Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Peltarch Employee

    The Tiller Barony after suffering horrible losses of friends and relatives who had joined the peltarch military now works to recover on the farms. Baroness Anna Tiller has mandated that during these troubling times that production will be focused on feeding the populace in general through feast blessings, allowing the farmers to fill their bellies fully once a day. All her blessings will be diverted to growth as well as creating meals, and if necessary, manipulating the weather as well to make it favorable to stimulate growth.

    Western Seaferer farmlands will be granted blessings as well to help with growth, though otherwise she would leave the privatized farms to their own devices otherwise, having only so many resources available to help the lands.

    Lastly, she has forbidden any residents on the Tiller Barony from joining the military at this point and time and would recall any soldiers permitted to return to their lands from active duty who frequent the barony to have more working hands as well as forming a general farmers militia as well.

    Varya Tiller meanwhile remains as a defender Lieutenant to General Gom in the meantime, committing her full strength in preservation of Peltarch's safety in general, perhaps against her mother's wishes.

  • DM

    Before the recent battle in Peltarch, Reemul De'Costa was seen at the South Gate. Astride his mount he was seen riding among the youngest of Peltarch Defenders, passing out healing potions and words of encouragement, As all know, the battle at the battle at the South Gate, did not in the end go well for its valiant young Defenders.

    Several days later Reemul is seen in The Regal Maid, well into his cups and beyond drunk. "Most of a generation of fine young men and women, gone in a day. Why? For the plotting and conniving of those who wish power and happy to disregard the lives it costs. Snakes crawl the streets of Peltarch on their bellies guised as men. "

    He is also heard to say "No one who stands is fit to rule this city, not until those who colluded with the enemy are known. Be it the Guilds, The Noble line or any other, Peltarchs citizens deserve to know why their sons and daughter died and by whos decree. Instead they embrace the Guilds as their saviors without knowing who brought sorrow to their doors,"

    At some point in his rantings, several guildsmen of one of the local guilds took offence at his possible implications. Rumors say several guildsmen were beaten within an inch of their lives. When the guard arrived, he surrendered peacefully to them and was taken to Gaol.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A few days after the devastating attack on the city, reports begin to flow in of a large creature seen flying over the city. Some initially believe it to be a monster of some sort, or perhaps another fiend preparing to attack the city once again in the name of whatever foul powers had besieged it before.

    After a few passes though, it becomes clear that it is something altogether different: a metal construct of unusual size, with a small gnome sitting in a seat mounted on its back. The gnome waves a wand as he passes over the city, causing a rain of meatloaf to fall across the Commerce, Residential, and Docks districts. While some are grateful for the extra food, much of it ends up on people's roofs or providing a veritable feast for the seagulls.

    The display does, however, seem to have bemused a populace in dire need of something to lighten the mood.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Following the devastating attack on the city, the Voice of the Docks, Roslyn Underhill, is seen to be using a good deal of her own financial resources to bring in additional aid to the city. While much of it understandably goes to providing food and shelter for those in her own district, she does see to it that aid also flows to the other parts of the city.

    She does, however, make certain that none of the aid she's providing finds its way into Seafarer hands.

  • Some drunkards have seen a very big man, one that some say smells like ham for some unknown reason, wearing a mohawk and carrying his always full backpack, moving south. They know he's moving, because more drunkards that went by the docks watched him talking to the Bottlerneck Apartment landlord and giving back his only key. Think is because he never paid the rent again? Who actually knows.

    OOC: apartment key is being trashed. If I can't do that, I'll contact a DM.

  • At the Lucky Ferret, on the eve following the battle and Hooktusk's seat on the newly formed City Council, all drinks are on the house in one allmightily drunken celebration. Hooktusk himself is hoisted up on the arms of the black and gold clad Sails, while the diminuative captain Seesaw stands on the bar to lead the predictably lewd, rude and rowdy celebration chants. The Black Sails, having long been the underdogs to the old established guilds, are doubtlessly ~very~ pleased with the recent turn of events and captain Seesaw, while mostly travelling abroad these days, appears particularily smug. Her raucous laughter at Hooktusk sharing the table with a representative of the Divine Shield topples her off the bar, and, carried off by one of the bouncers, she cries: 'A thousan' gold ta th'best song 'bout th'sailor an' tha paladin's pole!"

