Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • A few tavern rumors spread of a particularly nasty and sleep deprived looking individual absolutely tearing into Peltarch across bars and establishments, most of which he proceeded to mock for their shitty service. While jerks who like to talk big and talk rough aren't uncommon in Peltarch, the rumors mostly focus on the fact that the guards almost seemed to begrudgingly be giving him distance, and never tried to interrupt him no matter how much he barked at those around him. Why? Who is he? Can somebody just punch him in the face already?

  • Rumours from the Commerce district make vague mention of a vampire playing peek-a-boo during the small hours of the night, though the biggest gossip point is assuredly the sudden vanishing act by three of the would-be vampire hunters, a mere stone's throw from the guards perimeter. A flabberghasted Mildred Dunderstone called on the Knights of the Cerulean Stars, and some hours later a bruised and battered Nate Wingates returned to the city, lost damsels in tow.

  • About six to midnight a deep rumble is said to have disturbed the streets of the merchant quarter, just south of the commons main. Excited rumors suggest the rumble was met with a report - an angry snap, bang, or roar. Then silence. By two minutes to midnight the alarm bells were sounding their merry music. By midnight all that would be found is a dead man; a seafarer, who lay dead in the streets...

  • Rumors swell of a duo of strange individuals that rode into Peltarch on horses and have begun to question, almost interrogate, the people of Peltarch. One, armed with numerous blades, and the other with a shining hammer and a gnomish blunderbuss. The duo never directly state who they are after, but rumors state they appear to be searching for someone, and that some nosy individuals have overheard them talk about "the hunt" which seem to indicate they are, perhaps, assassins or bounty hunters.

  • *Rumor suggests that Cormac, who had been running tournaments out of the Residential District has foregone payment from the Crown, and has rather publicly recommended that the coin instead be used to provide relief to those who are suffering within the city. He himself footing the bill for the last games. He of course is very discrete, and yet somehow it is widely known publicly and loudly...

    He has also made it known that until the plague has been suppressed or eradicated his semi-regular tourneys will be postponed.*

  • Legion

    @mcplay said in Tavern Rumors of Peltarch:

    She also makes it a point to denounce the gods' work, claiming that humanoidkind can fix this crisis on their own without the so called gods' meddling.

    Marty, who has been busy removing diseases from as many as she can with divine magic, takes a certain offence to the denouncement.

    "Hey, I think at this point humanoidkind can use whatever help it can get. I don't think your blasphemy is going to do anyone much good!"

  • Three other newly arrived healers take vastly different approaches to the aid they render:

    Baird, clad in the characteristic Ilmatari robes and bindings, spends most of his time comforting the afflicted and their families, attempting to ease both the symptoms of the ill, and the suffering of the relatives of those who have fallen.

    Maximilian, wearing the grey-green robes that mark him as a Talontar, offers his services to those who need to dispose of the dead, or to test the food and drink the nobles consume to ensure it bears no illnes.

    Hanna the black robed scholar spends her days taking notes of the symptoms on her journal, drawing schematics and brewing tinctures and concoctions that she hopes will serve as a proper cure for the plague. She also makes it a point to denounce the gods' work, claiming that humanoidkind can fix this crisis on their own without the so called gods' meddling.

  • Peltarch Employee

    @caoimh An experienced healer herself, Anna Tiller offers to devote her time to help ensure that the problem doesn't spread to the farms by screening and using her blessings to do what she can. At some point she would like to speak to anyone who may have a better understanding of what's going on to assist with a possible collaborative effort to help create a cure. (Healing 33+) Productivity in the mean time as she saves her blessings to help the ill would decrease slightly as natural blessings she'd normally use to tend to the farm would be diverted to the efforts of keeping the plague at bay.

    Furthermore, her daughter Varya will be willing to offer to walk between the zones to help administrate help and communications due to her divine blessing that wards off the ailment.

  • Plague! But this time it's not the densely packed Docks, but rather the gilded manors of the Residential District that are reportedly afflicted. The Peltarch Times story leads with the following description of the disease's symptoms:

    • Headache

    • Fever

    • Coughing

    • Weakness

    • Cold hands and feet

    • Delirium

    The Times also reports a heated bit of politicking within the Peltarch Guard, with Senior Officers from the Commerce and Docks pushing for a prompt quarantine to prevent the disease taking hold in their much more populous and difficult to control districts. Eventually the majority won out, and despite protests from several noble families, Captain Garand ordered a quarantine into effect such that residents of the Residential may not leave the district without special permission.

