Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • _The murderous pirate known as Jay is seen bartering passage out of Peltarch a few days past. It seems he was escorting a woman with brownish hair and a seemingly exausted look on her face. This wouldn't be interesting but for the fact the brute is overly protective of this woman. A show of caring from the otherwise emotionless brute.

    The two left port and have not been seen for a few days thus far._

  • Rumor begins to spread that the Oscuran elf, usually covered fully and wearing a spiked helmet, is a drow. Some say the name "Elendel" as it is spread. If anyone is interested as to where the rumor started, it seems to have come from the Black Sail known as Jay. But who would believe this corrupt, evil pirate? Time will tell.

  • A tiny bar patron has spent many hours in the various drinking establishments of Peltarch in hopes of over hearing any conversations that discuss stolen goods and fences. Looking for work or a place to offload goods perhaps.

  • _The announcement of candidates for the Senate election has become the talk of the town, with more than a few voices raised in surprise and disbelief upon hearing the names. In many quarters, especially the Docks and the Three Legged Mule tavern, shock and outrage pervade at the lack of a candidate from the Wavebreakers' Guild, though the Guild's Captains and its head Senator Hardin refuse to be drawn on why they did not put forward any candidates for the election.

    In more austere quarters, around the civic district, the shock of the day isn't the obscure movements of Guild politics, but the nomination of the reclusive wizard Enenan Snydders, a man who in recent times has rarely ventured out of his tower like estate in the civic district and who rumours say has become estranged even from his own family. Additional questions were laid to rest when Lord Chadwick Whyte confirmed that Lord Snydders was going to be campaigning with the full support of the Seafarers Guild. Many in the employ of the Seafarers are thrown, having expected Lord Whyte himself to run again, or failing that somebody with the Ashald name such as Rath Ashald's promising young niece Ciara Ashald. Lord Snydders himself has not even been seen in public since the announcement, though some folk swear they see odd flashes of coloured lights from the top of his estate in the dead of night.

    In other quarters, the running of a Defender candidate is a traditional move that has surprised none, though some expected the Peltarch Guard would run a candidate too, few have any doubts that the Captain with the best chances is Benthur however, and General Neverith has already been speaking favourably about the upcoming campaign. Heffa's candidacy was greeted favourably by many in the Docks, and the dwarf has said plainly he intends to be Peltarch's first dwarven Senator. At first some believed he was running with the support of the Wavebreakers, but Heffa himself dismissed this notion, which seems to have been vindicated by the continued silence of the Guild's leaders on the subject.

    The nominations of Rhyla Featherdown, John Isle and Perriwig P. Doubleday were all unexpected, and while each may have modest supporters eager at the announcement, most people have little to say other than "We'll see what their campaign is like"._

  • _Word spreads like wildfire that a childkiller is on the loose in Narfell!

    It seems that one of the Black Sails, a man called Jay, travelled to Hoarsgate to kill the man that killed his own mother. Nothing terrible, most would agree, if Jay had not continued on to slaughter the man's wife and seven-year old daughter.

    Details seem to vary between the whole of the Sails enacting some dark sacrifice to Umberlee with the butchered body of a young girl, between the rogue Jay's bloodlust getting the better of him._

  • Small trading ship "Green Maiden" caught a fire and sank in docks. Rumors spread around docks that old cat that lived on board had burst in flames with no visible reason and, when it ran through the boat, managed to spread fire all around the boat.

  • Jaelle and a group of Sail's were spotted at the docks recently…normally it's not an uncommon sight, but what attracted people's attention was the giant sea monster that attacked out of no where and was holding onto Jaelle with all it's tentacle might...after the beast was slayed, Jaelle was promptly carried by her exhausted and bloodied lover to the triad where Daisy attempted to treat Jaelle right there on the door step. A gory scene unfolded with one female spectator saying in a state of shock, "I never ever want to get pregnant." It is said that Jaelle died after begging them to kill her, but somehow, she was brought back to life without the aid of Daisy...It seems Jaelle has been blessed with another chance at life...

  • _Rumor has it that a heavily-laden Norwick trade-ship sailed North up the Norwick River and into the Peltarch harbor.

    Instead of contacting the Harbormaster and taking a slip, it continued on along the coast, following the course one might take from Peltarch to the underground Oscuran ports.

    It is said that a tiny bearded figure could be seen standing next to the captain, occasionally waving at passing boats._

  • @4c2baee8e8=JerrickRafe:

    If somebody by chance manages to pay a visit to the caves past where the orcs used to congregate, by the wrecked ship, and heads in to the bottom to see the shrine of Eldath therein… on their way back on the cliff wall, just before they head back up is a section of it COVERED in blood, as if somebody were butchered up against it.

    Blood stains the grass below it too, pooling heavily in one area.

