Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Legion

    Marty retorts

    Friends? Trade between Oscura and Peltarch was based on assurances Oscura made to us that it has since clearly stated it has no intention of upholding. Oscura ended it's trade agreement with Peltarch through it's stubborn refusal to live up to it's end of the bargain it made with us.

    If Oscura wishes to enter into another trade agreement with Peltarch - one it actually intends to uphold - then we are more than happy to talk about it.

  • Drelan is seen far more often in Peltarch now that he's heard the decision. He can only be heard often saying,

    "I cannot believe that the city that rose from the ashes in part to Oscuran stone and resources would now perform this act to its friend and all in its city that benefit from such commerce. And yet they instead choose to threat their neighbors like an enemy. It is their prerogative I suppose. shrugs I just hope they actually discussed it with their citizens."

  • Strange happenings and bursts of light coming from the beaches of the Icelace drew a gathering of adventurers, that returned some hours later, worn and beaten. Seems no true cause was discovered, though there is mention of many powerful undead.

  • One of the waitresses at the Dancing Mermaid inquires a regular customer why he's not ordering ale with his meal as usual. "I gotta cut back on the ale, lass. I had a bad hangover the other mornin'. I swear I saw some woman in the corner durin' mass, but she weren't there when I took a closer look. The priests said that they got magics up to protect the place. That ale must be making me see funny."

  • The Chancellor of the Mighty Realm Norwick has been seen in Peltarchj for the last ten-day or so. Word has it that he and his trusted Advisors are having their somewhat-annual meetings with the senate, and that the issue of Oscuran relations was certainly one that was discussed in the meetings.

    Other than traveling between his Extermination store in the western side of town and the Senate meetings, he doesn't make many public appearances.

  • Aramuil Holimion has been seen more often in the city of Peltarch, simply quietly observing the tenseness of the city…he seems to spend a lot of time near the Seafarers' various buildings...why nobody seems to know.

  • _After another tense series of deliberations, the Senate of Peltarch has decided to sever trade ties with the City of Oscura. As word of this decision filtered out of City Hall, over the next few days tensions show signs of rising, particularly in the docks.

    Lord Chadwick Whyte has called yet again for an extraordinary meeting of the League of Guilds where a response to the decision will be decided by the leaders of Peltarchan commerce. Many people in the docks wait with bated breath for the outcome of said meeting, where the League is expected to publically refuse to abide by the decision of the Senate in an unprecedented fashion.

    Guards are already feeling the strain of overtime, as they are pulled from other districts into the Docks by Captain Fortescue, wary of riots breaking out.

    Rumours begin to spread around the city that the messenger City Hall choose to send to Oscura to inform their mysterious Tribunal of the decision, was murdered before he could even leave the City Walls._

  • Rumours from recently arrived caravan guards speak that upon the road to Peltarch they witnessed some dark rite taking place for all to see by the old stones by the Ridge. Whatever was happening the caravan master made good speed to get away from the scene. Some of the guards speak of four darkly armoured knights standing vigil of the rites as twisted foul magics filled the air….some speak that they saw the dead rise and walk in lurching steps from an alter near the stones…..

  • A group of adventurers were seen to head into sewers, talking about going to hunt down some undead. Some hours later one member of this group was seen returning to surface, carrying crying baby girl, taking it to orphanage. Later on, rest of the party also surfaced bringing another baby girl to surface.

  • Word spreads that retired monk, Marie Scuttlestone and her husband Raul of the Defenders, are expecting their first child. It's still very early on, but Marie and Raul are delighted at the news.

  • Legion

    Marty explains quite bluntly that it isn't a "handout". She may know who killed her.

  • @b3710e9e80=Kayleb:


    Rumours spread like wildfire that the Lucky Ferret employee Nancy was found stabbed to death in a backalley in the docks.

    The guard are looking into it apparentely, but word on the streets is that there were no witnesses nor any trace of who did it.

    Marty lets the family and friends of Nancy know that she'd be more than willing to fund her resurection at the temple.

    The only family Nancy seems to have is her son Jay, the Black Sail. He refuses any handouts, and not in the politest of ways..

  • Legion


    Rumours spread like wildfire that the Lucky Ferret employee Nancy was found stabbed to death in a backalley in the docks.

    The guard are looking into it apparentely, but word on the streets is that there were no witnesses nor any trace of who did it.

    Marty lets the family and friends of Nancy know that she'd be more than willing to fund her resurection at the temple.

  • Following the news of Nancy's murder, The Lucky Ferret Inn is closed for the day, all business temporarily suspended in honour of the mild-mannered cook. Grim-faced, manager Sabre Seesaw lets it be known that any worthwile information leading to Nancy's killer will be handsomely rewarded by her personally. Wasting the captain's time with vague and useless nonsense is however very much not recommended.

  • _Rumours spread like wildfire that the Lucky Ferret employee Nancy was found stabbed to death in a backalley in the docks.

    The guard are looking into it apparentely, but word on the streets is that there were no witnesses nor any trace of who did it._

  • ICC

    After having been imprisoned for one year, notoriously loud-mouthed half-orc Grak has been released from the Peltarch prison. He got out just in time to attend Peltarch annual auction, where he put mysterious treasure map for sale. After round of bidding between Pirate John Isle and Bard Elidur, map found its way into loud bard's pocket for
    whopping 3000 golds. After receiving payment, Grak made his way toward inn

    "Oi females, rich customers coming ere! Grak's been denied of female's soft touch fer whole year und dis bes lucky night fer dem wench who gots dem biggest bosom. Grak shall take dem private room nows und da wench who thinks ta fit inta Grak's description should haul dem carcass upstairs fer little… relaxation service..Aye!"
    smacks lips and proceeds to upstairs

  • Legion


    Word goes around that war party of Kuo Toas attacked Peltarch. It was no surprising though that it was apparently stopped and destroyed.

    Anyone witnessing the attack would note that this was no mere raid but a full scale assault. The dead fish people were piled high. While most of the slain were burnt on pyres there was no lack of bait amongst the fishermen and the commons and other gardens around Peltarch have a strong fishy smell to them.

  • Word goes around that war party of Kuo Toas attacked Peltarch. It was no surprising though that it was apparently stopped and destroyed.

  • Rumors circulate that Telli Thunden passed out cold once she was told the coin she earned during this years auction. For the following weeks she's been waddling along the commons with a cheeshire grin etched across her face.

  • Legion

    Scraps of food can be found on the sundial on a regular basis