    The Times also reports that the Guard are working closely with the Order of Saint Sollars the Twice Martyred, who have arrived from neighbouring Damara to curb the plague and stamp it out before it takes root. They have set up a field clinic in the Tournament Grounds, and are also making house calls to residents (many of whom prefer the privacy of their own estates when taken ill).

    Rumour suggests a group of Adventurers was allowed to enter the district, but were not allowed back out again until they had been given the all clear by the Order of St. Sollars. Rumour also speaks of an altercation between the group and the local guard detail enforcing the quarantine; future groups of adventurers may find stricter barriers on entry due to the ruckus caused.

  • Rumours abound surrounding a strange occurrence at the Gaol!

    In the dead of night, two Defenders broke into gaol to execute all inmates.
    No, no. A Defender and a gnome went in to kill the guards.
    No, no. The gnome was the culprit, everyone knows those guys can't be trusted. The Defenders went in after him.
    Pish posh. A Defender blew the lock off the door to get at yet another traitor trying to help convicts escape, the gnome being one of them.
    One thing is certain. A dozen guards worth of reinforcements went down there, and the name Sam Brine was on their lips.

  • A quiet rumor surfaces, woman with bruising around her nose like she had tried to dive into pavement, and wet like she'd taken a bath in full adventuring gear, trudges south on the road to Norwick. When a passerby to Peltarch inquiries she forces a smile and claims with a uniquely positive voice, "Lovers quarrels! Oh dont worry, I won, carry on.."

    A much less quite rumor circulates originally from Norwick's Grapevine Inn but spreads north. Raazi drunkenly talks results of the recent tournament with the locals. Eventually the tournaments host, Cormac becomes the center topic. "He brought a couple nice ladies from The Maid the other night to th' commons in Peltarch to try to get a reaction out o' me. Normally I'da just make him feel silly and take his girls but, I got all jealousy and melted his brain like any woman would do. I Raazi-fried him- hope I never see him again.." which like, super kills the, like, vibe at the inn and Raazi leaves town for the night shortly after.

  • *Rumors abound within the city commons as famous warrior-skald is set straight. It is whispered here and there that after his advances were rejected by the woman Raazi, that Cormac had grown impatient and violent - perhaps owing to his newfound sense of entitlement after being touched by the hand of King Thalaman himself - and that he struck the woman down with a sharp blow to the face and left her bloodied on the ground. They say he only withdrew once a kindly Legionnaire stepped forward and drew her sword on him; sending the big woman-beating coward to flight where he crashed into and destroyed the sundial.

    Various reports make their rounds on what happened next, though each concludes in Cormac being splayed out with his arms outstretched, a dagger through each hand to pin him down and Raazi standing on his back screaming down at him in some Devil/Witch speech with the barrel of her blunderbuss pressed against the nape of his neck. KABLAMM!! The blast throwing her back into the mud, and when the smoke cleared - misfire? The shot that was supposed to blow Cormac's head off had instead left a bloody stump where his talented hand used to be. Raazi is reported to have been in the process of reloading - no doubt to finish the job - when the merciful Legionnaire Thau'lira grabbed the dazed man by his shoulders and dragged him from harm's reach... perhaps some lucky Cormac-fingers being retrieved from the wreckage, the rubble, and the carnage...

    Another version of the story tells of Cormac complaining in recent days passed about being assaulted on his way to the city by a pack of werewolves. Animated tales of how he bit Thau'lira's leg after stumbling into the sundial make the rounds, of how he left teeth marks and crushed her plated shinguard with his unnatural lycanthropic bite. And aren't there teethmarks on her shinguard? And wasn't the dagger that pinned his hand made of silver? And didn't they drag the mad beast to the Moonmaiden's temple afterwards?

    Another version of the story suggests Raazi had started out the evening making fun of Cormac, that she'd been poking and probing at him and calling even his 'blood' worthless, to the point where the man finally snapped and went berserk as his ilk are wont to do, thus leading to the events that transpired.

