peltarch Guard HQ and delivers a small package.

  • Aelthas himself can be heard around town, speaking of the great performance Elidur put on, making no mention of his part in it, except to say it was a great honor to work beside him on the stage in even such a small way. Mainly he shows off the end result of the unique performance, his new shield, Anthem.

  • Adrian has been quite enthusiastic about the magical performance, proclaiming Elidur's performance as one of the most spectacular shows to have been seen in some years. He also commends Aelthas' small but noteworthy part in the performance. A not unimportant detail, as the Senator has yet to proclaim any official support of one of the aspiring candidates.

  • _Rumors of a wonderfully magical performance of music rush through the street and inns. Tall tales of grand magical bursts and displays like nothing before seen on stage; Enchantment, was a great success.

    Elidur himself tells of the dedication and time that the Defender Captain and Senate-candidate Aelthas put into the performance, and explains that it takes many - many lessons and a lot of skill to reach that quality of performance with such a large gong. Even so, there's little doubt about who the 'real' star of the show was._

  • _A Hurried little Mage was seen fleeing town screaming, "THE GHOST OF WILLIAM DE MONTEZ WILL EAT US ALL

    He the ran south to escape._

  • ICC

    Rumors speak about drastical change of tone of voice of certain loudmouthed half-orc named Grak toward Senator-Wannabe dandidate Heffa. Some evil tongues also claim that they saw this said Half-Orc walking at street and suddendly being pulled into dark alley by shady hands. When later emerging from the alley, same rumormongers claim that his face boasted a wide smile

  • Locrian and Jaelle were spied recently in Peltarch. It seems Jaelle was stressed and was arguing hotly with Locrian. Those who overheard the argument would be aghast to find out that Jaelle was trying to convince Locrian NOT to become blooded…

  • Trough the hustle and bustle of the ongoing campaigns, word is spread that Adrian is looking for able prospectors for some sort of expedition.

  • Stories spread of some odd happenings just south of the walls in the Pass. What appears to be a stone maze just suddenly appeared, starting along the road and moving outwards to block off the majority of the passage south. What exactly created the magical labyrinth was likely not seen from the walls, but Captain Benthur was seen entering the city shortly after the maze disappeared, muttering something about minotaurs and fire magic as he headed to the Mermaid, picking at burn spots on his cloak.

  • _In between his duties for the Defenders and campaigning for Senate, Captain Aelthas is seen entering the bard College at least once a day, the sound of a gong echoing out over the streets near the College shortly after, going on for an hour or so before the Captain is once again seen exiting the College and making his way for home.

    Whether the Captain is showing support for the College and the arts by helping out a local bard with some performance, or he is using the gong to perform some horrible experiment with his fabled Sickle of Doom is anyone's guess._

  • Ronan was seen giving his support to both Aelthas and Snydders in their elections, though to the other candidates he seems to say nothing about, perhaps indicating his lack of support for them.

  • Senator Ronan Redralen is seen attending the speeches that each candidate gives during their elections. Though he makes no comments during any of the speeches, merely observes with a curious look about him. Seemingly seeing the candidates and their reactions to the various questions citizens and adventurers give them.

  • Talk around the Mermaid and eventually beyond, is recently turning to allegations that the Black Sails were recently involved in a set of murders most foul in the City of Hoarsgate, including the murder of a young child. The talk began not long after John Isle's campaign began, and the rumours are allegedly sourced from a reliable source, many suggesting they were begun by a Senator.

  • ICC

    Many hours later he slinks out, in his normal comfy attire, hair mussed, and grumpy as fark.

  • ICC

    _The Elven Ranger from Norwick, Brendel; is observed entering the bardic college.

    Most amusing of all, he is clean, smells nice, and is wearing a fancy nice looking outfit!!_

  • Although he obviously does not begin campaigning in the Senatorial election, Gastrognome, Sometime Private Gentleman and gnominee, Perriwig P. Doubleday, can be seen over the past few days in cahoots with his gnomish advisers, tall-hatted Caramella Bestefaren and the gigglesome priestess of Glittergold, Gilda Haven. They seem to be discussing a long, long roll of parchment produced by the candidate. Nosy waitresses, dropping off three portions of some toothsome pudding, might well report that the page is entitled "Perriwig for Peltarch - the 113 point plan…"

  • _The murderous pirate known as Jay is seen bartering passage out of Peltarch a few days past. It seems he was escorting a woman with brownish hair and a seemingly exausted look on her face. This wouldn't be interesting but for the fact the brute is overly protective of this woman. A show of caring from the otherwise emotionless brute.

    The two left port and have not been seen for a few days thus far._

  • Rumor begins to spread that the Oscuran elf, usually covered fully and wearing a spiked helmet, is a drow. Some say the name "Elendel" as it is spread. If anyone is interested as to where the rumor started, it seems to have come from the Black Sail known as Jay. But who would believe this corrupt, evil pirate? Time will tell.