  • It is said among the gossipy sort that Morgan Azzen has begun to publicly praise and generally show support for the Guilds, speaking highly of their actions during the siege and attributing large amounts of success to them. It doesn't take much searching to find that Morgan seems to be cultivating the rumors and gossip so that it spreads as much as it can, and people know at least one Magistrate is fully on their side. Perhaps Morgan hopes it will sway whatever monarchists are left to a new way of thinking. Perhaps he just likes to hear himself talk... who can say?

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A few days ago, a team of ten Ceruleans was dispatched outside of Peltarch to an unknown destination. Their mission evidently did not go to plan, however. Almost two days later, a mixed team of adventurers and Peltarch personnel returned with the bodies of nine of them, along with the team's lone survivor.

    While it's not clear what they were doing or what they encountered, it seems that most of them have managed to return to life, as several are seen enjoying some time off while they recover from their ordeal.

  • Peltarch Employee

    Many farmers seem to be occupying the inner city walls for a few hours until the large scale attack of ants was finally dealt with by many brave heroes from in inside the city, with their local paladin being one of them. Word has it that hundreds of giant ants attacked the farmlands for unknown reasons, guided by a large ant queen nesting in the irrigation system down below.

    The damage to the lands were significant but not unmanageable, with Baroness Anna Tiller using her blessings to help mend the holes as well as creating a large compost pile to be used to help fertilize the lands.

  • In related rumours, numerous travellers, merchants and even seasoned adventurers report bandits extorting tolls for 'safety' within the Nars pass. According to eye witness accounts, these bandits were numerous, well organized and well equipped - though ~something~ still drove them from the pass abruptly. Rumours mention thick, whirling dark clouds over the Nars shortly before this exodus, eerie sounds upon the winds and a palpable sense of dread. Defenders Jorino, Tiller and Autumn, Cerulean Aelthasson and a small number of allies returned from the south some time after the clouds had passed, exhausted and bearing signs of extensive combat.

    A brief time thereafter, the city's Ceruleans seem to have engaged in some manner of rescue mission, as Nate Wingates, Eowiel Senella and their allies lead a ragged group, about 20 women, children and men, from whereabouts unknown through a shadow door into Peltarch proper. Many bore scorch marks and seemed shocked, taken into temporary care at the Festhall and the Bardic College to recover.

  • Rumours following the recent recapture of Portown from bandits suggest that numerous former Defenders have been recruited back into the fold, including the likes of Varya Tiller, Lorn Hresh and Reyhenna Jorino. Sally Williams has not been seen publicly since the Tribunal in which Jorino left the Defenders, and rumours suggest she is missing or taken a leave of absence, having been replaced in an interim capacity by erstwhile retired General Frederic Del'rosa, who has been spearheading recent recruitment efforts.

    Rumous also say Jorino appears to have been sent on a clandestine mission by Del'rosa not long prior to rejoining the fold, only to barely returned with her life. Indeed, her injuries seem to have included the loss of her entire right arm, and she's since been seen occasionally sporting a golem-like prosthetic in its place. Clearly whatever bested her in battle left wounds too grievous for normal priestly magicks to regenerate.

  • A note, written in such orderly letters as to trick the eye into believing them printed, appears on a few public noticeboards across the city:

    "Rudo Bobbett & Associates: beware return of lich! Much displeased at ruination of experiment. Making threats against individuals involved - and their allies. [Serenity]"

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The people of Peltarch are abuzz of late not just with news of the successful operation to Port Town, but also with word of the large dust cloud that appeared in the Giantspires a day ago. Some even go so far as to say that, following the dust settling, one of the mountains in the Giantspires itself seemed to be simply missing.

    In perhaps related news, a group of adventurers was seen returning to Peltarch shortly afterward. All bore signs of having recently been in battle, and one was even deceased while another was unconscious, having apparently been flayed at some recent point.

  • Peltarch Employee

    With a victory in reclaiming Port Town with minimal casualties, the soldiers seem to return in relatively high spirits after a successful operation. With some of the Refugees heading to the defender barracks as possible trainees and others heading to the Tiller Farmstead for food and a place to work while efforts will soon be put into place to rebuild Porttown, it seems things are looking better for the city.