    Whatever truly occurred, Cormac hasn't been seen since. Some say he's locked in a cell beneath the lighthouse temple where he's being cured of his werewolfs disease. Others claim he's simply in hiding, embarrassed at Raazi's rejection. One or two whispers tell of how he actually died of his wounds and was dumped in the lake to cover the murder up, that it's a conspiracy bred by those jealous or fearful of his closeness with the Crown....*

  • A new flyer is pinned to the notice board, in elegant penmanship and in vibrant red ink it is titled "Tourney Day", a pair of knights wearing plumed helmets are artistically drawn on either side of the main text of the notice, one upon a braying black horse and the other upon a braying white horse. Both have lances; red for the black knight, blue for the white knight. In elegant silvered script, the notice reads thus:

    "*Citizens and Guests, People of Peltach; I, Cormac Randolph offer you SPECTACLE! Let the song of steel ring through the city, the clash of lance and the furious scream of man and horse flood the tournament grounds once more. Three BRUTAL events GUARANTEED!

    Test your arm in Man versus Man, find your limit in primal SINGLE COMBAT.

    Test your horsemanship in the noble JOUST.

    Test your aim in the ever-popular ARCHERY contest!

    There will be BLOOD! There will be SAVAGERY! There will be PRIZES!*"

    In small print at the bottom there's a line stating "Entry Fees Apply".

    // Player run Fight Night/Day on Friday the 28th of January at the Peltarch Tournament Field for levels 6 - 12. Prize coin determined by entry fees and/or donations (looking for 1000 or to match entry fees with out of pocket, whichever is highest) per event and/or potions/RLG loot from the host's adventures. Aiming to start between 8:30AM and 9AM Pacific Standard Time.

  • The crafter, farmer, and priest known simply as "Z" made a rare appearance in Peltarch today, and was spotted exiting the Peltarch bank with several large bags that jingled like gold. Later, he was spotted exiting the Dwarven bank...without the sacks of gold.

  • A small string of disappearances have led to a few of the more wary guards of Peltarch suggesting that people travel home at night from the taverns in pairs. Rumor has it there isn't any real connection between those who have gone missing, nor bodies or witnesses. Some reason that it's likely these people just left Peltarch, no conspiracy or crime behind it. But not everyone is convinced that is the case.

  • DM

    A regular to the conversations around the braziers of a cold knight Vertus Dahl, seems to have befell a strange fate recently. The seemingbly recently immolated form of the Kossuthan priest and Knight of the Cleansing Flame, was seen in the commerce district heading in from the Nars pass barely alive. With his hands still flickering with a feint divine flame, and through barely conscious utterances, he refused all offers of healing. Staggering and almost crawling to the docks district he approached the statue of Itishia, defiantly standing, and glaring at the edifice before healing himself to full health. As he did so, his body again was surrounded by flame but this time returning him to full unscarred normality. With only the scorch marks left upon his armour, his only reply to anyone questioning his actions was but brief. "Justice, and Atonement".

  • Peltarch Employee

    Confirmed rumors have it that the child of Ravos Calchais and Lady Varya Tiller has finally been born! A healthy young baby boy had been birthed, with Baroness Anna Tiller acting as the midwife assisting them. The child is estimated to weigh a good 9-10 pounds and seems quite healthy! A few others from the Tiller community are welcome to visit not too long after in the wee hours of the morning, the child having been borne just before the sunrise.

    The parents had chosen to proudly name their child Valdabrin, who now rests in his mother's arms.

    Also... rumor has it that the two of them plan to be wed soon, and are undecided whether to make the matrimony a public affair or not, choices either being in the festhall or at the barony pending on certain Varyables - variables.

  • Since her return in the days after the devilish incursion, it was not unusual to find the gray druid sitting before City Hall and staring at the rubble that was once King George’s statue. When asked what she was doing, her only answer was, “Negotiating.” But those days seem to have passed as swiftly as they arrived.

  • DM

    A few commoners can be heard complaining in the Mermaid "Them jagass adventurers I says, no wine and no food for us who came late to the Kings coronation! Bet dem adventurin types scarfed it all! (Or was it stolen! Dun dun DUN!)