    There are signs of a scuffle in the grass a bit, but more noticeably... the bloody wall seems to have been clawed, scratched, and generally attacked in the process of aforementioned slaughtering... with several almost out of place holes poked into the dirt too...

    How very, very bizarre... and disturbing.

    No bodies can be found in the area, nor signs of magic.

    The blood is gone, and the smear on the cliff wall has been replaced with a carving of a word: "Ours".

  • Vanderkaus spreads the word that the Orcs that once lived on the hills have moved a litlte far west. Now, it seems they are trainning worgs to attack any intruders.

    But those are not the tipical orcs we were used to see. These are stronger ones. Bowers and beasts-handlers.

    He advices everyone to be very carefull if going after some wolf hides.

  • _Speculation on candidates for the upcoming Senate election is rife; none of the main factions have made any indications of who they intend to put forward as candidates. The City is still suffering disorder, though since the announcement of the election it has quelled somewhat, with most unruly demonstrations now only occurring in the Docks district. Those who are still causing the Guards trouble are typically more radical than others, demanding the resignation of the entire Senate.

    That none of the candidates have announced themselves is unusual, and those in the know are suggesting that the upcoming election is going to be taken very seriously. Some are worried that as only one seat is vacant, the election will divide Guilds along traditional lines of animosity, undoing much of the cooperative atmosphere that has prevailed since the fall of Vaster Ashald. Those citizens critical of the recent stand the Guilds have taken against the Senate consider this a potential boon, while others remember the strife caused back when the old rivalries were at their bitterest._

  • If somebody by chance manages to pay a visit to the caves past where the orcs used to congregate, by the wrecked ship, and heads in to the bottom to see the shrine of Eldath therein… on their way back on the cliff wall, just before they head back up is a section of it COVERED in blood, as if somebody were butchered up against it.

    Blood stains the grass below it too, pooling heavily in one area.

    There are signs of a scuffle in the grass a bit, but more noticeably... the bloody wall seems to have been clawed, scratched, and generally attacked in the process of aforementioned slaughtering... with several almost out of place holes poked into the dirt too...

    How very, very bizarre... and disturbing.

    No bodies can be found in the area, nor signs of magic.

  • _A new story of the hero-Captain of the Defenders is spread through the taverns, once again it all starts from the Dancing Mermaid. The tale takes a peculiar edge where it describes thoroughly a great silver Dragon stood before Captain Aelthas and his wife. It goes on about the nature of such Dragons, and their goodness and how remarkably decent they are - and on how such a rare honour would befit only the most supremely mighty or chivalrous of Men.

    The tale of Aelthas and the Shield Dragon takes place on a ~stormy~ night, rain is spoken of as though it lashed through howling winds upon the Captain and the Dragon, while the words they spoke in heroic loud voices to one another were of a bold plan to rid Narfell of the darkest peril to plague us all since the N'Jast! Elidur's version of the tale includes a bright full moon reflecting her heavenly light off of both the great Silver and Aelthas' Defender armour - making it out to be that Selune herself blessed the two most noble warriors, as they spoke, and planned truly against the villains of today~._

  • Gastrognome and Peltarchian citizen Perriwig P. Doubleday is clearly up to something. Scampering about the city with his gnomish companions, suspicions may be aroused by the false moustaches which both he and the ladyfolk wear, which appear to be attached to false noses and pairs of heavy, black-rimmed spectacles. These lurking, scheming gnomes, seemingly think that they've gone under 'deep-cover', being quite undetectable by lumbering tall-folk without any wits about them. Quite what they are up to is difficult to discern - but something is certainly cooking!

  • There seems to have been a heated discussion between a redbearded Gondar and the Captain of the Defenders, with the local magistrate somewhat involved. The name "Dentin Strauss" was brought up several times, and a couple of threats may have been made in the group…

  • Anyone near the commons would hear tales of a petite sailor woman, an engineer battlepriest with a thick red beard, the drinking of acid, and the Black Knight of Peltarch.

  • Belma'r stops by for a visit and tries to dazzle the newborn with a small light show. He also seems to be wondering what kind of grand adventures the kid is going to have, doing a detect magic looking for "blood magic" as he calls it in the little one.

  • Raúl's been seen less lately both as defender and as civilian, clearly spending time home with Marie and his son. Though on the few ocasions he's seen outside the apartment, he seems to be happy and radiant and boasting about his son

  • Legion

    Marty has been seen rushing nervously around town before and after the birth. She seems to be rushing back and forth between Marie and the markets fetching various items … most of which not necessarily useful for a new mother or baby. Most of it seems to be panic shopping. Good listeners will hear her muttering prayers in Hin as she scurries about.

  • _Word goes around about the city's latest citizen, a young hin born to Marie and Raul of the Defenders. Apparently the birth went well, and mother and son are recovering in their apartment.

    He has the eyes of his father, and the kick of his mother, if you believe what she says about the little tyke before he came out.

    Visitors are more than welcome to come and see them._