    Varya herself can be seen at the farmstead, helping hold a feast for the refugees in honor of their liberation while her mother tends to any health concerns. Murmurings can be said that while she was told to see if any of the others would like to join the defenders when back in good health, she did notify them of the dangers that would be accompanied in such. The paladin would educate tell them though that others like then were in need of help though and to reflect on how they suffered, and how perhaps their efforts could liberate others from said suffering as well.

  • Business owners and prospectors have been chatting about the new bridge that crosses the scar to the east making way for new trade routes and better access to natural resources. Though the threat of lizard and troll attacks is still present they are reassured that there will be a permanent defender outpost to keep the threat at bay. It's been said that Defender Lt. And Voice of the commerce district Scott Grimm worked diligently with the trade guilds and the crown to secure funding for the project which was largely paid for by investors and that it will be eventually charging a toll for anyone entering the city in order to help recuperate costs and generate revenue for the city.

    An Inn has also begun construction for weary travelers to rest up before entering or leaving the city though who own it has not been disclosed as of yet.

    The view over the bridge is breathtaking but people are asked not to fish off the bridge due to the boats that still use the scar to travel south.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Docks District Councilor Roslyn Underhill has, of late, been seen paying visits to the various labor unions throughout the docks. What she is doing there is never outright stated, but given her recent activities it's likely attempting to coordinate some sort of new push for workers rights.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    According to recent reports, Councilor Underhill of the Docks District was part of an adventuring party with Isolde Garibaldi, Star Elizabeth Light, George Longcloak, Reemul DaCosta, Salin Ashald V, and others. It's said that the group investigated a loan sharking operation on the city's waterfront, which had connections with a series of mysterious deaths in the area.

    The investigators managed to find their shark - one J. Haddock, beneath the Bottleneck Apartments. However, it seems all was not as it appeared, as the group supposedly also uncovered an illithid elder brain! Indeed, the councilor has been spreading the story of how Star got the killing shot on it far and wide.

    Following the battle, the brain's remains were apparently destroyed utterly by Salin, the better to keep it from becoming a troubling loose end later.

  • half drunk worker waves friend over Yo, Lem, ya hear da dust up at the docks. Dat priness wavin her dick around in front of ole lady White. Den bunch of clavary charge in and poof ad one . Hhahahhahhhahh ,gulp

    leans in gits betta, was walkin by da commons and dey was talkin, the p..pp.priness and bunch...yeah goin ta lay some hurt os ome bard...yah know...does voic trowers wit a dummy..yeah ven...vent...vent , ya know what I mean. Tallking all dis big magikin, portin in and magikin behind it then WHAM...giant magics...yeah..all sutin up dey were....

  • Dev

    Lines into the temples of Peltarch back up with commoners seeking aid for pain in their stomachs or carrying dark tales of battles of the bowels fought and won but without glory.

    Two adventurers march valiantly from out of the sewers, covered in excrement and the flies that love it so much. After a quick aside with the guards, the seeming culprit is arrested: an unsuspecting food vendor recently set up shop along the docks. Much cheers and flatulence can be heard through the alleys of the docks district as the adventurers find their way back through town and the perpetrator brought to justice.

  • DM

    ::: Augustus Farthingdale, who appears to have no association with any lodge or city authority, a self-declared businessman seems to be making his wards available sometimes for zero cost to those who furnish him with scrolls he has an interest in, or charging a highly competitive fee for wards of very high duration. :: He remarks in public: "Cast immediately for you, before you step forth upon the hazardous roads of the land."

    :: He's available to consult,from the comfort of his armchair in the mermaid or even provide a magical lesson or two for those who are not adepts of the art or to simple soldiers wishing to test their resilience to magic. ::

    :: He reminds all who speak to him about the excellent permanent magical wears available from the Mystic Lodge.. who he is certainly not affiliated with in any way, and makes no comment about the origins, cleanliness or uncertain divine origins of any items sold there.. :::

    :: Heading back to a nearby Wavebreaker table, he then goes to buy them another round of drinks - seeming to spend a fair bit of his coin on such socialising ::